Replacing a HD controller board?


Oct 28, 2001
I have a 6TB HD with a busted connector. If (I know it's a big if) I can find the same board can I just replace it and the will it work properly? Data on the drive is of no concern.

In order to get a donor board, you're going to acquire a whole drive, which will likely be fully functional. At that point, you'll have a fully functional drive, so again, why bother swapping it over, possibly damaging the board in the process, possibly finding the board swap doesn't work, if you don't care about the contents?

Just buy a new drive and move on with your life. And maybe stop doing whatever caused the connector to get busted.
I have a 6TB HD with a busted connector. If (I know it's a big if) I can find the same board can I just replace it and the will it work properly? Data on the drive is of no concern.


Maybe? My concern would be that the board stores unique info about the particular unit that it shipped as a part of, and moving it from that to another set of platters would result is weirdness.

If the connector is broken, I'd think a better option would be to bust out the soldering iron just replace that. Digikey and similar sites may sell such connectors. Even then I'd personally only do it to get any needed data off, and then trash the drive.