Remote Desktop - Please Please Help


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2002
I'm disabled with ALS and will be going to a "nursing home" style place for this coming week to give my caregivers a break. I am scrambling to figure this out.

I believe there are 2 different setups "slandered" and "web".
I have a Desktop going to my router and a Laptop running wireless off of it.
I set them up using the standard setup because both are running XP Pro. Because both are on the same network, I just put in the name and password of the host on my laptop and it works great.

Now when I turn wireless off on my laptop and plug it in via phone modem , I am no longer in the network. I thought that the only difference would be that I would put in the host's IP # instead of the host's computer name and use the same password, but this isn't working.

I'm guessing that because I'm off the network, the router is my problem. Does port forwarding come into play now? I have a Dell TrueMobile 1184 router.

I know it's something simple. Please let me know if you can help.

Thanks :)
Are you trying to remote control your desktop or just access a share on it? Regardless you would need to do some port forwarding to get this to work.
Forward port 3389 to your desktop. That should take care of it. I would recommend unforwarding it when you are back on your home network, for security's sake though.

Hope that helps!
Ok... I access the router with I go to the Advanced Settings and see - IP Address pool range is 192.168.2._ 2 to 100

so in port forwarding -> custom port forwarding my internal ip address should be? 192.168.2."?"

Then just type in for my external address and use that on the remote?
Yes, just forward it to your local IP, and then you will access it from remote by using the IP that gives you..

If you need to find your local IP, go to command prompt and type ipconfig and it should give you your local IP (192.168.2.x)