
Jan 12, 2003
LOTRO anyone here gonna give this a try? haha why don't they name it WoH ... World of Hobbits :)
i got accepted to the beta awhile ago, played it for a few hours, then uninstalled. never really liked mmos :>

seemed decent though.
i think i would only play that if it was soo deep in the lore that most people wouldnt understand a thing. however, mmorpg + canon material = bad. i mean look at the wow story like abortion
Never played WoW, but I was in the Beta for LOTRO months ago. The original bugs were frightening for an MMO. Some areas were so clogged that once players entered, they could not leave, due to the enormous strain put on the servers. Yes, they were supposed to be stress tests, but they failed enormously. I wouldn't pay for it.

On the plus side, I have to say the game was gorgeous, and honestly pretty good for people who like to solo.
i played towards the end of closed beta and didn't encounter a single glitch or bug. it was in better shape than the vast majority of launched games (MMO's) i've played. Now hopefully they'll do some tweaking and add some more content (loot) over the next month before launch and it'll be in good shape.
Are there different races you can play as? IS there like a horde vs alliance type thing?!

Or does everyone start off as a hobbit?
Wow, as soon as I went to that site, I was reminded of the WoW site o_O

I don't know what it was, but the style of the website just screams "Blizzard" to me :rolleyes:
Just seems like it would be too much to live up to? And who the fuck would roll a hobbit?
So who gets the ring?

I watched clerks2 the other day... One ring to rule them all.... :p Can you be a tree?
I watched clerks2 the other day...
Great movie. Saw it the day it came out.

I got an e-mail from Gamespot today about the open beta. Once I replaced my current mobo with my new one and reformat, think I'm going to give it a try. Might as well, even though I'm not a fan of LOTR. Wasn't a fan of Star Wars either, but SWG was awesome (before NGE of course).
All kidding aside.. this game rocks.. I was in the closed beta for a couple months, which is all done now.. the open beta starts this Friday for pre-order people. So you pay 9.99 for pre-order (you can pick a pre-order box up at BestBuy with the DVD in it) and can play for a month before the game is released for reals, in late April. Pre-order peeps have their characters from open beta rolled into the full release of the game also, so that's a plus. But all the closed beta chars are wiped! gone! finito! ;)

Anyways.. it's pretty, it's fun, had a blast playing, I'm hooked & pre-ordered...


Never played WoW, but I was in the Beta for LOTRO months ago. The original bugs were frightening for an MMO. Some areas were so clogged that once players entered, they could not leave, due to the enormous strain put on the servers. Yes, they were supposed to be stress tests, but they failed enormously. I wouldn't pay for it.

On the plus side, I have to say the game was gorgeous, and honestly pretty good for people who like to solo.

all those performance issues are essentially gone now.. some of the main places were peeps meet were a little laggy at times, (but not bad really, just a little slower) with only two servers for everyone, but they have seven servers now (and will add more when needed), and lots and I mean LOTS of optimizations have been done since that person beta tested.. so I would take that post's performance implications with a very large grain of salt.. I think this game is going to be a big hit.. the two stress tests I which were in the span of time I beta tested the servers did just fine. the game ran very smoothly for me, even on one 8800GTX with very high graphic settings and 4x AA.. but mind you, it can be a performance hog though when you get into those high res (and ultra high) settings.. but there are lots of settings to suit just about anyones machine.. well, within reason.


Are there different races you can play as? IS there like a horde vs alliance type thing?!

Or does everyone start off as a hobbit?

no - you choose who and what you want to be.. there are many options.

also, there is monster play! :devil: once you reach like lev10 you can portal into the monster world.. well, that's how it worked in closed beta.. pretty fun!

this game can be a light easy if you want to just run around and quest without going into the story much, or you can dive into the story and go deep. so in that respect it's well balanced out.
I say naa I'll wait... but the geek... the geek within demands to be fed the pure spice of geekdom...

And really without a DUNE MMO I guess that means LOTR FTW! ;)
heh... well, at first me either, but after playing it for a while.. I began to love seeing hobbits and dwarves running in packs as I would come to the crest of a hill or something.. running through the tall grass and stuff.. the little folk scurrying about. ;) ..the game is georgous.. for sure in another league from WoW in that department.. I wish I could post some pics.. but I think I am already violating enough NDA rules in talking about my closed beta experience..

[snip] Can you be a tree?

I don't think so, yet.. but there are elite tree monsters which will attack and beat the snot out of you in the old forrest..
What seperates LOTRO from the likes of WoW? I have to say the UI looks a lot like WoW's, but the visuals are more polished.

I don't play MMOs because of their tendancy to suck the life out of their victims. If it weren't for work, college, and the girl, I'd probably be one of those guys thats hooked to an IV for nutrients and have a toilet installed in front of my PC. Anyhow, I'd be interested in secretly picking this one up.. :p
I have never played WoW, so I can't say how it differs... I did play a ton of Guild Wars, but as we all know, that's not a true mmo.. just mmo towns.. I think Lotro offers a much nicer environment to be in, esthetically, from WoW for sure.. but not knowing enough about the mechanics of WoW it's hard to say what's specifically different.
heh... well, at first me either, but after playing it for a while.. I began to love seeing hobbits and dwarves running in packs as I would come to the crest of a hill or something.. running through the tall grass and stuff.. the little folk scurrying about. ;)

I just couldnt see a hobbit doing all that much damage... ... .. their hobbits!!! I mean like.. a lvl 70 (max lvl or w/e) hobbit pwning others would just look ... goofy/funny!!!

Its almost like watching that south park episode where they make fun of WOW and show a naked guy thats max lvl killing and dancing on all the newbs.... i would compare this humor to seeing a hobbit killing and dancing on the newbs...
I was accepted in to beta...Nothing spectacular. Same old MMO grind. Had a decent engine and a couple of cool features but really nothing special.
Am I missing something, or do they not have any cloth caster classes? All I see is plate/leather/mail types.
I had a 50 Hobbit Burgler and a 50 Man Captain in alpha/beta. The game really isn't anything like WoW. It's pretty fun but like most games, the end really becomes boring. MP is fun for about 10 minutes.

In the end I felt as if the game was just a 3D chat room kind of.
I had a 50 Hobbit Burgler and a 50 Man Captain in alpha/beta. The game really isn't anything like WoW. It's pretty fun but like most games, the end really becomes boring. MP is fun for about 10 minutes.

In the end I felt as if the game was just a 3D chat room kind of.

What is the PVP like? Are there "zones" or can you kill anyone you please? Any sort of karma system (like Lineage 2?) Or is it more like WoW?.... NO PVP? :X :confused: :confused:
i got accepted to the beta awhile ago, played it for a few hours, then uninstalled. never really liked mmos :>

seemed decent though.

Why would you even waste effort getting into the beta if you don't like MMO's? :rolleyes: