Refurb Apple iBook G4 at $329.00


Jan 15, 2001
I have had one of these for years. Great little computer that has survived many many the bathroom :)

Good Deal IMHO.

That is a very old G4 (pre-intel) just an FYI.

I guess I am not seeing your point here. Like I said I have this same computer. I do light stuff on it. Use it for travel, haul it around the house, etc.
For 330 bucks it is a steal. It is like a netbook with benefits.
Pretty good deal! 12" makes it a perfect portable and with OSX it'll be a decent internet/word processing laptop. If I had the cash, I'd pick one up just to take to classes.
even at 12", it's still 5lbs.. definitely NOT light. i've seen lighter 14". it may be small in size, but even then it is rather thick.

I guess I am not seeing your point here. Like I said I have this same computer. I do light stuff on it. Use it for travel, haul it around the house, etc.
For 330 bucks it is a steal. It is like a netbook with benefits.

it's like two netbooks for the price of one but you only get the functionality of one netbook and the warranty of none :(.
I'm tempted to pick it up just to play with it, but I just got a used X60 off of ebay for maybe $100 more.
I am tempted pick one up as well, but does anyone know what the specs are? It says one list of specs under the title, than another different list in the description, I guess the one under the title is accurate, but its worse spec'd then.
you can search by model number. I'm guessing 1.0Ghz with 256mb RAM (DDR1) and 30GB HDD. Not sure if the Airport card is included.
If I wasn't still bitter about the logic board going bad in my g4 iBook, I might have bit at this deal.

Airport cards are cheap, and they're very easy to install if this one doesn't come with it.
I have a couple friends with this model. They came with a radeon 9200 and took ddr sodims for ram, and the wireless card can be found at in the store still. The card and ram install underneath the keyboard.

If you upgrade the system to 512 ram you can run Leopard (10.5) but Tiger (10.4) is highly recommended for this machine.

Because it is PPC, there are some restrictions like no Windows, but there are Linux distributions you can run such as YellowDogLinux (YDL) if OSX isn't your bag. The G4s are very good processors, and the 1ghz are still very capable.
It's good for its price basically. Here's a cheap chance of getting a mac :)
I have owned 2 of these iBook's in the past, and, well, your not missing much. My AAO blows it out of the water and it was only $10 more. After having that exact computer before, I would pay maybe $250 for it. Just my opinion of course, nothing more.
That is a very old G4 (pre-intel) just an FYI.

Really? A pre-Intel non-Intel processor? Man that's crazy.

My asshat-ness aside, I had a 14" of one of these and it was quite nice, and it's a great price. Oh that rhymed...
Are these the ones you see all the college liberal arts majors using that have the outer shells all cracked and split to hell?
Are these the ones you see all the college liberal arts majors using that have the outer shells all cracked and split to hell?
My ex has one of these (Just recently replaced it with a Dell XPS M1330) and it's still in great condition. I think she said hers is like 4-5 years old or something like that and she's not one to baby her electronics.