Raven RV02 problem


Jun 9, 2010
Hey guys I hope someone can help.

I'm upgrading from my antec 900 to the RV02, and I've run into a snag.

The motherboard is in, tightened down on the standoffs, and i can't get my videocard and soundcard in.

It's almost like the motherboard is too deep in the case for them to line up in their slots AND the top of the case.

Has anyone had this issue? How did yall fix it? I was considering using two motherboard risers instead of just one, would this work?
sorry for the double post. I've adjusted the standoffs a bit and it looks like I might be able to get everything lined up by using washers as a spacer between the stand offs and the case.
I had the RV02 before the FT02 and ran into a similar problem. It'll fit but you'll have to massage it. The issue for me was that the part where you screw in the expansion cards (GPU, soundcards, etc) had to be pushed down (towards the mobo) to allow the cards to fit. I had to push it quite hard the first time but once you get it to fit, it'll be fine going forward.

Hope that helps.
thanks for the tip. I just got back from the hardware store with some washers. I'm going to try pushing it down first, and if that doesnt work, washers will have to.

EDIT: Thanks agin, it worked, I guess I just needed to put a little bit of umph behind it.
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