Report Claims Canadian Police are Tracking and Acting On "Negative" Behavior

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Mar 3, 2018
A recent report from Motherboard claims that some Canadian police departments are aggregating sensitive personal data from multiple sources and making it available to "partners cops, school staff, social workers, health care workers, and the provincial government." While the data is reportedly anonymized before officials can view it, experts say that "scrubbing data so it may never be used to identify an individual is difficult if not impossible." The report claims that the data isn't just used for criminals, but for "interventions" of people who are at risk of potentially "disruptive" behavior as well, and mentions that experts are worried over the possibility of the data being used for "predictive policing."

During the ensuing evaluation, information about the person is shared between the participants and entered into the RTD. The person's identity can be known to local law enforcement, social workers, and health workers, but when their information is added to the RTD, details that might identify the person are not supposed to be included. If agencies collectively decide the person is at an "acutely elevated" level of risk, an intervention is deployed. Interventions can occur without consent if Hub practitioners feel a person is at a high risk of harm... More than 100 Hubs are now operating in cities and towns across Canada and the US, with 37 in Ontario (where Hubs are usually called Situation Tables) contributing to the Risk-driven Tracking Database as of April 2018, according to MCSCS documents. In total, 55 are expected to be contributing by the end of this year... "We can knock on someone's door and say, 'We're so worried about you, can we come in and chat?'" Longworth told Motherboard in a phone call.
this is just another step toward fascism that they seem to love here.

the first step was allowing police to breath test you anywhere for no reason at any time.

i can't wait till i need to scan my taint just to be allowed to exit my home.
That is so inefficient, you all need to get chipped ASAP -- constant blood alcohol and THC levels to the Man via your iWatch. ;)
well if some busy body turned up at my door and wanted a talk id tell the facist to get bent.

Which is the correct response. However, then you'd have another fascist show up at your house the following day to talk about your adverse attitude toward getting the help you so clearly need. :p

I think the only true solution is to install anti-aircraft guns in turrets on the corners of one's home. We've got a social worker at 2 o'clock! Fire!!!
I don't know how I feel about this, but I am not overly upset. They aren't tapping phones or invading privacy, they are using publicly available Facebook, Twitter, and other data collection sites data, I mean if you post it for the world to see then so be it. And it's not like they are arresting people they are informing child services, and other organizations designed to help. I mean preventing big issues from forming is cheaper and safer over all... That said if they start rounding people up and harassing them before they have done anything then that is another story entirely, but say if it uses Facebook data to show that some kids mom is doing hard core drugs while preventing the dad from seeing the kids with fake claims of abuse just to spite him then I think we all win? I don't know but the world is getting fucked up a lot faster than not so I guess doing the same thing we've always been doing won't cut it BAH this is beyond me I am going to hide in my bubble and play Anthem!
havent read it yet but i bet its in the peel/hamilton area just like that LGBTQ+ patrol posted somewhere around here...
If anyone believes this shit, you might as well believe all that other conspiracy crap too...

As if there is enough man power to combat, terrorists, criminal organizations, human trafficking, drug trafficking, murders, robberies, financial crime, child exploitation....

and on the side we can also do wellness checks for at risk people... just saying how ridiculous this story is.
If anyone believes this shit, you might as well believe all that other conspiracy crap too...

As if there is enough man power to combat, terrorists, criminal organizations, human trafficking, drug trafficking, murders, robberies, financial crime, child exploitation....

and on the side we can also do wellness checks for at risk people... just saying how ridiculous this story is.
no, its true. they dont care about that stuff anymore. they are more concerned with this and if you are letting your 6 year old transition or not...
I don't know how I feel about this, but I am not overly upset. They aren't tapping phones or invading privacy, they are using publicly available Facebook, Twitter, and other data collection sites data, I mean if you post it for the world to see then so be it. And it's not like they are arresting people they are informing child services, and other organizations designed to help. I mean preventing big issues from forming is cheaper and safer over all... That said if they start rounding people up and harassing them before they have done anything then that is another story entirely, but say if it uses Facebook data to show that some kids mom is doing hard core drugs while preventing the dad from seeing the kids with fake claims of abuse just to spite him then I think we all win? I don't know but the world is getting fucked up a lot faster than not so I guess doing the same thing we've always been doing won't cut it BAH this is beyond me I am going to hide in my bubble and play Anthem!
Thank you for actually reading the article.

If anyone believes this shit, you might as well believe all that other conspiracy crap too...

As if there is enough man power to combat, terrorists, criminal organizations, human trafficking, drug trafficking, murders, robberies, financial crime, child exploitation....

and on the side we can also do wellness checks for at risk people... just saying how ridiculous this story is.
I mean, you're right, the bureaucratic expenses of a program you describe would get out of hand, but this is merely a parsed/filtered view of an existing criminal database. Assuming it's some kind of conspiracy suggests you didn't read the article.

The system is rationalized as part of child protective services and is focused mostly on "at risk" children. It's very easy to create a mesh of statistics on people, and then have a look at it. With the right lense, you can filter for situations you might be able to help. It's sad that people are completely unaware of the social services available to them in this country, or too afraid to talk to the police about whatever unfortunate situation they are suffering though. The police are encouraged to basically take the first step on people's behalf toward seeking help. It's really not news. I remember a lot of this kind of police intervention at school when I was a kid.
The sad part is, I know Canadians that this protects them and that the US needs to get rid of the first amendment. They actually feel superior.
The sad part is, I know Canadians that this protects them and that the US needs to get rid of the first amendment. They actually feel superior.
must be from toronto or vancouver...
uber-liberalism has run rampant for too long. oh and tell them to sftu about the 1st, we dont have it and the US needs to never give it up.
There are companies that aggregate this data all the time and try to sell it to governments, police, and any agency which can or may use the data. Companies like Accenture, Palantir etc make a business off this model of selling your online data. Heck Facebook should count as one of these companies as well. They are parsing these forums, linking e-mail, names handles, reddits, subreddits, dark web etc.

Guess what? It's TOO MUCH DATA. Too many potential threats, too many bitching people, too many rights, lefts conspiracy theorists, potential terrorists, potential criminals, potential incels, potential shooters.

I did read the article. While I think there are a handful of people trying to do the right thing to maybe help some "negative" people, this article turns around that wishful thinking into something it is not, a full on program that monitors negative people and sends officers to correct behavior. As if there's so much spare time in an officer's shift to do this crap. I also work with law enforcement and have family and friends at different levels of law enforcement (municipal, state, provincial, federal etc). Police is very much a reactive entity, very rarely proactive. Ain't noboby got time for this....
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It's this! How Aboot that? :LOL:

no, its true. they dont care about that stuff anymore. they are more concerned with this and if you are letting your 6 year old transition or not...

Look you can't keep treating the symptoms! You gotta go after the root causes. Murder and thefts are symptoms, if we can start catching people when they hit the like button on naughty comments on twitter, we can stop the murders and assaults!
I don't know how I feel about this, but I am not overly upset. They aren't tapping phones or invading privacy, they are using publicly available Facebook, Twitter, and other data collection sites data, I mean if you post it for the world to see then so be it. And it's not like they are arresting people they are informing child services, and other organizations designed to help. I mean preventing big issues from forming is cheaper and safer over all... That said if they start rounding people up and harassing them before they have done anything then that is another story entirely, but say if it uses Facebook data to show that some kids mom is doing hard core drugs while preventing the dad from seeing the kids with fake claims of abuse just to spite him then I think we all win? I don't know but the world is getting fucked up a lot faster than not so I guess doing the same thing we've always been doing won't cut it BAH this is beyond me I am going to hide in my bubble and play Anthem!

There's a pretty fine line for law enforcement/government to walk when trying to modernize their approach to protecting the general public. Should they be expected to totally ignore publicly available information? Waiting until people go off the rails and then asking "how could this have happened" isn't exactly a plan, nor is sending "thoughts and prayers" an action. Then again, every step in this direction is going to come with a slippery slope argument - and rightfully so.

As for those saying Canada needs the 1st Amendment (I guess the Charter of Rights and Freedoms doesn't exist?), you should probably brush up on the activities of the NSA and give the Patriot Act a read as well. 1A has hardly prevented anyone from being put on lists for saying crazy shit.
There's a pretty fine line for law enforcement/government to walk when trying to modernize their approach to protecting the general public. Should they be expected to totally ignore publicly available information? Waiting until people go off the rails and then asking "how could this have happened" isn't exactly a plan, nor is sending "thoughts and prayers" an action. Then again, every step in this direction is going to come with a slippery slope argument - and rightfully so.

As for those saying Canada needs the 1st Amendment (I guess the Charter of Rights and Freedoms doesn't exist?), you should probably brush up on the activities of the NSA and give the Patriot Act a read as well. 1A has hardly prevented anyone from being put on lists for saying crazy shit.
we dont have free speech, they say we do but we dont...

"Article 19 of the UDHR states that "everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice". The version of Article 19 in the ICCPR later amends this by stating that the exercise of these rights carries "special duties and responsibilities" and may "therefore be subject to certain restrictions" when necessary "[f]or respect of the rights or reputation of others" or "[f]or the protection of national security or of public order (order public), or of public health or morals".[2]

Freedom of speech and expression, therefore, may not be recognized as being absolute, and common limitations or boundaries to freedom of speech relate to libel, slander, obscenity, pornography, sedition, incitement, fighting words, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, food labeling, non-disclosure agreements, the right to privacy, the right to be forgotten, public security, and perjury. Justifications for such include the harm principle, proposed by John Stuart Mill in On Liberty, which suggests that: "the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others."[3]"

oh youre in t.
There's a pretty fine line for law enforcement/government to walk when trying to modernize their approach to protecting the general public. Should they be expected to totally ignore publicly available information? Waiting until people go off the rails and then asking "how could this have happened" isn't exactly a plan.....................

No, because until you've committed a crime, you haven't committed a crime.

Look man, you have one problem here and it centers around the idea that you can prevent things from happening, and you can't prevent anything. But some people just can't wake up to that reality and so they keep looking for the magic bullet that will make the bad things stop.

I'll let you in on a secret, there is only one.

You have to convince people to be good to each other as opposed to being self-absorbed assholes to each other. That's how it starts. That's the only way that works, and because humans are not perfect creatures, it will never be perfect.

But it can be better.
No, because until you've committed a crime, you haven't committed a crime.

Look man, you have one problem here and it centers around the idea that you can prevent things from happening, and you can't prevent anything. But some people just can't wake up to that reality and so they keep looking for the magic bullet that will make the bad things stop.

I'll let you in on a secret, there is only one.

You have to convince people to be good to each other as opposed to being self-absorbed assholes to each other. That's how it starts. That's the only way that works, and because humans are not perfect creatures, it will never be perfect.

But it can be better.

So, we must convince people to be good to each other and that'll start the change. How would you propose to effect such change? Feel-good vibes sent out into the universe?

Would this not be the digital equivalent of a beat cop observing shady or potentially dangerous behavior in the neighborhood and taking a pro-active approach?
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So, we must convince people to be good to each other and that'll start the change. How would you propose to effect such change? Feel-good vibes sent out into the universe?

Would this not be the digital equivalent of a beat cop observing shady or potentially dangerous behavior in the neighborhood and taking a pro-active approach?

We literally had street riots recently over that exact behavior by cops.
I am ashamed to be a Canadian. I post this constantly these days. ;(

Sympathies. 95% of canadians I have known are all top notch people. I understand Your ruling class is as terrible as ours. They successfully use psyop divide and conquer tactics to set the decent people against each other. The Canadian people like the American people will outlast their governments.
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