Recommend A Good FPS


Limp Gawd
Sep 24, 2003
Im going to CompUssr later today and I want to pick up a new fps to toy with. Their are so many options out their today I just want to get your opinions.

Games I already have:
Medal of Honor AA (sold Spearhead)
Delta Force Black Hawk Down

Games I am looking at:
Unreal Tournament 2k3
Half Life
Call of Duty

Games I dont want

I know this sounds quite noobish, but I dont know which Half Life/ Counter Strike to buy. There is Half Life: Counter Strike, Half Life Platinum , Half Life Game of the Year Edition, not to mention Half Life 2 and Counterstrike: Condition Zero are coming out. Any advice?

Thanks all for your time.
If you haven't played Half Life (what rock have you been burried under? :p ) then you definitly need to play it. Otherwise, Call of Duty is a lot of fun.
Buy Half-Life Game of the Year Edition and then download Counter-Strike.

It still amazes me that people don't realize that they can save $10 or more buy simply purchasing Half-Life GOTY and downloading CS off the net, rather than buying the retail copy of CS. What's even funnier is that you also get the full version of Half-Life with the GOTY edition.

Half-Life GOTY - $19.99 retail
Counter-Strike - $29.99 retail

When I noticed that at EB it blew my mind. If you buy CS retail then you are paying more and getting less! :p
Well Half Life have zero replayability for me. I just think that game has gotten to old to be enjoyable. It has had so many copycats later that have improved on the concept it´s no point playing the original again.

In that sense play Nolf, System Shock 2 or Thief 2 if you haven´t already.

Only by Half Life if you want CS which I guess is good for MP. Have only played 2 hours total of CS and though it was great fun I have a hard time falling for those multiplayer games. It has to be either flight or racing sims for me.
I can't believe you havent played Half Life. Thats not normal, but whatever i say get it.
Call of Duty is also one to get.
Serious Sam is fun for awhile.
Ut2k3 is also one that is very fun, but if you are looking into UT2k4, i say get that.
America's Amry which is free.
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory- Also free.
Yea , I've played a lot of FPS games , but right now Call of Duty has my vote. Already beat it , but it's so damn good I had to play it again , just on harder settings.
Or if you have a good connection you could D/l steam and get Half-life AND counter-strike for free. But its always worth buying.
Originally posted by Xenomaniac
Or if you have a good connection you could D/l steam and get Half-life AND counter-strike for free. But its always worth buying.

No it ain´t. There is so many new titles that make "Half Life" better. There is just nothing spectacular about Half Life anymore.
Judging by your tastes in your FPS gaming (War sims and the like heh ;) ) i would have to say go with COD, the game is just spectacular. I had no gripes what so ever with the gameplay, sounds or graphics (hard to believe it's based off the Q3 engine) Just my two cents.
Why not... Quake 3 + (Truecombat) is round based like counter-strike but has Iron sights, you know you look down the barrel of the gun instead of crosshairs. Not only that but since it uses the Quake 3 engine instead of like half-life that uses a heavily modified Quake 1 engine, so it has smoother code.
NOLF 1 and 2. Good FPS's with a lot of humor mixed in.

Call of Duty was to short and repetative for my liking, but it still had its strong points.
NOLF 1 wasn't all that great. The sequel was very nice, though.

Hitman 2 and Max Payne 1 are also very enjoyable.
Originally posted by Eidolon
NOLF 1 wasn't all that great. The sequel was very nice, though.

Hitman 2 and Max Payne 1 are also very enjoyable.

Are you kidding? NOLF is one of the best games ever. It was even more innovative than Half Life! What we see in fps:s today to derivative from NOLF in many ways. The variety of missions, vehicles, Gun emplacements, stealth parts etc etc.

There was stealth games before but they where mainly all stealth like Thief or all Action like SOF

The gameplay and humour was just awesome.

NOLF 2 was just more of the same but shorter. You should like NOLF if you like NOLF 2 but then the sequel often is more smooth since the developers now how to do things. That´s why DOOM 2 is better than DOOM. Not just because the double barreled shotgun :)
its kinda dated but i believe its the BEST fps i've ever played...Operation Flashpoint...any vehicle usable...choppers,planes (prop and jet),tanks,jeeps any weapon dropped.HUGE maps.

i'll never forget loading up into a chopper with several of my buds,sending the remaining troop (AI) to meet at LZ with repair/ammo and med trucks...chopper lifts off...Purple Haze comes on...way fucking the time we cleared the LZ the repair units,heal,load up..on to the next LZ.

or the other map...where we take a chopper to kill some techs...we bailed out above trees...pilot heads for bad guys hideout...bails...we cover fire....chopper crashes into truck/building (hopefully)...on and on...this game is worth 10 NOLFs...(yes i beat them both...very anoying the second one)

VERY limited saves...VERY tough game to finish...worth it 100%

I can't wait for 2006 and the next OpFlash installment...i hope it rocks just as [H]ard
Well I will say CoD but Serious Sam2 is highly replayable, in the AreYouSerious level.
Originally posted by oqvist
...There was stealth games before but they where mainly all stealth like Thief or all Action like SOF...
Yeah... You heard of a game called Deus Ex? It came out before NOLF and had a lot of those stealth/action elements. And the graphics looked a lot better. Oh, and personally, I didn't find the "Humor" in NOLF to be very funny.

Speaking of which, let me recommend Deus Ex as a classic FPS and RPG hybrid. It has a great deal of replay value. The best part is that there is a free copy of it in the latest issue of Computer Gaming World.
Originally posted by Eidolon
Yeah... You heard of a game called Deus Ex? It came out before NOLF and had a lot of those stealth/action elements. And the graphics looked a lot better. Oh, and personally, I didn't find the "Humor" in NOLF to be very funny.

Speaking of which, let me recommend Deus Ex as a classic FPS and RPG hybrid. It has a great deal of replay value. The best part is that there is a free copy of it in the latest issue of Computer Gaming World.

Deus Ex is the most overrated game of all time according to me.

I played the game long after release on max settings on my 9700 PRO and that was MUCH uglier than NOLF. And from what I can remember Deus Ex was out before NOLF? Not sure on that though. I do remember that the developers obviously blew all the memory on creating empty huge low detail levels with a lot of crates.

But since you don´t see the greatness in NOLF we can both agree that we both are idiots since I think Deus Ex is about the worst game I have ever played LOL.

And Deus Ex isn´t that much of a sneaker. Considering you use implants and other cheats like in System Shock 2. It´s like a RPG sneaker but can as well be a RPG marine game or whatever you decide to develope.