Radeon RX 470 Benchmarks from AMD.


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Radeon RX 470 Benchmarks from AMD.
Radeon RX 470 Benchmarks

Saw it here @pcper.com
A sneak peek at two RX 470 benchmarks | PC Perspective

I cannot magically get numbers from testing websites as the cards are under NDA. Let's just talk about the numbers that we can see. ;)



Saw this in the comments over at PCPer.com. Interesting.

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Not exactly where I expected it to be... and quite frankly I don't know WHERE I expected it to be but it sure doesn't seem like there.
Not exactly where I expected it to be... and quite frankly I don't know WHERE I expected it to be but it sure doesn't seem like there.

Well the RX 470 is supposed to be a $150 card at most I would guess. Something that would compete against the GTX 960.
That's kind of insane performance for AMD at 110 watts matching a R9-290.
yea i would be pleasantly shocked if it really scored that well even if overclocked lol....cause the value of my current card is about to nose dive if true:woot:
If that is at stock I wonder given it's low power envelope what it can overclock to and what those numbers will look like.

An overclocked $150 GPU that can match a stock GTX970 would definitely attract attention.

Mind you I'd prefer to see some real-world benchmarks before judging but the prospect still makes me giddy :)
"Win on Sunday, sell on Monday." Buyers are going to see that 1080 on top of the list, and as long as they can get something with NVIDIA GTX on the box be happy, even if AMD can compete on price and performance.
"Win on Sunday, sell on Monday." Buyers are going to see that 1080 on top of the list, and as long as they can get something with NVIDIA GTX on the box be happy, even if AMD can compete on price and performance.
True for that small subset that buys >$500 GPUs. Even at this moment the 1070 isn't exactly cheap and both having some slight stock issues. If that continues upon AMDs release then "win on Sunday, sell on Monday" will mean precious little.
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It's odd, but those fire sales of the 980Ti, below $400, is actually making the 1070FE pricing look pretty damn bad.
Then again...nVidia clears out old stock, FEs are sold out, then the AIB come in and get their money too.

Hmm - okay maybe not a bad strategy lmao.
True for that small subset that buys >$500 GPUs. Even at this moment the 1070 isn't exactly cheap and both having some slight stock issues. If that continues upon AMDs release then "win on Sunday, sell on Monday" will mean precious little.

If only.

People will keep snapping up 960s.

There are reasons AMD isn't looked at by "gamers" the same way NVIDIA is. The same reasons that AMDs market share has tanked. AMD NEEDS a top competitor, AMD needs to not be the cheap "value" also ran. Try telling a kid in high school "This is just as good as [brand X] and I saved money."
If only.
People will keep snapping up 960s.
There are reasons AMD isn't looked at by "gamers" the same way NVIDIA is. The same reasons that AMDs market share has tanked. AMD NEEDS a top competitor, AMD needs to not be the cheap "value" also ran. Try telling a kid in high school "This is just as good as [brand X] and I saved money."

You can buy a Radeon Pro Duo that might be a little bit to expensive.
I don't see the top competitor as something badly needed. AMD has a cash flow problem a wafer agreement with Global Foundries that most people see as a noose. And currently there is no plan for a contender until Vega which would have HBM2 like Pascal has (oh wait your forgot about that didn't you) sorry should have.

Committing suicide is when you need to commit to a wafer agreement and yields are not what you need them to be then you can do what Nvidia does (founders edition) and ask for more money or go with a product they can ship without to many headaches.

Needless to say the branding on these cards made some of the other buying public aware on a budget. Now if AMD can sell these cards by the boatload , let Nvidia have the "high end" market.
If only.

People will keep snapping up 960s.

There are reasons AMD isn't looked at by "gamers" the same way NVIDIA is. The same reasons that AMDs market share has tanked. AMD NEEDS a top competitor, AMD needs to not be the cheap "value" also ran. Try telling a kid in high school "This is just as good as [brand X] and I saved money."
You are aware a great deal of that deficit in marketshare is due to AMD purging the old stock for a quarter?
Honestly i am taking this with a mountain of salt, but if the performance does line up then the 470 will make lots of budget gamers happy.

Still, gotta wait and see the full picture this 29th.
You can buy a Radeon Pro Duo that might be a little bit to expensive.
I don't see the top competitor as something badly needed. AMD has a cash flow problem a wafer agreement with Global Foundries that most people see as a noose. And currently there is no plan for a contender until Vega which would have HBM2 like Pascal has (oh wait your forgot about that didn't you) sorry should have.

Committing suicide is when you need to commit to a wafer agreement and yields are not what you need them to be then you can do what Nvidia does (founders edition) and ask for more money or go with a product they can ship without to many headaches.

Needless to say the branding on these cards made some of the other buying public aware on a budget. Now if AMD can sell these cards by the boatload , let Nvidia have the "high end" market.

it's never worked like that in GPU, you can't take the buget market unless you have the high end market. this has been proven since they first starting selling graphics cards, whether it was matrox, s3, powervr, 3dfx, ati. the moment you lost mind share as a maker of premium products, it was over. how many times can AMD/ATI fail at the thing. AMD/ATI was only ever successful when they were either equal or better at the high end, and then it trickled down. It's been proven in both the CPU and GPU space time and time again, people do not buy soley on price, they consider the reputation of the company, "intel" inside carries value that is not quantifiable, but does exist, "NVidia" inside carries the same, AMD saddling itself with the "budget" label is a terrible decision it has never worked for any company in either the CPU or GPU market.
it's never worked like that in GPU, you can't take the buget market unless you have the high end market. this has been proven since they first starting selling graphics cards, whether it was matrox, s3, powervr, 3dfx, ati. the moment you lost mind share as a maker of premium products, it was over. how many times can AMD/ATI fail at the thing. AMD/ATI was only ever successful when they were either equal or better at the high end, and then it trickled down. It's been proven in both the CPU and GPU space time and time again, people do not buy soley on price, they consider the reputation of the company, "intel" inside carries value that is not quantifiable, but does exist, "NVidia" inside carries the same, AMD saddling itself with the "budget" label is a terrible decision it has never worked for any company in either the CPU or GPU market.

You are joking I hope , the reason why Intel and Nvidia started doing anti competitive behaviour is not because they were not dominating the high end enough ...
Most people don't even know what is inside a cpu if you told them there miniaturized nanite enhanced hamsters on crack they would believe you in an instant ..
And the proper response to that is, where is NV's commensurate $200 card? Answer, there isn't one yet. When NV actually releases a competing card, then this will be a valid discussion, but right now there isn't one. The only way people will continue buying 950s, 960s, 970s after the end of this month is if NV shills start lying to consumers that it's a still a good choice (because at that point it will, literally and objectively, be a lie) or they're just clueless consumers (sadly, the more likely of the two).
You are joking I hope , the reason why Intel and Nvidia started doing anti competitive behaviour is not because they were not dominating the high end enough ...
Most people don't even know what is inside a cpu if you told them there miniaturized nanite enhanced hamsters on crack they would believe you in an instant ..

intel did the anti competitive thing when AMD was kicking it's ass with opteron and athlelon and people were lining up to buy AMD. Nividia hasn't done anything anti competitive that I am aware off, if you think gameworks is anti competitive, you are just silly. 10 years of reading computer shopping magazine before the internet, tells me you are wrong. OEMs and people about what is in their machines. even if they don't know what it means. OEMs in particular are conscious not just about price, but about reputation.

History is what history is, no GPU or CPU company has ever made it bottom feeding, and there is nothing to suggests that is about change. the ZEN is proof that AMD recognizes this fact, hopefully they will be able to execute, the opposite of their GPU division .
Based on this performance chart, looks like a very interesting card. Price point will be important. Seems like, if AMD prices this card at $150, you may as well buy an RX 480 for $50 more. So, would AMD go as low as $125 for this one?
Based on this performance chart, looks like a very interesting card. Price point will be important. Seems like, if AMD prices this card at $150, you may as well buy an RX 480 for $50 more. So, would AMD go as low as $125 for this one?

No, there is a RX 460 in the $100 range.
Wcctf, say this i the latest score in 3d mark 16164, link : I scored P12 691 in 3DMark 11 Performance

Question, how can they say this is the rx 470, and not a rx 480 with lower memory speed ?

The 67DF:C4 ID under the driver name would indicate that it's not the 480. This benchmark is also still using drivers 16.2 from February as the rest of the leaked 3DMark benchmarks do.
intel did the anti competitive thing when AMD was kicking it's ass with opteron and athlelon and people were lining up to buy AMD. Nividia hasn't done anything anti competitive that I am aware off, if you think gameworks is anti competitive, you are just silly. 10 years of reading computer shopping magazine before the internet, tells me you are wrong. OEMs and people about what is in their machines. even if they don't know what it means. OEMs in particular are conscious not just about price, but about reputation.

History is what history is, no GPU or CPU company has ever made it bottom feeding, and there is nothing to suggests that is about change. the ZEN is proof that AMD recognizes this fact, hopefully they will be able to execute, the opposite of their GPU division .

10 years before the internet thank you for that Al Gore ? Give me a break with your nonsense computer shopping magazines that are from the time before there was something you could even consider there was a GPU.
I'm sure you had fun looking at pictures ....
it's never worked like that in GPU, you can't take the buget market unless you have the high end market. this has been proven since they first starting selling graphics cards, whether it was matrox, s3, powervr, 3dfx, ati. the moment you lost mind share as a maker of premium products, it was over. how many times can AMD/ATI fail at the thing. AMD/ATI was only ever successful when they were either equal or better at the high end, and then it trickled down. It's been proven in both the CPU and GPU space time and time again, people do not buy soley on price, they consider the reputation of the company, "intel" inside carries value that is not quantifiable, but does exist, "NVidia" inside carries the same, AMD saddling itself with the "budget" label is a terrible decision it has never worked for any company in either the CPU or GPU market.

If you buy PC parts based on slogan and not after reading reviews and making sure you're getting the most value for your dollar you are either rich or don't really care about performance.
The halo effect exists, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. If one side has a much better lineup in the $150-$250 range people will buy those cards regardless of who has the $600+ performance crown. If they don't, they're misinformed and to be misinformed in this day and age, you'd have to be stupid.
If these benchmarks are accurate I can see myself recommending this to a lot of the kids over at Tomshardware who ask what card they should buy.
If you buy PC parts based on slogan and not after reading reviews and making sure you're getting the most value for your dollar you are either rich or don't really care about performance.

you seriously think the majority of consumers do research? Brand recognition, reputation and loyalty are the most important things about consumer pricing. People are willing to buy cheap products, but the more complex the product is, the more apt there are to buy on reputation. You think all those people wanted to
The halo effect exists, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. If one side has a much better lineup in the $150-$250 range people will buy those cards regardless of who has the $600+ performance crown. If they don't, they're misinformed and to be misinformed in this day and age, you'd have to be stupid.

what world are you guys living in? it's not just the halo effect, it's reputation. all things being close to equal consumers will chose what they believe is the better brand, this become more prominent the rarer the purchase. people get the best house/car/luxury item they can afford. most people don't equate "best" with performance, they equate best with "reputation".
10 years before the internet thank you for that Al Gore ? Give me a break with your nonsense computer shopping magazines that are from the time before there was something you could even consider there was a GPU.
I'm sure you had fun looking at pictures ....

that magazine use to be regularly 800 pages. and it was an incredibly magazine, why, because every month, they would have features on OEMs, how they think, how they market their products, it was one of the very few places that talked about OEMs in depth, the companies that actually purchase the vast majority of products. If you wish the wallow in your ignorance, you are free to, however I am telling you, OEMs are not only obsessed about prices or performance as you think they are, the reputation of a product or a brand is just as important. What my old self reading that magazine learned in the time before the internet, which still holds true, is that Consumers don't like to believe they are buying a cheap product. The jobs of OEM's is give the illusion of Quality for the money. The term you sell the sizzle not the steak applies here, AMD the budget brand is not something OEMs can hang their hat on , it is not something they can sell the consumer, when the other guy is selling a more "premium" brand NVidia.. And if you think the vast majority of people do in depth research before shopping I have bridge I would like to sell you. what most consumers do, is they research brands, and learn which brands have the reputation for being the best, and they go out and try to find that reputable brand as cheaply as they can.
Sorry but I have yet seen anyone mention the normal buying behavior of the majority of consumers. Most have X amount and they look to get what that amount can give them. Halo effect has a small impact on that X amount. It does help lean the consumer in a direction but does not guarantee the end result. And keep in mind given availability in July assuming the RX480 is widely available, Nvidia will not have, or looks to have, the 1060 ready. Therefore for those with less than $300 the RX480 may very well be the only valid option. Even with the reduction in prices in the 900 series their dated nature may detur their purchase.

Also With these lower price GPUs having vast amounts of VRam, this is awesome for low priced GPUs for once. Always sucked before only getting 1Gb Vram on the lower tier cards.
AMD have released some great cards, and many of their products really do kick Nvidia to the curb.

But I know NEVER to trust ANY benchmarks they officially release.
If this is true this is great news for AMD and frankly all of us, competition is good.
So they are almost performing as well as a 3 year old gpu? And this is exciting? Even for 150 bucks... hmm. I realize this isnt a high end card but it is supposed to compete in the middle tier. And with stiff competition if the 480 is only $50 more... supposedly.
So they are almost performing as well as a 3 year old gpu? And this is exciting? Even for 150 bucks... hmm. I realize this isnt a high end card but it is supposed to compete in the middle tier. And with stiff competition if the 480 is only $50 more... supposedly.
Does it really matter? This is the first time I can recall getting sub $200 GPUs with more than 1-2Gb Vram. Seems most of the lower tier cards had 1 with GDDR3 or 512mb with GDDR5. Now one can play a modded Skyrim without spending a fortune on a higher tier card simply because of the Vram amount when the processing power might be overkill or unnecessary for their needs.

Or as I like to think: I have a R9-290 and my wife has a 7770. I would like to get her a better card but would like to keep it at $200 or less. Now with the RX480 I can do that by having a GPU equal to or better than mine and not worry about the 600GS PSU being overstrained if I had just gotten another R9-290.
Heck the only thing that really hurt amd last launch was the price started out to high and was way over the budget of most of the buyers......shit they getting ready to win back some market share the way things are looking right now. A metric shit ton of people come here all the time asking for the best card for the money up to 300 dollars. (this includes me) ...keep in mind if they could release vega today dont you think they would? There not holding back just to make people wait lol..They have made some dumb calls in the past but this isn't one of them....Anyone with sense can see that
what world are you guys living in? it's not just the halo effect, it's reputation. all things being close to equal consumers will chose what they believe is the better brand, this become more prominent the rarer the purchase. people get the best house/car/luxury item they can afford. most people don't equate "best" with performance, they equate best with "reputation".
If that were true, ATI never would have been able to come back from the HD 2800, nor NVidia from the FX 5800. NVidia's brand is stronger than AMD's right now, but it's no Apple or Tesla, and AMD isn't exactly a Bank of America or Comcast. If AMD releases a good card at a good price, people will buy it. If NVidia releases a garbage card at a garbage price, people won't buy it. All other things equal, they'll prefer NVidia, but all other things are most certainly not equal in the upcoming GPU landscape.