Researchers Propose Using Patterns And Icons For Passwords


Aug 20, 2006
I’m not sure how these new password systems will catch on when part of the problem is that people want authentication to be nearly instant, based on the awfully simple passwords out there.

…the user would enter their username and draw the pattern lock, with the next screen containing a series of 16 images, among which are two of their selected images, six associated distractors and eight random decoys. Correctly identifying the two images would lead to the generated eight-digit random code located on the top or left edges of the login panel which the user would then need to type in to gain access to their information.
Eeek, I don't know. From the sound of it I like my plain old passwords better. I only have a handful of passwords so I don't really care for this. I didn't read the article, but it just makes me presume this would be most popular with people owning 15 different social media accounts. Or something...
Initial tests have shown the system to be easy to remember for users, while security analysis showed just eight of the 690 attempted hackings were genuinely successful, with a further 15 achieved through coincidence.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but from the description of the implementation and these results this doesn't sound very secure to me.
It's like Stupid is a constantly evolving disease within IT security. Seriously..
I hate those picture-based systems. They're SO SLOW. Yes, passwords suck, but this both doesn't really solve that and makes it very annoying.
Not surprised. Our new generation of kids being taught the horrendous Common Core curriculum would of course welcome this new retarded form of password using icons and patterns. The dumbing down of Americans continues.
Not surprised. Our new generation of kids being taught the horrendous Common Core curriculum would of course welcome this new retarded form of password using icons and patterns. The dumbing down of Americans continues.

Wtf that's not cool bro!

I at least like a sort of universal password system - even if I use unique passwords everywhere i like to be able to have an internal system i know i can work off of for coming up with different passwords.
Reading the headline the concept sounded familiar, was sure i learnt alot about this at university. Clicked thorough to the site and its from the university i just graduated from last summer. Nice to see them making an appearance here