Rift: Planes of Telara... looking good! (MMORPG)

Yeah, so far the warrior's gameplay is the most complicated, using a couple of different abilities and then using the finisher almost like a WoW rogue. I might respec/rearrange his points to see how Riftblade works as a main instead of focusing on Champion.
Uhh... that might be overgeneralization. Rogues in this game use the same mechanic. Warrior only count to 3, rogues count to 5.

That being said, probably the most complicated DPS routines to maximize damage are probably in the mage tree. Some of the single target ele/lock rotations to achieve absolute maximum damage are pretty complex. So much so, that most people recommend not worrying about them and just running the much simpler pyrolock spec. (A screwed up rotation is less DPS than the simpler rotation)
Yeah, I'm starting to see the more complex rotations coming into play for my lock/necro guy. Before, what I said was because mainly the DoTs I could cast wouldn't have enough time to do much damage before my target dies...now as I level up, I'm finding mobs last a bit longer so it's worth casting them now.

What my lock/necro/dom build REALLY needs right now is some AOE damage, but I think I'm about 4 or 5 levels away from that. I purchased a second role and specced it focusing on necro, and it has AOE from grave rot, but it's missing some utility my main build has, so I don't like it as much for my main spec - so far.
Another question. Are interface/keybinding settings saved in the "cloud" or on the local hard drive?

Cloud. They save almost everything on the server. I think they may have started doing some of the window position stuff local since there are different screen sizes on different systems but all the key binds, macros, and so on are on their servers.
BTW I had an awesome night last night, kept getting distracted by rifts and then an invasion happened. That is a LOT of fun. I'm not regretting my purchase choice at all! :)
Cloud. They save almost everything on the server. I think they may have started doing some of the window position stuff local since there are different screen sizes on different systems but all the key binds, macros, and so on are on their servers.

Yeah I ended up figuring that out on my own, when I installed it on my laptop.

Surprisingly, my laptop runs the game better than my desktop does.
Why surprising? The graphics hardware is similar, and you're replacing a Q6600 with an i7 while doubling your RAM.
Yeah, I'm starting to see the more complex rotations coming into play for my lock/necro guy. Before, what I said was because mainly the DoTs I could cast wouldn't have enough time to do much damage before my target dies...now as I level up, I'm finding mobs last a bit longer so it's worth casting them now.

What my lock/necro/dom build REALLY needs right now is some AOE damage, but I think I'm about 4 or 5 levels away from that. I purchased a second role and specced it focusing on necro, and it has AOE from grave rot, but it's missing some utility my main build has, so I don't like it as much for my main spec - so far.

Under Warlock you will get a move called "Devouring Shadows". That's one of the best aoe's in the game.
BTW I had an awesome night last night, kept getting distracted by rifts and then an invasion happened. That is a LOT of fun. I'm not regretting my purchase choice at all! :)

Good to hear. I think it is a great game that gets a little underrated as a "WoW clone". While I don't disagree that it took a whole lot from WoW, they did a hell of a job with the design and keep improving it.

Yeah I ended up figuring that out on my own, when I installed it on my laptop.

Surprisingly, my laptop runs the game better than my desktop does.

Rift is very CPU intensive. In particular, it wants a really fast core. It is multi-threaded, but not that well. You'll find that one core is maxed and the other three have a light load. As such, newer CPUs are much better. A Sandy Bridge dual core would do better than a Core 2 quad core.
Yeah, but my i7 is "only" a 720m, so it's 1.7 GHz and spins up to 2.8 (I think) in turbo mode. I'd like to build a new desktop, but I haven't decided if I want to take a desktop with me to Korea in a few months.

Oh, and Japan in about a year and some change!! :D Just found out yesterday.

Anyway...I wouldn't label it as a WoW clone so much as a pretty standard RPG with some nifty twists and features added. I do really like the little bits of polish that I've noticed. Little things like the way the map goes transparent if you're moving are really nice. I also think I should be high enough now on my mage that I'll be able to pick up the quest to acquire more souls...gotta look into that tonight.
Oh, also I got coinlocked this morning when I tried the game out briefly on my laptop. That surprised me - with NAT, the game should see me as being on the same IP address as my desktop, right?
Oh, also I got coinlocked this morning when I tried the game out briefly on my laptop. That surprised me - with NAT, the game should see me as being on the same IP address as my desktop, right?

It's not based on just IP, but on hardware. Any time it is on a new system, it coinlocks. Very high security system. You can increase it more with an authenticator for your phone.
For the AoE fights, switch to an elem/sc build if you aren't going to be moving much. Use the necro/lock builds for the high movement fights.
For those unaware... Ember Isle is on the PTS now in "preview form" (aka has known bugs and is being finished), it is fantastic (fully PVE unfortunately, no RVR-type section as hoped for). Looks gorgeous, has a whole new planar defense type gameplay to protecting the zone, tons of new dailies, tons of new quests, tons of new rifts, etc. It also will have a new 5-person dungeon and 10-man raid by the time it hits live in 1.6. VERY fun zone... note it is designed exclusively for level 50's (the mobs are 52), with some areas needing a group to do efficiently (even at high gear levels).

I'm currently 7/11 HammerKnell personally... working on more. I'm enjoying Rift but still finding the PVP end of things sorely lacking. I did re-do my subscription for 6 months again :D.

DEVELOPER POST: http://forums.riftgame.com/public-test-shard/266035-ember-isle-feedback-round-1-a.html

By the way, it is GORGEOUS, also VERY large...


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Reminds me of ZG a little, although I admit I was only out there for 10 mins tops.
My day in Rift yesterday...

I am leveling a new warrior, my main is an R7 Cleric that I generally only heal on. Anyway, I was leveling my warrior in Shimmersand and I get ganked by a 2 50s. Not a big deal, as it's a pvp server and gankings happen. Then they gank me again by the quest hub, pretty lame but ffs, 2 50s v 1 44. I rez and they do it again...OK I am pissed now. So I log into my cleric, conveniently placed at that quest hub. I figured what the hell, 2 v 1...should be interesting and I'll likely die, but I am going to make them work for it.

I was trying a new spec anti rogue spec (not so hot a spec...), 14 Inq, 35 Warden, 17 Temp and I didn't even think about going full dps spec. I proceeded to kill and camp these guys for 30 mins, then they called in a 3rd and I killed camped him as well.

One of them was a Cabalist Cleric, one was a Chloro/lock Mage, and the warrior was just effing horrible, guessing RB spec of some sort.

I have a feeling the only way I was able to pull this off was because I was in R6/R7 gear and they were likely in PVE gear or R1/R2 gear, but really they should have done better.

Then I went and played outdoor soccer, tied 1-1. We should have won, had a goal called back by a phantom foul. F'ing refs...

Later 7 of my guildies and I decided to take ~30 people doing PVP Rifts. So much fun....they wiped us out about 5 times maybe more, but each time we took 2 times that down as well. Then we had a few heavy hitters log in, so with 12 people we were able to wipe them and close their rift not once, but twice. Then they left the zone. Was so much fun.

Yesterday was one of those days where I was reminded on why I love gaming so much.
So excited to play this game :)) Have to finish an essay then its fucking game time. Any differences on where I buy it? Was thinking just getting it on steam.. that advised/not advised? thanks :0
So excited to play this game :)) Have to finish an essay then its fucking game time. Any differences on where I buy it? Was thinking just getting it on steam.. that advised/not advised? thanks :0

Doesn't matter at all. Rift, like most MMOs, updates through its own client so where you get it doesn't matter. Also once you've activated your account with Trion, you can get the client downloader from them. I'd get it wherever is the best deal. Check Trion themselves, check Steam, D2D, Impulse, Amazon, etc.
Having won GDC Awards, launched patch 1.5, putting up 1.6 on Test Shard, etc... Rift is really moving along! For those thinking of trying it, subscribing, or resubscribing now is a great time because they're running a couple of promotions

1. Ascend-a-Friend - Using a key that I can provide you to create your Trial account, you'll get not just the normal package of goods when you upgrade, but a special title, XP potions, and some other neat stuff. If I'm correct it will also qualify you for the River of Souls Package (a bunch of goodies including a larger bag and other neat stuff) no matter when you upgrade (not sure about this). Disclaimer, there are 3 little in-game items I get for recruiting people, but that's it.
2. Account Upgrade Sale - Account upgrades are on sale now. The standard edition is only $5 and the Ashes of History "Collector's Edition 2" is $15. Note, these do NOT come with any game time though so you must purchase game time immediately to play retail.
3. Fall Subscription Pricing sale - Until Nov 9th, subscription pricing is at a discount, if you buy 3, 6, or 12 month packages. So long as you don't cancel your account, you'll maintain these pricing options forever!
4. Veteran Rewards - The longer you're subscribed the more cool cosmetic items you get. Note that buyers of multi-month subscriptions get their total rewards at billing. That is to say, if you start the game and play for a month, decide you really like it and buy a yearly subscription up front, you'll instantly unlock rewards as if you played for 13 months, since that is how many you paid for. There are a lot of cool items that unlock and current in-game vendors have to 24 month rewards (fancy mounts!)

PM me if you're interested in giving it a try!
This game is awesome. I'm really enjoying the Ashes of History world event stuff.

So far my mage is level 26 (warlock/necro/dom), my warrior is 19 (reaver/riftblade/beastmaster solo questing + paladin/reaver/warlord tank spec) and I have a marksman/ranger hunter that's still really low.

My lock really seems OP for questing; I have just enough points in Necro for the tanking pet.
Ember Isle looks fun... I am now 10/11 hk and trying akylios tonight. Fun game, still want rvr though!
Reinstalled it for the free period because I remember really enjoying it. But I can't get back into it. Logged into each of my characters, ran around for five minutes aimlessly and closed it. I don't know why.
It's $4.99 until the 19th apparently, if you missed out on the free period.

Comes with 0 game time, so its actually $19.99 if someone wants to play the game they bought.

I bought Rift (with game time) on the last Steam sale. I think the game is "good" but the whole thing felt like nothing more than a really polished mishmash based on every other MMO on the market. I couldn't find a reason to log in after a few days of playing, just felt like I was going to do more things that I already did in other MMOs.

I would reccomend it to new MMO players though!
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Comes with 0 game time, so its actually $19.99 if someone wants to play the game they bought.

I bought Rift (with game time) on the last Steam sale. I think the game is "good" but the whole thing felt like nothing more than a really polished mishmash based on every other MMO on the market. I couldn't find a reason to log in after a few days of playing, just felt like I was going to do more things that I already did in other MMOs.

I would reccomend it to new MMO players though!

By that definition, EVERY MMO for the rest of time will be the same.

It's like saying, "so I logged into BF3/CoD:MW4 and shot some people" After a couple of days, I just felt like all I did was go around shooting people from a first person perspective.
By that definition, EVERY MMO for the rest of time will be the same.

It's like saying, "so I logged into BF3/CoD:MW4 and shot some people" After a couple of days, I just felt like all I did was go around shooting people from a first person perspective.

That is not true at all.

WAR brought public quests, siege battles, LVL1 PVP, tiered battle grounds, and multiple new systems to the MMO world

AoC has a unique combat system, resource zones, a single player starting zone, and keep battles.

AION has flight, zone invasions, and huge open world PVP battles for the flying keeps (or whatever they were called)

FFXIV isn't the greatest, but the crafting and character designs and animations feel pretty original. Also the job system isn't like anything else on the market.

LOTRO has a great crafting system, some unique combat designs, zone achievements, and a decent story. And a mature community!

WoW came up with many things that are now standard, but stuff like Battle.net cross realm chat, selectable difficulty (which I hate) and the dungeon/raid finder are all fairly new(ish)

Heck even the MMO-but-not-really Guild Wars has a bunch of original ideas in it. Like starting a L20 PVP only character, NPCs to fight with you, tactical talent selection, and the talent deck randomization for PVP

Guild Wars 2 will bring teleport-anywhere travel, zero healing classes, custom character stories, weapon based talents, a personal zone for every player, and the ability for anyone to resurrect anyone.

Rift has... Rifts and the Souls system (which is PACKED with redundant abilities). Other than that, just feels like someone put some of everything into a jar and shook the hell out of it, then made it uber shiny. Once it was shiny enough, they puked a rainbow on it. You can't tell me that Rift became the point in time at which all MMO ideas were used up. I don't think the MMO world is out of ideas, but the team designing Rift certainly is.
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One could say the very same thing about World of Warcraft compared to EverQuest - and many did, at its early release. "Basically they just polished it and made it easier for single players but I didn't like that they etc..." . Heck, I could attribute a lot of the things you listed for later games to earlier ones like Shadowbane and Dark Age of Camelot. "New" ideas aren't nearly so!

You listed a lot of individual features, but for the most part the vast majority of those listed, with a few notables, didn't make them into a viable MMORPG.
All MMOs rip off each other. Rift took some of the best parts of other games and made them better. For example, Rifts and zone events are much better than the Public Quests offered in WAR. Same concept just executed much better.

Rift is a good game, I dig the soul system, I like the flexibility it offers. While there are some cookie cutter specs, it's no where as bad as other games where you need to be a specific spec or you perform horribly. Example, the Cleric "Duracell" spec, it's a cookie cutter grind forever spec, but you can do other builds and be just as effective. Same with healing specs, there are multiple combos to use, in fact I run with 3 Warden based specs and 1 Sent based spec, being able to swap for what I am doing is very nice.
Just started another approach on Rift. And something clicked this time. I had more fun during last 2 days of playing Rift then had during last year of WoW-ing ;)

Finally a MMO where you don't sit in capital city, and wait for dungeon queues, but you travel around, meet with strangers in publicgroups, wiping out rifts or invasion forces.

Every little thing I wanted from WoW - like social clothing, wardrobe... Rift has. It borrowed good things from WoW, good things from Warhammer - the public groups is great system, along with perfect classess system - running a tank as combination of warlord/pally. ANever seen a game that gives you so many possibilites to create your own, unique and actually working character - well DDO had it to some extend (had dexterity build, dual wielding picks barbarian :p) but not that impressive as in Rift.

And the graphics... graphics is even more stunning then in AoC. And that is something :) It's a hog on resources, but so damn amazing. Guess it's time to hit "cancel" on WoW sub ;)
I should mention now there is currently a public, timed, WORLDWIDE event that provides quests and stuff to do for many different levels; continually evolving, and culminating in some pretty unique rewards (Ash Strider mounts for instance). They're really making it enjoyable and accessible - for instance, the new "World Event" menu is integrated into your quest log now, telling you what to do/what options and phases are open.
Perfect time to bump this up as many people may be leaving WoW for other MMOs due to the newly announced expansion.

If you never played Rift before and are looking for a new MMO, definitely check this out. I don't play anymore (I played too much and burned myself out after hitting the highest PVP rank just a month or two after release), but when I did, there were many content patches coming through and you could tell the devs really cared about the game. Most of the early supporters of the game will agree that this was one of the smoothest, if not the smoothest, MMO launch as well-- which meant more content instead of time fixing bugs.
Perfect time to bump this up as many people may be leaving WoW for other MMOs due to the newly announced expansion.

If you never played Rift before and are looking for a new MMO, definitely check this out. I don't play anymore (I played too much and burned myself out after hitting the highest PVP rank just a month or two after release), but when I did, there were many content patches coming through and you could tell the devs really cared about the game. Most of the early supporters of the game will agree that this was one of the smoothest, if not the smoothest, MMO launch as well-- which meant more content instead of time fixing bugs.

Ya the launch was amazing. Now that is actually kind of sad, because what the launch really was was smooth. The game came out, there were no real bugs, they brought servers online as needed to handle the load, and it just worked. That should be a launch as expected but all us MMO players know it is not the norm.

Since then they've been consistently good. Game gets updated often, updates seem to cause very few problems, the problems that do happen get fixed quickly, etc. They've introduced lots of content and so on.

As I've said many times before it is nothing new and amazing, you won't say "I've never seen an MMO like this before!" because you have. It borrows from WoW, EQ2, Warhammer, DAoC, EQ, and so on. However it is extremely well put together and fun to play.
Hmm is it different then it was at launch? I didn't really care for it at launch. I'm not sure i like the anyone can do anything aspect.
Hmm is it different then it was at launch? I didn't really care for it at launch. I'm not sure i like the anyone can do anything aspect.

Depends on what you mean. Fundamentally different game? No. However they've improved it in many details. New things I like:

1) Warfronts are quite fun. They aren't perfect but they are fun in general and the classes are pretty balanced as is evidenced by the fact that everyone says everyone else is OP :).

2) Invasions have been refined. They spawn based off of who's on, where they are and so on and their difficulty varies based on players around.

3) There's a sort of "alternate advancement" system at 50. You keep getting experience from everything and every 500k you get 100 points to use to buy minor upgrades (they cost like 50-250 points depending on). Things like +1 to a stat, or faster mount speed or whatever. Nothing major, it isn't like a fresh 50 is at a huge disadvantage, but it helps and is something to work for.

4) Dungeons are good and have multiple difficulties now. They all have 3 levels. Regular is no problem for fresh 50s Expert dungeons require some better gear and knowing what you are doing. Master dungeons need even better gear and more skill. Not only do things get harder in terms of damage and so on but bosses do new things to deal with.

5) Free server transfers. Once every 7 days you can move to a new server, if you wish. So gathering with friends is easy at any time. Guilds can move too, and keep their perks.

6) More kinds of mounts so not everyone rides a damn ugly turtle :).

In terms of "everyone does everything" no that isn't the case. What it is is that people do have multiple roles, but things they are better and worse at. Basically there are 4 roles: tank, heals, DPS, support. Everyone can DPS, though clerics aren't as good at instance DPS as the others (they are great for solo) they are fine, just not tops. Then everyone has one thing they do better than others, and one thing they can kinda do.

--For warriors tanking is what they do best, they have a tank soul for different kinds of tanking like AoE, caster, boss, and so on. They can also do support to a degree.
--For clerics it is healing. They have a direct heal soul, an AoE, and a HoT (both AoE and single target). They can also tank, though it is more of an off-tank spec than MT (it heals while tanking, but can't soak the huge damage).
--For mages they have heavy hitting ranged DPS, and support in the form of debuffs and so on. They also have a healing spec, which doesn't make a main healer but is awesome off heals, again with the support thing.
--For rogues they are close up DPS, though they have a ranged spec, and they have some of the best support buffs in the game with the bard. They also can tank and are an interesting one because they start slow but ramp up, becoming tougher with time more or less.

I love it. It means you aren't stuck doing only one thing, people can fill other roles in a pinch. My cleric can tank an instance if needed, though a warrior would be better. Balance is good (and needed for raids I'm told) but it isn't a situation of "We can't find the one class we need for tanking so we can't do things." Also though people do the same basic things, they way they do it differs. Like I said clerics are healy tanks. They can heal themselves and others as they tank. That's real different than warrior tanks.
Depends on what you mean. Fundamentally different game? No. However they've improved it in many details. New things I like:

1) Warfronts are quite fun. They aren't perfect but they are fun in general and the classes are pretty balanced as is evidenced by the fact that everyone says everyone else is OP :).

2) Invasions have been refined. They spawn based off of who's on, where they are and so on and their difficulty varies based on players around.

3) There's a sort of "alternate advancement" system at 50. You keep getting experience from everything and every 500k you get 100 points to use to buy minor upgrades (they cost like 50-250 points depending on). Things like +1 to a stat, or faster mount speed or whatever. Nothing major, it isn't like a fresh 50 is at a huge disadvantage, but it helps and is something to work for.

4) Dungeons are good and have multiple difficulties now. They all have 3 levels. Regular is no problem for fresh 50s Expert dungeons require some better gear and knowing what you are doing. Master dungeons need even better gear and more skill. Not only do things get harder in terms of damage and so on but bosses do new things to deal with.

5) Free server transfers. Once every 7 days you can move to a new server, if you wish. So gathering with friends is easy at any time. Guilds can move too, and keep their perks.

6) More kinds of mounts so not everyone rides a damn ugly turtle :).

In terms of "everyone does everything" no that isn't the case. What it is is that people do have multiple roles, but things they are better and worse at. Basically there are 4 roles: tank, heals, DPS, support. Everyone can DPS, though clerics aren't as good at instance DPS as the others (they are great for solo) they are fine, just not tops. Then everyone has one thing they do better than others, and one thing they can kinda do.

--For warriors tanking is what they do best, they have a tank soul for different kinds of tanking like AoE, caster, boss, and so on. They can also do support to a degree.
--For clerics it is healing. They have a direct heal soul, an AoE, and a HoT (both AoE and single target). They can also tank, though it is more of an off-tank spec than MT (it heals while tanking, but can't soak the huge damage).
--For mages they have heavy hitting ranged DPS, and support in the form of debuffs and so on. They also have a healing spec, which doesn't make a main healer but is awesome off heals, again with the support thing.
--For rogues they are close up DPS, though they have a ranged spec, and they have some of the best support buffs in the game with the bard. They also can tank and are an interesting one because they start slow but ramp up, becoming tougher with time more or less.

I love it. It means you aren't stuck doing only one thing, people can fill other roles in a pinch. My cleric can tank an instance if needed, though a warrior would be better. Balance is good (and needed for raids I'm told) but it isn't a situation of "We can't find the one class we need for tanking so we can't do things." Also though people do the same basic things, they way they do it differs. Like I said clerics are healy tanks. They can heal themselves and others as they tank. That's real different than warrior tanks.

I'm interested now...hmmm
thought about getting back into rift, but just can't bring myself to do it. I gave away all my cash when I left and I can't see myself grinding it all back again. My warrior was a beast though. In mostly T2 gear he was a riot to pvp with. That was the funnest part :D