Rate this website...


Jul 9, 2002

I didnt design this site, but I would like to get you guys' honest opinion on what you think of it. I know what I think, but I'll leave that out for now.

Post what you think someone should charge for designing a site like this.

I find it quite bland... I hate the white background. Is this a real site or just a practice page? I would not Pay for this site as I think I could do a better job on my own.
Not to sound too harsh...but that site looks like it was designed by a high-school comp tech class. I'd give it 100 bucks maybe???
strat0477 said:
Not to sound too harsh...but that site looks like it was designed by a high-school comp tech class. I'd give it 100 bucks maybe???

I think $100 is bit generous.
  1. Too many pics (for a main page)
  2. Red + white = no, use more colours
  3. Navigation "buttons" way too bland
  4. Although I complained about too many pics, there isn't enough stuff on the page.
AchTuNG! said:
Your nav buttons are java only. naughty naughty.

Its not "my" anything... i didnt design this site. I think it is CRAP... but I needed more opinions to justify my opinion.
It really doesn't do much for me. Im no expert, so i don't wanna sound hypocritical. Just not much going on there. Its too complex and too simple at once. It looks pretty FBN (fly by night) and doesn't encourage me to purchase anything from them.

here is the self-proclaimed web developer that created the above site. She is trying to charge over $1000 for the site.

I am needing your peoples input to ensure that it doesn't happen. Please keep the opinions coming.

Eagle Embroidery is owned and operated by my mother... and I feel this company is trying to take advantage of her. Help me put a stop to it.
colors are too different in contrast, ie: a bright construction orange to a plain white. try something easier on the eyes, such as *cooler* colors like greens, blues, purples (or even a lighter shade of orange).

layout is simple, but try to limit the content displayed on the front. a drill-down approch to grouping better on the homepage would help visitors to easily narrow their search to what they are interested.
Look's so mid 90's. I think i could do better and I AM a high school'er in a Webdesign class...
No way that is worth 1000$, that looks like a site that I had to redesign before. That lady should pay your mom 1000$ to make her keep the site.
Poor NAV.. color scheme of rollover against the main background?!!? As a CS teacher at a private school I'd give a student who turned this in a low B. .. It is a high school course, and they are new at it. $100 is not a good price.. but possible. $1000 is ROBBERY. Flat out wrong. NOT ok. SO FAR from OK I have a hard time accepting that someone would try to charge that to anyone. .. esp your mom :D

.. tell them to piss into the wind. and take their cheese site with them. We could have some highschoolers put together something better for $100.


WOW. .. I just visited Debbie's site. wow. .. I can't decide my favorite part.. but I think this page is the winner due to the "EMail" link. wow.

.. If that is her site.. how did she get hired? .. "web developer, polititian, driver, actress" .. site of the day for sure.
DO NOT pay this woman for that website or any other... you have got to be kidding me... $1000? all the sites in her portfolio look like shit. i'm amazed anyone actually pays her to do anything. Don't let you mom get ripped off, try to find a developer who really know what they are doing.
Ugh! Debbie Buckley: Actress, Web Designer, Politician, Driver. What's that saying... jack of all trades and master of none? If hers were just a personal site, I wouldn't say anything, but if she is charging for web design, it's a horrid example of her work.

As for your mother's site, it could be a lot better. A LOT better.

Personally, I like white backgrounds, I think they look professional (think of major successful commercial sites and the bulk of them use white), but the huge amount of bright red/orange is just plain harsh on the eyes, and it loads a solid color red screen before anything else loads.

There's a lot of wasted space. The logo should be smaller and top left and the space should be better utilized to avoid as much vertical scroll.

The "Welcome to Eagle Embroidery" in blinking rainbow colors is awful, and should not be there at all. Reminds me of something I'd see on a freebie host.

In IE with fonts set to medium, the nav links are overlapping. And at 1024x768 there is horizontal scroll.

The site is not well optimized for search engines. There is not enough keyword-rich text to index and rank well. Debbie's attempt at meta tags is pathetic... "wester wear" (did she even proofread?), "World Wide", "Super", "Quality", "nike"? These contribute nothing and it's blatantly deceptive to include a brand name like Nike that is unrelated to the site.

There's a total of six very simple pages. $1,000 is way too much for the effort that went into this site. As mentioned, you could have probably found a sharp high school kid who would have done an infinitely better job at a fraction of that price.

But a big problem I see is that apparently Debbie and your mother did not agree on a price or deliverables up front. You said Debbie's "trying" to charge your mother over $1,000. But if they had no written or documented agreement, then I'd tell Debbie to keep the site and put it where the sun don't shine. ;)

But let me ask you this... is your mother happy with the result? Was she involved at various stages and did she give her approval of what was being done? I'm by no means a professional designer, but if you're going to take on a client (especially one who's not terribly design savvy, which it sounds like your mother might be), it is important to keep them apprised of steps along the way and get their "buy in" before too much effort is expended.

Your mother has a small, personally run business. I expect sites like that to be a bit more folksy and less corporate feeling. But, honestly, the site as it is now is not likely to bring her new business.
That site just flat out sucks. It's maybe worth 50 -100 bucks. 1000 is insane.

I went to a design forum that has lets you put a amount you want to pay and some details about the site you want and multiple designers come up with ideas for you.

I paid $175 for a site template. Basicly 1 page and a subpage. I just laid out the rest of the pages. The site I got is www.choicebuildings.com. I think its a pretty good site. It's not perfect but it suites my needs.

If she pays 1000 for that site she might as well throw her money down the drain. It doesnt even display properly in firefox and it turns me off right away because of the colors and the layout.
im am amazed at the way someone tried to take advantage of your mom like that...the site is so utterly horribly, id give her 10 bucks...wait...no i wouldn't

that site isnt worth jack
sharp said:
WOW. .. I just visited Debbie's site. wow. .. I can't decide my favorite part.. but I think this page is the winner due to the "EMail" link. wow.
Do you mean how she misspelled her OWN NAME?
this site is really ugly + menu on the left does not display properly (mozilla firefox).

usually one of the first steps in site development is design proposal to customer ... if customer accepts it and accepts the price then you do the pages...

obviosly your mom didn't get one heh?
Maybe we should call Debbi since her # is on the contact page and let her know what we think of her buisness practices :D
n64man120 said:
Maybe we should call Debbi since her # is on the contact page and let her know what we think of her buisness practices :D

I'd be all for a little [H] Pressure. :D
my eyes

ouch. that orange hurts... a lot, I still have the framed burnt into my retinas. and that little part of that window that i can see atm really makes looking at the screen awful.

And what's up with the changing color "American Eagle Embroidery" header? just because you CAN do changing color letters, does not mean that is is a good idea to DO it....

I give it a D-, I think I could do better and I suck at webdesign.
please note this one:

4th link down in her 'portfolio' claims that she designed


when you go visit, the footer reads:
Site Design and Hosting by Medical Web
Web Design and Internet Marketing for the Medical Industry
[email protected] or (800) 930-7483.

If you mom has signed a contract, go out NOW and do screenshots. She can always claim that Debbie has misrepresented her skills -> fraud.

I e-mailed the medicalweb people and asked them about it too.
drizzt81 said:
please note this one:

If you mom has signed a contract, go out NOW and do screenshots. She can always claim that Debbie has misrepresented her skills -> fraud.

I e-mailed the medicalweb people and asked them about it too.

I called medicalweb today, someone is going to check and see if debbie had anything to do with the design.
That looks like two hours with Microsoft Frontpage. Yawn.

Not worth it. For a thousand bucks you should have gotten a LOT more content and a more professional presentation. I design web pages both professionally and privately. For something like this - it would have to be a free quickie for a friend. That is so 1997, I don't hate the colors actually, just everything else.

A kid in high school could make that for fun, with a little practice, and some free software.

On the other hand, did the site designer take all of these pictures and/or scan them or were they from the business owner? This product is a graphical one that needs lots of pictures, so if Debbie had to do this work, these kind of service raises the cost for sure.
I certainly wouldn't pay for it, and I wouldn't charge more than $10 an hour to build and maintain it. It's very low quality...especially since it has left/right scrolling.

The red background is too bright, the logo at the top is too big, and the white is...bleh. For the small amount of content I see there, I don't understand why I should need to scroll down for anything...it could easily all be contained within an 800x600 screen (and I'm at 1024x768, I just have a large taskbar)
Has the "Web Developer" even heard of Photoshop? That logo is too large, misplaced, and dominates the wrong part of the page. The color changing lettering is appalling and whoever thinks that's a good idea needs a good shot to the head with a clawhammer.

As far as I'm concerned, websites should have attention pulled to their content. The logo should feel natural and everything should allow your eyes to dance across it in a flowing manner. The "buttons" are too basic and the colors are some of the worst I've ever seen. Perhaps a large, partially opaque composite of several embroidery projects would fit nicely where that jarring orange frame sits.

The content feels underdeveloped and looks like it was vomited on the page with no real thought to design. I've made better designs urinating in the snow.

I'm running 1024X768 on my work computer here and I have to scroll to the side? One of the commandments of web design is to ensure that your viewers should NEVER have to scroll to the side. Shame shame.

In the "Customers" page, the names could be replaced with those business's logos. If they also have webpages, those logos should link to their sites.

The Form pages for ordering or contacting the owners could work, but the orange lettering has to go. It doesn't work well on a white background.

The samples page could have thumbnails accompanied by a brief description of what that sample is and what it can be used for. The thumbnails should be clickable to a larger version of the work which opens in a new window.

And again, that dominate frame just makes me want to compare that page to some lame geocities site that a seventh grader can do in his/her spare time.

Of course, these are just my opinions. That still doesn't change the fact that this page is crap.