Roblox 'Gang Rape' Shocks Mother


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
The children's game Roblox is pretty popular and the company claims it has 64M monthly players. If the news gets out that their game allowed a players avatar to participate in an online gang rape of another players avatar (a seven-year-old) it might not be so popular anymore. Wait, the news is out. Not good for Roblox. This game is targeted at children and yet it has the built-in ability to do something like this? I know they never foresaw something like this happening and they did ban the idiot who did it, but this is a PR nightmare. It's people like the banned Roblox user that shows how low some so-called humans are.

Amber Petersen said her seven-year-old was playing the game, which is marketed at children, when she showed her the screen and asked what was happening.

She also shared screenshots, which showed two male avatars attacking her daughter's female character.
That's really quite disgusting. I am not familiar with the game, but I would be skeptical of pretty much any adult that is ingratiating themselves into a group of young children.

There are plenty of any kind of game to play with other adults. Do that.
Montu i find you so so sensitive!

It's an online game. Anyone can be in it. That's what happens when the Internet is involved.
It's retarded to babysit your children online. Yet the pan-American dumb mother did exactly that.
In an equally pan-American kind of manner, lo and behold, a 'Murica citizen discovers the world isn't made of angels! Evil(tm) people exist! Amagad!
Sueing ensues.
(also very American)

And yet what bothers you is that.. it's possible to simulate this? Or that there was one moron among 64 millions of users that actually did it?
Grow up dude, smell that coffee.

You are all, unfortunately, getting softer and softer. This is the primary reason for a good number of issues currently plaguing your country. Find that backbone again, you had it once. And stop whining.
I'd go so far as to say anyone who lets a 7 year old play an online game is, effectively. nominating themselves for "Naive Dumbassed Parent of the Year"......and I agree with Montu, it's just sad that the lowest common denominator always has to make the then Aenra can make sweeping generalizations about our people based on the media.
Remember when people were scared to let their children use the computer, all the horrible people that could be on the net! I mean people have always been lazy, what happened that everyone considers a net connected device to be like a tv as far as babysitting duties go?Gotta be more active is all, and the reality is things like this will happen. No way to ensure only innocent angel children are allowed to play the game.
so then Aenra can make sweeping generalizations based on the media.

Sweet. But shallow and uninformed.
I don't need your media, i've been there. And i don't mean as a tourist :)

* Have you lived anywhere else by the way? And for how long/under what circumstances?
Perception, yes? Comes with empiricism.
Montu i find you so so sensitive!

It's an online game. Anyone can be in it. That's what happens when the Internet is involved.
It's retarded to babysit your children online. Yet the pan-American dumb mother did exactly that.
In an equally pan-American kind of manner, lo and behold, a 'Murica citizen discovers the world isn't made of angels! Evil(tm) people exist! Amagad!
Sueing ensues.
(also very American)

And yet what bothers you is that.. it's possible to simulate this? Or that there was one moron among 64 millions of users that actually did it?
Grow up dude, smell that coffee.

You are all, unfortunately, getting softer and softer. This is the primary reason for a good number of issues currently plaguing your country. Find that backbone again, you had it once. And stop whining.
So why is it "retarded" to babysit your children while they are online? Shouldn't a good parent watch what their children are doing at all times? Shouldn't they read what ages a game is designed for? Or do you think it is fine for a seven year old to find out what a penis is made for by playing games online with a 40 year old?
Sounds like this mom does not know da wae.

She's doesn't seem to be going about this in the best way. Parents should be involved enough in what their kids are doing to be able to catch this sort of thing, and teach their kids how to be safe. And while, in reality this isn't the case, it would be nice if a kid could play a kid's game without some fucktard(s) pulling shit like this. I know, I know, not the world we live in, but seriously?

I mean, the mom obviously checked in to see what was up, and caught this, so that's a step in the right direction. You can't be there 100% of the time, and it only takes 2 minutes for some shit-bag to do something like this. I'd be asking the company to turn over whatever user data they had to authorities though, not attacking the game company. (likely no real user data of course)

My kids have very little online access until they hit a certain age. I let my youngest daughter (almost 8) play on Mineplex and a few other multiplayer things, but only on a computer in my studio while I'm working. The rest of the time she's playing offline if playing at all. I'd be pissed if I saw something like this though. However, I'd just pull her off the particular game. Depending on how bad, maybe do a little detective work on the user, but you wouldn't catch me trying to sue the game company.
So why is it "retarded" to babysit your children while they are online? Shouldn't a good parent watch what their children are doing at all times? Shouldn't they read what ages a game is designed for? Or do you think it is fine for a seven year old to find out what a penis is made for by playing games online with a 40 year old?

That post was asinine. I can only assume (or hope?) that the poster does not have kids. Or at least kids he/she cares about anyway. There's a difference between being a hugely over-protective snowflake-fostering helicopter parent, a non-existent parent who lets devices raise their kids, and a parent that just gives a fuck when some sick-ass fuckhead is doing something completely inappropriate to their kid. A good parent should be pissed off by something like this. Sue the game company? No. But pissed? Yes.

The idiot that pulls something like this with one of my kids better hope I can't physically get to them. They'd wish they were never born.
He used bad english, I think - he meant, don't use the computer and online games as a babysitter while you go do other stuff...

At least, I hope so.
He used bad english, I think - he meant, don't use the computer and online games as a babysitter while you go do other stuff...

At least, I hope so.

I hope so too. Barring the English, that's not how I read it, and I apologize if I did misread it.
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My son played this game for about a week before I said no more. Pretty much any game with an online communication feature is off the playlist. Smashbox Arena (VR) is still allowed, but only because I disabled the mic and he's only allowed to play if we are watching him.

I try not to shelter him, but it is not as if we are short on opportunities for our kids to get exposed to crap they don't need to see.
My son played this game for about a week before I said no more. Pretty much any game with an online communication feature is off the playlist. Smashbox Arena (VR) is still allowed, but only because I disabled the mic and he's only allowed to play if we are watching him.

I try not to shelter him, but it is not as if we are short on opportunities for our kids to get exposed to crap they don't need to see.

Precisely. I don't really filter out much in the way of music. My kids get exposed to all kinds of music, movies (within reason) etc. that are beyond their years, as I do differentiate between overly sheltered, and just generally protected. I also don't allow voice communication. I've taught all of my kids to type in game like I used to have to do in Quake :D if they want to say something. Even if we're just playing on the LAN together, all comms are typed.

I've noticed that not everything is totally appropriate with even the typed comms in say Mineplex when my daughter plays, but it usually leans toward something I myself would giggle at, so I let that slide. If I saw someone targeting her with something absolutely, obscenely nasty, I'd act. So far so good though.
Montu i find you so so sensitive!

It's an online game. Anyone can be in it. That's what happens when the Internet is involved.
It's retarded to babysit your children online. Yet the pan-American dumb mother did exactly that.
In an equally pan-American kind of manner, lo and behold, a 'Murica citizen discovers the world isn't made of angels! Evil(tm) people exist! Amagad!
Sueing ensues.
(also very American)

And yet what bothers you is that.. it's possible to simulate this? Or that there was one moron among 64 millions of users that actually did it?
Grow up dude, smell that coffee.

You are all, unfortunately, getting softer and softer. This is the primary reason for a good number of issues currently plaguing your country. Find that backbone again, you had it once. And stop whining.

wtf is your point... stay away from kids please
is there a video of this? I am having a hard time visualizing what actually happened. Just curious how a "rape" takes place in a game like this.
My kids play Roblox - 10 and 11. Either my wife and I are in the room when they play it. The only thing I've seen that is "bad" are bullies. Some people will spawn kill other players. This enrages one of my kids. My response was if you don't like it, don't play.
I don't see the interest in the game. They have access to Steam and much higher quality games. Instead, they are playing Roblox. I guess it's the multiplayer that is the draw?
My kids play Roblox - 10 and 11. Either my wife and I are in the room when they play it. The only thing I've seen that is "bad" are bullies. Some people will spawn kill other players. This enrages one of my kids. My response was if you don't like it, don't play.
I don't see the interest in the game. They have access to Steam and much higher quality games. Instead, they are playing Roblox. I guess it's the multiplayer that is the draw?

Similar in my house. Only in my house it's Minecraft / Mineplex. Luckily the older kids have moved on more or less (except occasional LAN play together). It's just my youngest now. I've kind of got them all hooked on playing Borderlands 1 & 2 with me though, so that's becoming more prevalent, and LAN-co-op only. I agree, if it's just typical grief and bullshit from other players, I don't give it much thought, and either give my kids some tips to get them back :D hehehe or tell them to play something else.

I'd draw the line at some coordinated nasty thing like in the article though.
Violence is not the answer you would just be setting a bad example for your kids.

I wouldn't take care of it IN FRONT of my kids :p

No, I'd only be violent if it was warranted. It would have to be something pretty damned bad. I'm a good person, I just don't put up with bullshit.
I'd never let my kids play stuff like this when they can just toughen up a bit and play some CoD Black Ops.

Of course they are 28 and 30. ;)


Using Fortnite Cheats Gets You Cornholed < not about using cheats for two weeks ago.

Copywrite says.

Give me some respect brutha.

Should sound something like this.

Thanks to EVIL-SCOTSMAN for being so awesome to post info that is todays news, 2 days ago.

You see how I roll ?

I knew todays news 2 days ago.

I even posted a link to some propoganda website before it was a link.

I roll deep.


Deep Undacuva

Am I a cop ? or do I just like hiding under bedcovers ?

Will let the viewer decide.

< my Genius even startles me a times.

< INTJ x 9 different websites
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My kids play Roblox - 10 and 11. Either my wife and I are in the room when they play it. The only thing I've seen that is "bad" are bullies. Some people will spawn kill other players. This enrages one of my kids. My response was if you don't like it, don't play.
I don't see the interest in the game. They have access to Steam and much higher quality games. Instead, they are playing Roblox. I guess it's the multiplayer that is the draw?

Do your kids watch YouTube? I find that they tend to go with the games their favorite YouTubers are also playing. My niece was playing Minecraft and asking for a book on making mods for it then just dropped it all at once for roblox.

Unfortunately multiplayer on either of those games is almost always plagued by some bad apple with a mouth from hell, so I had started her a private server on minecraft and played with her. I don't know as much about roblox to relate. The draw is definitely youtube pressure and multiplayer, this is the new socialization for kids...
Apologies, was cooking. And then washing.. and drying.. you get the point :)

Honestly? Where to start?
Recent scientific researches showing the latest generation having an attention span lower than that of a goldfish? But hey, wizzards in front of a keyboard.
Cultural degradation to a point where virtual (read: what was once correctly deemed fake) and real have meshed into one? With all this entails?
Lack of intellectually stimulating, properly educative activities?
Immersion in a virtual (see above) world where 'kill->loot->win' has become a universally acepted concept?
How about the lack of real, physical, parent-with-child interaction? Yes, the kind that tires the parent?
Perhaps the downgrading of the importance physical activity? Outdoor escapades? Social interaction?

It's wrong man. There's a loss in all this. We're meant to be out there, not tapped into a fucking chair. We do it too, but at least we've had the fortune of being raised properly. Future gens? They just won't.

That you're literally so incapable of grasping what i said, or its implications thereof, is scary. Hardly unique, but scary nonetheless.
I would help you get back in touch with your malfunctioning brain if only you hadn't (in addition) rushed to conclusions.

But because statistically speaking you're bound to be far from the only one sporting such deficiencies:

- Kids we raise properly. With love, caring and actual attention. NOT through virtual proxies. That's what i was saying. You idiot :)
- That we succumb to the whims of others (and the trends they endorse) is always our fault. Most especially when we do so without even thinking, because such is the habbit today, or tomorrow. Because the choice of doing it right has always been present. And she made the wrong one.
- When we make the wrong choice, we blame ourselves. We do not sue others.

Well, to be fair, what you ACTUALLY wrote in your post, whether or not it was misinterpreted due to the horrible grammar, was so far from what you just wrote, that we jumped to the right conclusions for the context IMO.

Side note, while some of what you're saying is quite valid, it's not really applied to this topic in a way that makes sense. I agree with you that love, real attention, social interaction, outdoor activities should be a part of every kid's childhood. That's how it is in my house ON TOP of computer and electronic fun. I also wouldn't deprive my kids of technology, because guess what, pretty soon it's going to be an absolute necessity to survive in the world (unless of course civilization is brought down).

That really doesn't have much relevance to a bunch of people doing something sick to a little girl online though does it? How do you know she wasn't just playing a short maybe one hour allotted session for the day, and leads a very otherwise healthy life. Either way, it's pretty fucking sick, and the people who did it are the lowest form of scum.
Apologies, was cooking. And then washing.. and drying.. you get the point :)

Honestly? Where to start?
Recent scientific researches showing the latest generation having an attention span lower than that of a goldfish? But hey, wizzards in front of a keyboard.
Cultural degradation to a point where virtual (read: what was once correctly deemed fake) and real have meshed into one? With all this entails?
Lack of intellectually stimulating, properly educative activities?
Immersion in a virtual (see above) world where 'kill->loot->win' has become a universally acepted concept?
How about the lack of real, physical, parent-with-child interaction? Yes, the kind that tires the parent?
Perhaps the downgrading of the importance physical activity? Outdoor escapades? Social interaction?

It's wrong man. There's a loss in all this. We're meant to be out there, not tapped into a fucking chair. We do it too, but at least we've had the fortune of being raised properly. Future gens? They just won't.

That you're literally so incapable of grasping what i said, or its implications thereof, is scary. Hardly unique, but scary nonetheless.
I would help you get back in touch with your malfunctioning brain if only you hadn't (in addition) rushed to conclusions.

But because statistically speaking you're bound to be far from the only one sporting such deficiencies:

- Kids we raise properly. With love, caring and actual attention. NOT through virtual proxies. That's what i was saying. You idiot :)
- That we succumb to the whims of others (and the trends they endorse) is always our fault. Most especially when we do so without even thinking, because such is the habbit today, or tomorrow. Because the choice of doing it right has always been present. And she made the wrong one.
- When we make the wrong choice, we blame ourselves. We do not sue others.
I was right. You meant exactly what you said originally. Thanks for clarifying that.

There is nothing wrong with kids being online as long as their parent is there babysitting them while they are online. As in watching over them. Making sure that everything is fine. I grew up with video games. I had the original Pong machine. I owned a TI-99 4/A and programmed it to create my own games. Atari, Intellivision, NES, Genesis, SNES, Neo Geo, Dreamcast, etc.

I also had a bike and a go kart. I was allowed to drive farm equipment down the road before I could hit the pedals while sitting down. I was driving cars around the yard before I knee high to a duck. I chopped wood. Played soccer. Shot guns. Went fishing. Lionel train sets. Hot Wheels. You name and I had it.

At least one of my parents supervised my activities at all times. If I didn't do all my chores then I didn't get to touch the computer or video games.

I don't see how you can fault a parent that actually cares about their kid. This parent did what you're supposed to do; supervise their kid's activities. And you're blaming them for allowing their kids to use technology while the parent supervises them?

Maybe you're the one that should unplug the keyboard and go outside.
I was right. You meant exactly what you said originally. Thanks for clarifying that.

There is nothing wrong with kids being online as long as their parent is there babysitting them while they are online. As in watching over them. Making sure that everything is fine. I grew up with video games. I had the original Pong machine. I owned a TI-99 4/A and programmed it to create my own games. Atari, Intellivision, NES, Genesis, SNES, Neo Geo, Dreamcast, etc.

I also had a bike and a go kart. I was allowed to drive farm equipment down the road before I could hit the pedals while sitting down. I was driving cars around the yard before I knee high to a duck. I chopped wood. Played soccer. Shot guns. Went fishing. Lionel train sets. Hot Wheels. You name and I had it.

At least one of my parents supervised my activities at all times. If I didn't do all my chores then I didn't get to touch the computer or video games.

I don't see how you can fault a parent that actually cares about their kid. This parent did what you're supposed to do; supervise their kid's activities. And you're blaming them for allowing their kids to use technology while the parent supervises them?

Maybe you're the one that should unplug the keyboard and go outside.

Looks like we had fairly similar childhoods. I was either inside on my Commodore 64, or outside on bikes, dirt-bikes, or (after my mom taught me to drive at 11 :D ) driving up and down the neighboring dirt roads. We'd play in the woods, play slot cars, build fortresses, etc. My parent's property also backed up to old logging roads, so I could explore for an entire day, and once in a while, would find the way to a friend's house that I'd otherwise have to get my parents to drive me to. My wife, kids and I live in the city now, so unfortunately my kids only get to do that stuff once in a while, when we go out to my parents house, but they're still brought up similarly. They still get to dive deeply into games and tech though like I did when I was a kid. I wouldn't be where I am without that experience.
Or do you think it is fine for a seven year old to find out what a penis is made for by playing games online with a 40 year old?
He will find out what a penis is for by watching cardboard boxes robot avatars? I must've been using mine all wrong this entire time!