Replacing old Thermochill PA160, but with what?


Dec 20, 2006
With the purchase of a new case (CM HAF-X), my old PA160 radiator will not fit. Lucky for me, the case will fit a 120.3 radiator out of the box.

Question is, what radiator should I get? The fans the HAF-X has pre-installed are 200mm low RPM fans. Right now I'm only cooling my CPU, and I am aware a 120.3 radiator is overkill for a job like this, but since I plan on keeping the case around as long as my old case (8 years), I'd like the expandability if I ever decide to watercool the video cards again.

Any ideas as to what radiator would be the best fit given the fans this case uses?
RX360 is a good fit with low rpm fans, I would replace those 200mm fans with three/six 120mm fans like yate loons or GTs and go with a proven rad like a Black Ice gtx360
its an average rad, with a good price/performance ratio. It wont perform as well as a top end rad but it will get the job done. dual video cards + CPU might be too much for the rad to handle though