Quick Temperature Question


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 5, 2001
So i just got my e6400 in not overclocked with the scythe ninja heatsink on fanless at the moment... on everest it reads 'CPU - 18 Celcius, Core #1 39 celcius Core #2 36 celcius....

which numbers am I concerned about here, im assuming the two cores? (this is under about half load)

and if i am concerned about the two cores why does it say cpu is at 18 when the cores are so much higher?
well its fanless because with my antec p180 there is a rear fan literally half an inch away blowing air out and the top fan literally half an inch away blowing air out..

the only other two locations for the fan to go on the heatsink is blowing air towards the dvd drive or down onto the graphics card... so I guess i'll install it blowing air towards the dvd drive once I do start oc'ing it a little more
Install the fan so it blows air in the same direction as the top or rear exhaust fan after passing over the heatsink. There's no reason to have it blowing air over the DVD drive, you want it taking heat off the heatsink and then being blown out of the case.
I think im about to do that... But of course two things would happen... A)The fan they sent with the Ninja Heat sink of course is broken... sweet... B) The clips they sent dont work or apply to the heat sink either!!!

Looks like I have to use my own 120mm fan and zip tie this damn thing onto the heatsink...

the rear fan I set to blow air into the case and the top fan is blowing air out... If I put this other antec fan ontop of the heatsink so that it blows air up, and the other top case fan blows air up as well this leaves about enough room to barely slide a piece of paper between the two fans... so essentially it seems like it would act as a duct to blow air out directly from the cpu out of the case...

under load the cpu cores get up to 55 degrees celcius so I think having a HSF is necessary (and this is before i've had the chance to OC anything)