Really strange connection issue i discovered.. PLEASE HELP!!


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 8, 2003
To make a long story short and what brought this issue to light, was last week, Comcast sent me an email saying "Congrats we are upgrading your internets speeds from 400/20 to 600/20 free of charge... blah blah etc..." I was stoked and logged into my comcast acct and sure enought, it said im on extreme pro 600 now.. SWEET! go do a speedtest run and my speeds were exactly the same @ ~ 470Mbps Down and 20Mb Up.. WTF! I call Comcast and they say issue is on my end and since I bought my own modem (motorola MB8600!) they can give me any further support....ok fine...... I further investigate this issue and decided to take my router out of the equation and just run my ethernet cable from modem to desktop.. BAM! 720Mb Down and 30Mb Up... Okay so I found the issue, its the router (Netgear R7000)

So I log into my router and download the latest firmware and that actually made it WAYYYYYY WORSE.. It was capped at 150Mbs for whatever reason.. So at this point im pissed. I decided to flash the router with DD-WRT firmware and that went smoothly but im back to the original 470Mbs Down speeds, but again, if I take the router out of the rotation and just go cable modem to desktop, all is fine.. WTF!! Is there a setting im missing in this router to go past 450ish Mbs?? Im at a total loss here and dont want to buy another router if i dont have too??!! Please, someone have any input.. THANK YOU!!
Might be time for a new router, I don't have a lot of experience with netgear stuff, sorry. My hunch is that it can do close to a gig throughput but not with NAT and firewall features on.

Try putting your pc in the DMZ on the router and turn off any kind of SPI and NAT features and see what happens. Not that you'd run your network that way but if it can't get over 470 with that setup then that may be the max of that model
Might be time for a new router, I don't have a lot of experience with netgear stuff, sorry. My hunch is that it can do close to a gig throughput but not with NAT and firewall features on.

Try putting your pc in the DMZ on the router and turn off any kind of SPI and NAT features and see what happens. Not that you'd run your network that way but if it can't get over 470 with that setup then that may be the max of that model
im not understanding this reply? what do you mean "put your pc in the DMZ"?
im not understanding this reply? what do you mean "put your pc in the DMZ"?

Set your PC with a static IP address.

Turn on the DMZ feature in your router. Point the DMZ to the static IP address of your PC. When you turn on the DMZ it should ask for an address.

Now your PC bypasses pretty much every safety feature of the router.
where do i find my static ip address?

**EDIT** I disabled SPI firewall feature and no difference noted at all...
what router comes recommended by you smart people for fast and wide 5gz AC coverage then if I cant figure this issue out? please keep me under 200$
Set your PC with a static IP address.

Turn on the DMZ feature in your router. Point the DMZ to the static IP address of your PC. When you turn on the DMZ it should ask for an address.

Now your PC bypasses pretty much every safety feature of the router.
ok, did this and same result..... Just learned enabling DoS kills performance too. with that enabled I was down into the 350mbps range... disabled and back into low 500's
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what router comes recommended by you smart people for fast and wide 5gz AC coverage then if I cant figure this issue out? please keep me under 200$

Unifi Edgerouter with a Ubiquiti AP

It's two different pieces of equipment - the WiFi is not built into the router.

Comes in right around $200 depending on what options you get
Unifi Edgerouter with a Ubiquiti AP

It's two different pieces of equipment - the WiFi is not built into the router.

Comes in right around $200 depending on what options you get
any chance i can ask you for links of exact product so that insures i purchase the exact right items?! be much appreciated
What's your comfort level on setting stuff up? An all in one box has limitations, but easier to setup. You could go the unifi route with edge router and AP if you're comfortable with getting it set up. Not that it's hard to do, just more so than a wireless router.
im not very versed in the networking side of things but i think i can figure it out.
Unifi Edgerouter with a Ubiquiti AP

It's two different pieces of equipment - the WiFi is not built into the router.

Comes in right around $200 depending on what options you get
Why not just get the EdgeRouter and run the existing WiFi Router as a WiFi AP/Switch?
The only time when this happens with these routers is when the acceleration is disabled some how. This can be through QoS or some other feature, such as VPN, family features, etc. On the latter routers the accelerated logics are always having to be disabled, but on the newer routers most do support some or all the feature sets enabled and with acceleration. You have to pay close attention to that-caveat emptor. This is a very good reason to go Edgrouter and R7000 AP mode combo, or even pfSense and R7000 AP combo

Personally, I would have done full reset of the router and testing before flashing to any third party. I would have also flashed to Xwrt-Vortex which is a fork off of Merlin's firmware( ( Been using this for many years now, and much much better than DD-WRT, which, I think is not maintained anymore. Matter of fact the acceleration is not even supported with R7000 (oh, it was added with build 33006 in 2017. I was using Vortex with supported acceleration way before that). R7000 stat page:

To note, I would see if possible to flash to Vortex or even Merlin's with a full clear of settings and a test if you still want to use that router. It can hit gigabit. You just have to have acceleration proper.
little update... i know some are going to be pissed cause i didnt go the seperate route using ubiquiti edge router and wifi module.... in stead came across a very solid deal using a asus AC 3100 router for 139$.. got it, installed it in under 2 minutes, setup was easy as hell... now my download speeds are fast as hell!! absolutey no difference either straight from back of modem or thru this router.. I get 740mbps DOWN and 30Mbps Up! Great router
little update... i know some are going to be pissed cause i didnt go the seperate route using ubiquiti edge router and wifi module.... in stead came across a very solid deal using a asus AC 3100 router for 139$.. got it, installed it in under 2 minutes, setup was easy as hell... now my download speeds are fast as hell!! absolutey no difference either straight from back of modem or thru this router.. I get 740mbps DOWN and 30Mbps Up! Great router

PIssed? Nah - your money you do what you want. Glad you got it working any which way you went
true, also forgot to mention that using the 5ghz band, im getting 610ish mbps speeds 1/2way thru my house past several walls, and appliances on. really impressed. the netgear r7000 would max out 265ish mbps.... had no idea how bad that router was holding my connection speed back and I feel bad for every time i called comcast bitching about my connection speeds vs what im paying for... was never their fault.. OOPS!