Rainbow 6 Vegas


Nov 30, 2004
Just had a few bouts of gaming on the PC and it's a fantastic game. Ported over from the 360 it's using the Unreal 3 engine and so it's really more of a cross platform developed game than a port, and as such runs rather well considering the graphics.

It reminds me of S.W.A.T 4 with the control over the squad for breaching certain areas, but it's simplified somewhat, once you get used to the controls it becomes second nature to move from cover to cover and order squad mates about.

It doesn't feel too consoly which is something I usualy have a massive gripe about, the in game menus to control how you access your weapons special abilities such as silencers and laser sights is very similar to the new splinter cell but somehow it feels a lot better than splinter cell.

I think PC users are going to be pleased with this one, depsite it's high requirements. It's a great game I'd recomend it to anyone who likes tactical shooters such as the previous Rainbow 6 games or the previous SWAT games.
I dunno, I don't think so.

Oh yeah also, check the min specs for this game before you buy it, it has a min requirement of 1Gb of RAM and a SM3.0 capable video card which eliminates a massive chunk of the ATI range and anything older than the 6xxx Nvidia range.
it seems promising, i was really worried about the console to PC thing, usually games suck due to devs just ignoring PCs
I'll ask the stupid question: If the demo isn't released for PC yet, how are you playing it? Insider, reviewer, what?
no ws support? Come on! Why cant more companies follow valve's lead, they seem to be the leaders in WS games.
How does it run? Hopefully alot better than GRAW did. Also did you have a chance to try out coop?
U HAX0R said:
Hum, where the hell did you get it as it comes out on the 12th ?

I am not going to accuse the OP... but the game is more than likely already on the warez scene.
So basically, if you can, buy the 360 version so the developers actually make money when they release games.
PoweredBySoy said:
So basically, if you can, buy the 360 version so the developers actually make money when they release games.

Pretty much.

I played the 360 demo... and was VERY disappointed. To date, RS3 is still the best rainbow six game. I dont think they are going to top it.

I doubt its any better on PC. Unless there is a demo... I wont be finding out.
pookguy88 said:
wonder if it will work on Vista

Yes it works on Vista thats what I've been playing it on so far, and yes it has no WS support, just standard 4:3 resolutions.

Because of the blur it makes my eyes water, i've been playing it for a few hours again and I keep blinking because It feels like its a problem with my eyes lol.

Anyhow fighting down the strip of Las Vegas and through the casinos is just awesome, there's some really good battles with enemies rapelling from the ceiling. You also get to use a lot of different tactics when it comes to your assault on certain areas and theres never a shortage of side allys or alternate routes to allow you to flank your enemies.

The game looks, sounds and plays really well.


Also a note about performance.

It runs remarkable well for the effects it kicks out and the size of the levels, the maps are pretty extensive and you can have upto 10-12 enemies running around on screen in gunfights. The fight in the strip on the road is crazy, there's cars everywhere most of them are fairly unique, you can shoot out the windows

Im getting 30-40FPS with 1024x768 no AA and No AF (from what I can tell), with effects mostly on medium, currently the Nvidia drivers for vista dont support SLI or overclocking, so my 7950GX2 is running at only 50% not to mention I can't overclock it, so all in all it's not running too badly. I'll try and get WS working, as a general rule the unreal engine is powerful enough to just accept any old resolution if it's set in the INI's I will have a tweak a little later on.
Yeah the blur effects when on the strip and in the casios is crazy, there's what appear to be hundreds of thousands of lights and neon signs all over the place which all flicker and animate, the glass effects are particuarly good, shooting along the strip through all the car windows is great because the cars take damage and the glass shatters but leaves a distorted effects through all the cracks before smashing completely out.

The scales are also off the hook, imagine the scale of GRAW but with nicer graphics all round, especially when in the streets.
That really sux as I played the 360 demo and immediately wanted the PC version but no WS iz a killa 4 me..

No WS Yet
360 version's WS, right? Cause that would make sense...

The best "anti WS" threat I've heard was from DICE or EA. "We don't want people cheating." Cause they haven't pushed the X-Fi hard enough. Didn't they advertise the Killer Nic too? What about folks turning off lighting/shadows and suddenly my cover becomes invisible to the kid playing on a notebook?
Jodiuh said:
360 version's WS, right? Cause that would make sense...

The best "anti WS" threat I've heard was from DICE or EA. "We don't want people cheating." Cause they haven't pushed the X-Fi hard enough. Didn't they advertise the Killer Nic too? What about folks turning off lighting/shadows and suddenly my cover becomes invisible to the kid playing on a notebook?

Yeah, there is WS on 360 :confused:
If they really think ws gives players an advantage, they should lock our fps at 30 or something. Cause all of us who get 100 fps, its not fair for that guy with 30fps or less. :rolleyes:
Viper87227 said:
Yeah, where is WS on 360 :confused:

Looking at the back of my Xbox 360 version of R6:Vegas, it says it supports up to 1080i which is widescreen so... pretty silly not to include it in the PC version. For what it's worth, this game isn't as tactical/strategic as other Rainbow 6 games but damn is it fun (at least it is on 360).
Theres no reason not to add WS Support, the only changes are aspect ratio of the resolution and the FOV, both can be altered independently with the Unreal3 engine.

Hopefuly a patch soon, if they have any brains at all.
the blurring effects look like shit. real life looks nothing like that. they're trying too hard to make the graphics seem better.
i dont mean to start anything (every1 seems so negative about it) but this is one of the best games ive played in quite a while. 12x9 (i need 12x10) everything to max (except shadows and blur on med) it runs ok at best. its certainly playable but i would think a new driver would help out. but the graphics are some of the best ive ever seen, gameplay is great. its similar to graw but with less options (in a good way) allowing you to run n' gun for the most part. the weapons are all badass and customizable. i just made it to vegas and unfortunately i have 4 finals in the next four days so i wont be playing much till friday. but expect it to be beaten by sunday!
phobic said:
Looking at the back of my Xbox 360 version of R6:Vegas, it says it supports up to 1080i which is widescreen so... pretty silly not to include it in the PC version. For what it's worth, this game isn't as tactical/strategic as other Rainbow 6 games but damn is it fun (at least it is on 360).

Yep.. that was a typo. Should have said "There is WS on 360"
ive also heard that not even 8800gtxs can render AA on vegas even if HDR is off. i heard ati chucks patch can. is this true
I just got this game. It's pretty fun. I played it for about 2 hours so far.

The graphics can look quite nice sometimes.

Other times, not so much (jaggy heaven :().

Graphics card: 7900GT
Resolution: 1680x1050
Max settings (HDR, no AA)
Average framerate: ~20 FPS

I ran into a glitch where, whenever I throw a grenade, my screen would go black. My HUD was still visible, but all 3D objects were not visible. Reloading the checkpoint fixed the problem until I threw another grenade.

It might be a graphics card problem. I ran into a similar problem with Oblivion. So far, these two games were the only games I've ran into this problem with.
Einhanderkiller said:
I just got this game. It's pretty fun. I played it for about 2 hours so far.

The graphics can look quite nice sometimes.

Other times, not so much (jaggy heaven :().

Graphics card: 7900GT
Resolution: 1680x1050
Max settings (HDR, no AA)
Average framerate: ~20 FPS

I ran into a glitch where, whenever I throw a grenade, my screen would go black. My HUD was still visible, but all 3D objects were not visible. Reloading the checkpoint fixed the problem until I threw another grenade.

It might be a graphics card problem. I ran into a similar problem with Oblivion. So far, these two games were the only games I've ran into this problem with.

is it even possible to run AA and HDR same time in this game??? have u tried too see if it can
alphaqforever247 said:
is it even possible to run AA and HDR same time in this game??? have u tried too see if it can
It might be possible with an ATI X1k or NVIDIA G80 card, but I am positive that I am unable to on my 7900GT.
alphaqforever247 said:
is it even possible to run AA and HDR same time in this game??? have u tried too see if it can

By the sound of it... it isn't possible to run AA at all...
By the looks of that screenshot and what I heard a while ago, this game is a hybrid of the GRAW engine. So no AA. Although GRAW had AA enabled later with a patch, it was nothing more than a Overlayed Blur Filter for lack of a better term. Basically, it wasn't a real implementation of AA at all and it made the game look very Muddy. Worse IMO.

But honestly, the lack of AA really didn't bother me in GRAW. I rarely noticed it when in the heat of battle.
This game is awesome on the 360, best game I have played to date (though I bet GoW is better, I haven't played it). Blood, White Ph. grenades, Weapon Selection, Blurriness when you get shot all awesome....playing a level for 25 minutes then getting shot in the face with a shotgun and having to start all over = sucks.
Does this support the 360 controller out of the box?

While I prefer keyboard and mouse, I'd like to see how the 360 controls work. Plus if I play a few feet back from my monitor the lack of AA won't be nearly as noticeable.
Hopefully the R6 series is back on the right track, after the trash that was lockdown... That game made me die on the inside.