Realmedia and Quicktime


Limp Gawd
Jan 15, 2004
Why is it that so many places on the web insist on using the realmediaplayer extensions and quicktime extensions? why is it that they insist on us using programs we don't want. I miss out on a lot of content becuase I refuse to use realplayer
Because Windows Media Player sux big time.
If it was not bundled with Windows I doubt many would use it at all.
You can either go for the codec pack or just get realplayer-alternate and quicktime alternate. I refuse to install real media also.
Occidio said:
You can either go for the codec pack or just get realplayer-alternate and quicktime alternate. I refuse to install real media also.

Ditto, i dislike RP and QT also, only reason QT is on my PC is for the movie trailers from

As for the WMP comment on being bundled with Windows .... yes i would DL it cause i like it very much, it has tons of uses.
Media Player Classic is by far teh best media player out there. Supports pretty much everything (may need to install the markosa codec), including subtitle overlays. :) Although you have to tweak the settings a bit to get them to work sometimes.
to add to this.. It is not proven other than what I personlay have seen..
I STOPPED useing RM and QT over a year ago, on all of my PC's
What did I find????

I have had "0" nadda, nothing none VIRUS or Mallware,spyware etc... since I stopped useing them.
I have not loaded on any of the forsale builds as well, If it is there on a PC Im fixing I kill it..
With the friends etc PC's I have fixed that were saturated with Virus and spyware.. Since I took away RM and QT... and told them NEVER to load a file that needs them they also have had "0" issues..

I have found through the years of PC repairing funked up PC's
YAHOO is the devil "they will sell you out to anyone and everyone interested."
RM is the devil
QT is the devil
AIM is the devil,, At least the extentions added on to AOL..

Keep these away and off your PC and you should have safe surfing...

The WORST PC"s I have de funked have YAHOO all over them.. Tool bar, IM, etc...They sell you out to anyone.. and have been the ones with Hundreds of Spyware problems..
Well I dont use RM or QT eith as they are bloatware from the word go.Im using WMP and, just get the extra codecs. But I am playing with VLC to see if it is worth a damn.

on all computers i've worked with
0 issues
killa62 said:
on all computers i've worked with
0 issues

of course when you rip IE out of the OS for real, it makes getting hotfixes a pain in the butt
locking it down might be the better course of action

I can attest however to the sheer joy of expunging IE from the operating system :p
Seems I don't. I've been trying to remove IE from my OS for years now and it's only resulted in crashes and corrupted files. :)

Got any other useful progs of this nature? Seems I've been missing out.
well 2000lite (which is what I have) does a fine job of ripping out whatever I cant otherwise hack to what I want ;)
(quite a few resource hackers there)

I suspect XPlite does exactly the same job, but I dont run XP
Spanktastic. Is this stuff in the tweaks sticky, cuz I don't remember ever having seen it before?
I guess I'm retarded. I could have sworn I've seen a tweak sticky in the gensoft forum. :(
we have had massive linkfarm threads in the past
but when it comes to tweaks its so easy to go one tweak too far
and there are dedicated sites,
they have fallen off considerably since the widespread adoption of XP

I'll give you my favorite though

Right-click on the Windows Explorer shortcut and select Properties.

In the Target box, add /e,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}.

Now, click OK and then try out the shortcut.
Windows Explorer should now show the My Computer folder with all
the drives in your system and the folders bar visible on the left.

should read in total as:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
Most excellent. I'm going to be spending alot of time looking these things up....too much goodness to not go over.
Another vote for the Quicktime and Realplayer alternative and also Media Player Classic.
Ice Czar said:
we have had massive linkfarm threads in the past
but when it comes to tweaks its so easy to go one tweak too far
and there are dedicated sites,
they have fallen off considerably since the widespread adoption of XP

I'll give you my favorite though

Right-click on the Windows Explorer shortcut and select Properties.

In the Target box, add /e,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}.

Now, click OK and then try out the shortcut.
Windows Explorer should now show the My Computer folder with all
the drives in your system and the folders bar visible on the left.

should read in total as:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
That's always a good tweek. However I like to expand my "C" (main drive) folder instead.
To do this add the following as above : " /e,C: "

Target path should read in total as: " %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e,C: "

This opens a two-pane view with C:\ expanded. :)

its all dependent on what your own preferences are, I employ seperate partitions for different kinds of data, right now on this box there arent nearly as many partitions as there normally are considering its the NAS, the external RAID5 array being disconnected and only a single internal RAID5 and a few individual drives.

Norse Mythology would be native individual drives
Indian Mythology being the Internal RAID
missing is the External RAID which would have partitions named in Greek Mythology
> " its all dependent on what your own preferences are, ' <

So very true!
What? No partitions named after monotheistic mythologies?
Oh wait, most of those are still called religions. :p