RIM Ceding Consumer Markets

If RIM doesn't pull off BB 10 almost perfectly, they're screwed...

I'm actually starting to feel sorry for them.

The heads that rolled today should have rolled 3 years ago, and Lazardis should have resigned today.
The company is also for sale. RIMM is dead. No one would buy them.
At least my Playbook can run Android apps... or maybe I'll just return it.

EDIT: Returned
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Why do they think there is a difference anymore? Many companies have moved away from providing devices for employees. So this move is against the industry trend and is really bone headed.

But I guess that's the only moves that RIM has been able to make lately.
Why do they think there is a difference anymore? Many companies have moved away from providing devices for employees. So this move is against the industry trend and is really bone headed.

But I guess that's the only moves that RIM has been able to make lately.
Yea, that's what I thought.

Most corps are simply releasing secure apps for all e-mail/messaging for both the iOS and Android platforms. Why would you want to carry multiple devices when you can carry only one?

The death of RIM is only a matter of time.
Let me run their hardware division for a while, I would update it to be competitive with current non rim offerings
I think RIM has a good handle on hardware, software & OS's not so much.

They need to work with a couple dozen companies and be sure the major apps are there for the launch of BB X, I contacted the tec support guys for eTrade, begging for a PlayBook app, they said if and when BB puts out a phone with BB X on it, they'd develop one, seems that's everyone's attitude towards apps for the BB X.

RIM is pretty well marginalized at this point, and it's going to get worse.
Yeah, they finally realized how garbage their products are. When the executives who are addicted to them retire, who will pick up the slack though? I'm sure all the younger business types are hooked on the other smart phones.