Reseller Hosting?


Jun 10, 2002
I have a few customers i host website for and they are looking for more control over their site / files. and a couple acutally have a full time web guy now so I dont mind turning over control.

The host I have however doesnt allow reselling, they dont have the setup for it.

What are some good options I can use to maintain overall control but to sell hosting?

Im looking for a stable provider but for a good value
If you want to go the shared route check out Site5 or HostGator (I use Site5 and a friend has HG, both work well), if you want a VPS to resell off check out WiredTree. The first two also have dedicated if you want to go that route.
I use Site5 for reselling. I run a number of sites for friends and customers. I've never had a problem with Site5.