Resizing a partition's formatting


Mar 11, 2003
Kinda confusing thread title, eh? I just upgraded from an 80gb PATA to a 160gb WD SATA hard drive. Instead of reinstalling windows and all that annoying jazz, I just used a Linux bootable CD and DD to copy the files over (after creating a partition on the new hard drive). The problem is, windows sees my 160gb partition as 80gb. My theory is that since I used DD, it copied the formatting over too (actually, I know this for a fact). Is there any way to "resize" the formatting without damaging my data?
well yes, you can use partision magic to resize, or you can format the remainder ( 70 Gb or so ) into another drive.

both solutions should work fine.
right click on my computer and go to Manage, there, look under the storage tab till you see the new 160 drive with only 80 used. you can then format and mount the gray area as an extra drive.

good things to save on it would be games or media files...
that way, if you have to blow away your OS, you just blow away the C drive and not the whole drive .

p.s. by blow away i mean reformat, not kill. (ala kill55)