Removing spray paint overspray from reservoir


May 8, 2009
Not sure if this should be here or water cooling forum.

While spray painting tonight I got some over spray on my EK multi 150 res (don't ask :eek:). any idea how to safely and effectively remove it? I have read that mineral spirits are effective. Any other options? Thanks.
Becareful putting harmful chemicals on anything plastic. Often chemicals like Acetone, Xylene, xylol etc.. etc.. (just a few) can tarnish plastic's and possibly weaken it.

Start with Mineral Spirits. If that doesn't work then denatured alcohol. Just use caution of course with any chemicals.
3M makes an adhesive remover that works well for that sort of stuff without damaging plastic
Thx for the help. I went with the acetone as my wife had some at the house. So far so good.