R600 DIE Photo


Dec 15, 2005

Image source/more pics



The inq mentions other graphic cards having a tilted chip what are they? I think it looks hella cool by the way.
Taken from ZOL.


I agree.
Pic doesnt work....link does though. Good find. Also to answer about why the die is turned

As you can see, the chip location on the packaging is rather interesting, rotated at a 60 degree angle - but do not be surprised, since this is not the first case of GPU manufacturers rotating the chip on the packaging. There are two reasons for that: first one is the fact that AMD needed more room for resistors which can bee seen around this big die and second is far more important - to shorten the traces to video memory as much as possible, in order to reduce the EM noise produced by the PCB.
Since the R600 comes with 512-bit memory controller, rotating the die was pretty much the only way it could get to stratospheric clocks of both GPU and GDDR-3/GDDR-4 memory.
Pics work on FireFox 2 for me.

Now I'm just hoping AMD steps in and makes this thing efficient instead of an oversized, hot, powerhungry brick.
Pics do not work for me on FF2. Can somebody host them and post them?

If you've been to the site, and now you can't see them anymore, they still should be in your cache or temp folder somewhere..
Host it on photobucket (free) or something.. If we can't see the site in the first place, how are we supposed to see the images you linked from the SITE we can't see?
AntiSocialMunky said:
Could you edit and delete the quote plz? It's making it annoying to scroll down man.

Done.. Could you see the photos from that? All I saw was 6 blank lines. Same with the post.

I even tried going to the main site those pictures are from, and I can't even see that. It gives me an error like the page does not exist.
chip comes pre-lapped?

also, 512-bit memory. i would NOT want to be tasked with routing those traces
mrmodman said:
why did ati make the r600 at a angle?
To be cool; like how "gangsters" always shot their guns sideways (terribly missing their targets ;) ).

It looks cool like that, I'd love to have one as a keychain.
mrmodman said:
why did ati make the r600 at a angle?
It's to shorten traces I believe. NF2 and I think some Intel chipsets were rotated as such.

She's a big'un :D Moar cushion for the pushin, eh?
Its mainly due to the extra memory modules, the chip should be more surrounded by the memory now and placing it at an angle allows them for a more circular placing making all the traces equal instead of leaving some at longer distances

also, all dies are usually that smooth, just not as shiny, maybe they put on some armoral to give it that brand-new-gpu feel :D
Great! Now we only lack photos of the entire card plus benchmarks :)
The chip looks really cool with that angle.
Much smaller than I expected. All rumors have said this chip was going to be huge but it's just a little bigger than R580.
Have you seen the Nvidia G80 chip? Now there's a freakin big one. :D
Wolfkin said:
Much smaller than I expected. All rumors have said this chip was going to be huge but it's just a little bigger than R580.
Have you seen the Nvidia G80 chip? Now there's a freakin big one. :D

That's mainly because the G80 is @ 90 nm. When it goes to 80 nm or 65 nm, it will be obviously smaller.
Silus said:
That's mainly because the G80 is @ 90 nm. When it goes to 80 nm or 65 nm, it will be obviously smaller.

Ah yes, forgot that R600 is 80 nm, cheers.
Anyone want to steal it and show me how to make a homemade video card? lol. :p
Leon2ky said:
Anyone want to steal it and show me how to make a homemade video card? lol. :p

Just get some cardboard, some paint and some playdough, it's easy from that point. :D