Responses To Online Comments


Limp Gawd
Nov 11, 2005
Sup gamer doods. My friend's son is about to enter the online arena (xbox 360). He is actually pretty good and often recieves a lot of comments (from good to bad). There will always be negative comments, however, I was trying to keep the online experience somewhat positive.

I'm not too worried about swears but wanted to encourage more of a positive mentality. Are there any comments that you guys use to let the other gamers know that you are indifferent to there noise. Like what do you say for the f-bomb? Or do you say anything at all? Unfortunately, all I know are cut downs.

Flame on! Your mamas so stupid, she thought a quarterback was a refund! :eek: :p Thanks in advance.
Disable voice if you can..trying to get them to stop will only encourage them...
Remember the mantra "Don't feed the trolls". Some people are out there just to get a reaction, so it's best to ignore them.
You can mute anyone you want on the headset. I've found that's the best option for someone acting like a fool- they're not going to stop simply because you asked.

Unfortunately there are a lot of kids on xbl trying to make an impression on others that they're "hardcore" or "cool" when in reality they just come off sounding like tools. I've had a lot of good games and met some great people on the service- however I've met a lot of fools as well.

Another nice feature is that if you review someone negatively, there is little chance you'll end up in another game with them. It sort of helps to weed out the morons. ;)

I don't want to discourage anyone from a 360, but just be aware of the negatives of online gaming where EVERYONE has a headset.
Xbox Live is not and probably never will be a family friendly place. I know i'll let loose a string of curses when kids are on without even thinking. The best thing is to mute people who go too far and/or get annoying, and rate players as preferred or or avoided. Once he plays long enough he should meet a good group of people to add to his friends list, and then he can play with them for the most part.
Ignoring the idiots is the best bet. Like others have said they are usually just looking for a reaction or trying to sound tough.
Alright. There seems to be a general conclusion to ignore any harsh comments. Sounds like a good approach. Any reply will likely inflame the situation further.

You guys have rekindled my faith in humanity. Thanks again. Game on!
Just another reinforcement of the whole "Ignore" policy. I have some friends who like to go into Counter Strike servers and be complete douches and harass people via voice chat, and the one thing that makes them incredibly frustrated is when they cant provoke a response.

One time a particular friend of mine went into a server full of bots, and didn't realize that they were bots. (The CS bots just came out a few days before this) He sat in this server for like an hour, swearing and saying stupid shit into his microphone. He kept telling us about these people in this server that wouldn't say anything back to him no matter what he said, so eventually I told him to check the scores and noticed all the pings said "BOT." Yeah, he felt pretty stupid.
Ignore them. These people thrive on attention, any kind of response at all feeds into their fragile belief that they are somehow significant. If they persist anyway, mute them. Xbox Live's mute system sucks, the victim shouldn't have to take 10 seconds out in the middle of a firefight to traverse all those menus just to mute the aggressor. But it's all you get.
I'm going to say just don't worry about it.

People are people, and especially when it comes to games (real or virtual), there's always trash talk.

You can't protect your kid from it. In fact, I'd even argue it would be unhealthy to hide him from it. Just instruct him not to egg them on or provoke them and it'll be fine.

I always disable voice chat, on all games, regardless. It's very annoying, IMHO, even if it's not being misused, to hear an 11 year old with a whiny voice talk non-stop while I'm trying to frag.
Anonymity is a great courage booster. A lot of the jagasses on XBL act that way because they're just a gamer tag in an electronic world.

There's no need to have voice chat enabled. Very few players practice teamwork; most are interested in running their score up as high as they can so at the end of the round they can tell everyone about how l33t they are. There's really no good reason to talk (or listen) to them. If he has some friends that he plays with, have them use a private chat channel so they don't have to listen to the open channel crap.
Will follow along with those who say do not respond. I have actually found that if someone is trying to rattle you, smack talk you, etc., they are many times scared of you. I have seen more times than not, if someone starts bad mouthing me if I say nothing they get even more aggressive with their words, trying to edge me into talking back. Just ignore them and keep playing, and they will let up.
I like to talk trash back. :D

Its always fun to turn the tables around on them and make them leave. Talk enough trash and they will feel retarded and leave. What also tends to help is when your better than them. They talk trash, you kill them, you ask "why arnt you saying anything now?" and usually you see a "pwn4age has left the game". ;) ;)
well if you are playing an M rated game, it should go without saying that there will be some swearing in there. But if you are playing something like Pony Adventures or w/e i guess you should probably not swear :p and the best bet usually is to just ignore the crazies.
I like to talk trash back. :D

Its always fun to turn the tables around on them and make them leave. Talk enough trash and they will feel retarded and leave. What also tends to help is when your better than them. They talk trash, you kill them, you ask "why arnt you saying anything now?" and usually you see a "pwn4age has left the game". ;) ;)

That is always nice - I had that happen a while back on UT2004. I was playing a Hellbender Race map, and there was only one other guy there, so I was just goofing off. We played a few rounds, and he started some trash talk. I didn't say anything, just ignored him, but he kept up.

So instead of goofing around, I started playing serious, still without even saying anything to him. 4 times in a row blew him off of the track. Then he just left. I swear, it's the most awesome feeling in the world. :p
Like what do you say for the f-bomb? Or do you say anything at all? Unfortunately, all I know are cut downs.

My own opinion is that people who constantly drop the F bomb have a rather limited vocabulary. I had a drill sergeant back in the army (about 200 years ago) who was a Christian and never swore. However, with a few words, he could make you feel about 1 inch tall.

I'd tell your son to ignore 'em.
You should have seen the reaction I got when I first played Delta Force online and started shooting my own teammates by mistake.
I'm going to scoot this into the console section, you'll get more responses.

I would agree with disabling voice. Talk to Steve about some of his Live horror stories, it'll make your head spin.
I almost never talk when playing online unless I'm playing with people I know. Anyone that starts swearing and mouthing off (unless it's a rare occasion) gets ignored. Anyone that starts spouting racist crap gets ignored and reported.

One of the worst parts of online gaming in my opinion. Sadly most of the asshats are in FPS games which is a shame because it's one of my fave genres.