Respawn Bans Over 355,000 Apex Legends Cheaters


Mar 3, 2018
Over the weekend, the developers behind the surprise battle royale hit Apex Legends claimed they've banned over 355,000 cheaters though the game's Easy-Anti-Cheat system. That's significantly more than the 16,000 cheaters they reportedly banned in February, but like the PubG devs, they reiterate that the struggle against cheaters is an "ongoing war that we'll need to continue to adapt to and be very vigilant about fighting." They reportedly have to be "pretty secretive" about their future anti cheat measures, but they did reveal that they're reaching out to experts, expanding their anti-cheat team, and adding an in-game report feature. The EA subsidiary is also reportedly working on lobby chat spam, and they said they'll be working with AMD to improve performance and stability.

Next week AMD will be at the studio and just like we did with Nvidia visit, we'll be working together to improve stability and performance on PC. In the next client patch on PC we will be addressing some of the known crashes, but there will still be work to do as we haven't nailed down all crashes yet. In Season 1 we'll be adding improved reporting that should help us in identifying and squashing more PC crash issues. I've seen it shared here but in case anyone missed it, Nvidia has released a driver update for RTX users that have been experiencing the DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG crash specifically for GeForce RTX cards and we're continuing to work with Nvidia to improve performance and stability.
It's a shame so many people feel the need to cheat.
Glad they banned a large chunk, I love the game so far, and I'd rather only play with honest players on equal footing.
Now that I'm thinking about it.... I was only able to play a bit last night (Sunday) this past weekend. I don't remember being lasered from across the map once... Hurray! I lost because I suck, not because of cheaters!
I wonder what percentage return to cheat using a new account or some other scheme? I suspect its a large amount.
Its been pretty bad, people could warp around so they disappear and appear behind you, they'd run aimbots so you'd basically insta-die. I noticed a lot of people get disconnected this weekend. I'm thinking it must have found out they were cheating. Nice part is I'd solo my way into 2nd place because the cheaters were gone.
The cheater mentality and justification is a plague on our virtual societies. Hate those people because they are truly only thinking of themselves.
i dont think ive seen anything like that but i did have a bunch off drop-outs last night and ran around by myself a few times. i did get one-shotted from way waay far away so my that, idk. still having fun and got my first win on Sat night with just two of us. oh and had one CTD over the weekend but i think thats in the other threads...
I wonder what percentage return to cheat using a new account or some other scheme? I suspect its a large amount.

There were still some aimbotters running this weekend.

On a side, but possibly related not, I entered one match and from the very beginning the lag was horrible and it wasn't what I would call normal lag. Thinks were erratic, they were just extremely slow, like I was running in syrup. But it wasn't that way for everyone because the guy that killed me seems to be moving normally. I know I didn't have much of a chance. I exited the game, did a ping to google, decent speed, rebooted my machine, started up the game, everything was normal again, it was weird, but I haven't been playing long enough to know if this is normal or not.

They definitely need a report function, but they also need a way to get back into an on-going match following a crash. I lost credit for a 3 kill match, (which is good for me), because I crashed at the very end of the match after being awarded Champion. I was a little pissed.
Thinks were erratic, they were just extremely slow, like I was running in syrup.
ive had that issue a few time but it usually cleared up after a minute or so. thought it was just server lag. ive had i think 6 CTDs and only once did i get my xp after relaunching the game. a report button would be handy though.
lol probably ran into a cheater 30% of the time in the last couple weeks but none that are obvious in the last couple days. Good job Respawn.
The problem with handling cheaters here is that the game is free. Cheaters can come back real quick and try a new method to bypass the ban hammer. They don't have to shell out another $60 to try again.
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The problem with handling cheaters here is that the game is free. Cheaters can come back real quick and try a new method to bypass the ban hammer. They don't have to shell out another $60 to try again.

This is exactly why multiplayer only games should not be free to play after a few levels or time. There would be far, far fewer cheaters if the game cost $50. Not many kids are going to cheat, get banned then have to explain to their parents why they have to buy the game again, and not many college students will be able to afford spending $50 a pop unless they are entitled rich elitists either.
There's simply no other way around it, as long as new accounts on Origin and playing from fresh again is completely free.
Now something like a 5 hour trial then "Cya or pay $50" works better since people get attached to their heroes. It's demoralizing to cheat to level up, then boom: your time's up, make a new account and start over again. But whatever, when it comes to free to play, there's no good solution to people suffering from mental disorders (and ALL cheaters are mentally ill, period).
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The problem with handling cheaters here is that the game is free. Cheaters can come back real quick and try a new method to bypass the ban hammer. They don't have to shell out another $60 to try again.
Exactly. It will always be an issue!
These games need a pay in to play. It's the only way to even SORT OF punish banned cheaters.

And the only way to "pay" the company for the war on cheaters since a cheater never gets their money back.

Or a valid major credit card and ID must be used to play even if the game is free. It has to be cross referenced with a residential billing address, no PO boxes or work addresses. And even that isn't really adequate.
These games need a pay in to play. It's the only way to even SORT OF punish banned cheaters.

And the only way to "pay" the company for the war on cheaters since a cheater never gets their money back.

Or a valid major credit card and ID must be used to play even if the game is free. It has to be cross referenced with a residential billing address, no PO boxes or work addresses. And even that isn't really adequate.

back when Quake wars enemy territories finally died thanks to useless developers and the game went on sale for 5 bucks there were still aim botters buying and getting banned daily and they just kept doing it.. in that 4 month period they probably made more money from those aim botters rebuying the game over and over then they probably made the entire time the game was out prior to that.

so in theory your idea would work but in practice most cheaters are morons and the idea would fail.
Meh the cheating isn't even that big of a deal and it's great they are already doing something about it. How many of you guys that are bitching the game should cost money actually play the game for more than an hour?

I have over 150 hours here and the cheating is forgettable.
back when Quake wars enemy territories finally died thanks to useless developers and the game went on sale for 5 bucks there were still aim botters buying and getting banned daily and they just kept doing it.. in that 4 month period they probably made more money from those aim botters rebuying the game over and over then they probably made the entire time the game was out prior to that.

so in theory your idea would work but in practice most cheaters are morons and the idea would fail.

At least they could generate some more money? Could help fund anti-cheating countermeasures or staff to review captures. But yea in practice it probably does just end up making money and creating a bias to not fix the problem in the end.
That's significantly more than the 16,000 cheaters they reportedly banned in February, but like the PubG devs, they reiterate that the struggle against cheaters is an "ongoing war that we'll need to continue to adapt to and be very vigilant about fighting."

As a pc player i know cheaters are always gonna be in the game so best Apex does everything they can to keep actively fighting the problem. They should avoid what blueballs did in pubg where for like 5-6 months they did NOTHING to address the cheater problem so it wasn't uncommon to run in to a hacker in 50+% of your games.
it's just me or.. pubg, fortnite, apex it just attract these hackers...! or generally fps is prety hacked on pc :p i played alot of bfv, but i seen a handful of obv. cheaters in some 150 hrs of played time. but then again bfv got literally the worst anti cheat, more annoying is these "Hider" type players coz they no1 talk about.
They know alot of these players will start a new account. Hard to imagine nonebody has thought to use these bans as a way to goose the numbers.
it's just me or.. pubg, fortnite, apex it just attract these hackers...! or generally fps is prety hacked on pc :p i played alot of bfv, but i seen a handful of obv. cheaters in some 150 hrs of played time. but then again bfv got literally the worst anti cheat, more annoying is these "Hider" type players coz they no1 talk about.
I think all multiplayer games attract cheaters, even the ones that costs money to play. Just take look at WoW, or all the MMOs.
Time to pick a few and sue them for $400,000 in lost revenue and that will slow down the cheating.