Rate my HTCP Build


Apr 29, 2008
Hi all
After reading through the HTCP sticky I would love some free back on a new HTCP build I doing.
My plan is to replace my current system which is in a mid sized case with a small form factor unit that will blend in better with my TV set up. My current set up will become a file server to hold all of my media.

Right now my HTCP is as follows:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7500
HD: Western Digital Blue 160 GB
Graphics: Nvidia 8800 GT
MotherBoard: Intel DP43TF
Case: Cooler Master 690RC

Planned System
CPU: Core I3-530
HD: Same as old one
Graphics: Nvidia 240 GT
MotherBoard: ASUS P7H55-M Pro
Ram: 2x1GB Kingston
Case: SilverStone GD05B
Power Supply: Unknown but it will be at least 600W
DVD Drive

Total Cost: $568 with shipping

I will be running Windows 7 32 bit

I know that the CPU/Motherboard pairing will give me on-board video but I am prefer to use a dedicated video card.

If anyone has any recommendations to make this a better build I would love to hear them.
Any ATI 5XXX series card will do 7.1 bitstream. Nvidia lost the war when it comes to cards for htpc. And if you get a ATI57XX you can play some medium level games to boot.

Your CPU choice and mobo wiill yield HD sound I gave you a better alternative since you included a vid card in your build design.

As far as psu are concerned I have used and recommend Antec Corsair and or Seasonic. FYI Seasonic has designed and built many Antec and Corsair units. I guess you have to find one that fits. I'd also recommend getting amodular one so you don't have needless cables restricting air flow. HTH I'm sure other more knowledgeable folks will chime in. HTH
I know that the CPU/Motherboard pairing will give me on-board video but I am prefer to use a dedicated video card.

Why? Unless you're gaming, zero reason to get a dedicated video card considering that the onboard GPU of the Core i3 series is better than the GT 240 when it comes to HD content due to its support for bitstreamed audio via HDMI. So in other words, it's a waste of money getting that GT 240 unless you have a valid reason like you're gaming or using Adobe's CS5's MPE feature.

PSU wise, you don't need a 600W PSU. A 400W PSU would power that setup just fine, even with the uselss video card:
$50 - Corsair 400CX 400W PSU
GT240 is absolutely overkill and frankly for HTPC work that build is a mess.

If you are going to spend a bunch of money why not get a quality ATOM 330 Ion Board (Dont get Ion 2 as a motherboard It is flashy but the GPU ((Yes its simply a GPU now due to not being able to Northbridge the next gen Atom)) uses even more power than the ENTIRE CHIPSET of the first atom at 65nm Pretty sad eh?) And do an FSB overclock to 2ghz.

To be perfectly honest you don't even need to ditch that current build. If Speedstep is enabled and the card replaced with something that fits in a smaller case there is ZERO reason to replace a quality Wolfdale CPU with something designed for a totally different situation and price range.

I suspect at this part of the post that you are trying to preserve some gaming and the GT 240 series sounded cool. Well they arent the GT series outside of the GT220 (For Advanced Deinterlacing Which the 5670 supports) Was an utter failure to utilize the 40nm process. The only reason its taking up valuable fab space at TSMC is because Fermi has not gotten that low yet and they cant make many 55 or 65nm GPUs anymore. Stay away from GT series if you can.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102870 Will do far better.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161334 If you absolutely demand 1GB
Planned System
CPU: Core I3-530
HD: Same as old one
Graphics: Nvidia 240 GT
MotherBoard: ASUS P7H55-M Pro
Ram: 2x1GB Kingston
Case: SilverStone GD05B
Power Supply: Unknown but it will be at least 600W
DVD Drive

Total Cost: $568 with shipping

I will be running Windows 7 32 bit

I know that the CPU/Motherboard pairing will give me on-board video but I am prefer to use a dedicated video card.

If anyone has any recommendations to make this a better build I would love to hear them.

Getting a dedicated card for your setup is absolute overkill. I use an i3-530 in my HTPC and it handles 1080p video/Blu-Ray without any hesitation -- always buttery smooth. As far as power supply goes you just need something that is 400w/450w and if you can get one with modular cables even better.
How do I tell if I have a 1080p/24 set up. My TV is 1080p but I don't know it is 24 or not.

So would it be a safe bet to get an add on card so I don't run into that problem?
do you plan to do any software-decoding over hdmi?
ie: Hulu, ffdshow, non-dxva

if so, don't pickup a ATI HD5XXX series. when powerplay kicks in, it causes sound drop-outs/corruption. ATI knows about the problem but seem unconcerned about fixing it.
otherwise if all of your media is dxva-compatible you should be fine.
do you plan to do any software-decoding over hdmi?
ie: Hulu, ffdshow, non-dxva

if so, don't pickup a ATI HD5XXX series. when powerplay kicks in, it causes sound drop-outs/corruption. ATI knows about the problem but seem unconcerned about fixing it.
otherwise if all of your media is dxva-compatible you should be fine.

Wow, that explains a lot. Tried hulu one night and it was fucked.

Might finally be time for a completely new build.
You can set the minimum values for powerplay and be fine. You won't see any lag or stutters.

How and where can I do this I notice some stutter and lag with hulu using Firefox as well. q6600 4gb of ram ati xfx 5770. TIA
How and where can I do this I notice some stutter and lag with hulu using Firefox as well. q6600 4gb of ram ati xfx 5770. TIA

I just extract the video bios and save a copy. Then modify the minimums and reflash. Piece of cake.