Question about my integrated Vid Card 6150e

Feb 6, 2007
I recently purchased a AMD 64x 2 comp. and it has an Intergrated Nvidia 6150e 256mb card, and i mainly use this computer for browsing forums/ CS:Source :D

Now my question is, im only getting around 20-40 FPS when i play Source, am i better off using this 6150e or putting in my old ATI 9600 128mb vid card?

ps- i know, both my cards suck, but money is kinda tight now, so im going to make the best out of it, until i finish off paying bills, thanks for listening, love this Forum btw.
My guess is you bought one of those Compaq's with the X2 (or single Athlon) with integrated 6150. You have a PCI-E slot not AGP so you couldn't use your old card if you wanted to. Your only option is to buy a new video card.
you can get some halfway decent performance out of the 6150 if you tweak it a bit. Look in the bios and make sure your frame buffer is not set to 64MB (compaq loves doing that). Try and set it at 128 (256 isn't going to help you any and jsut use up RAM). After that go into the Nvidia control panel and turn off AA and AF. Make sure you set the Negative LOD bias to clamp or youa re going to get mad texture crawl/shimmer with no AF. I can play DoD:S/CS:S @ 1280x1024 with those settings on an M2NPV-VM that uses the same onboard VGA card. Its not beautiful, but it stays above 30FPS most of the time.
Good Luck!
I went into Bios, where is Frame Buffer? i cant seem to find it

and in the Nvidia control panel, where is the negative LOD bias to clamp? I suck at computers, thanks for the suggestions guys

also Justin, when you play Source are you running DirectX 9 or 8?
Get speedfan, if you're temps are good, use coolbits to overclock the integrated graphics (yes you can). Also, go to and download the XTremeG 92.91 drivers.
to get the Negative LOD bias option to show up you need to change the "view" drop down box to say advanced view. It's about half way down.

As far as the frame buffer question...
it might be called something else but it should be under integrated devices in the bios. It will probably have options like 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256.
I do play in DX9 mode but I have HDR and reflections turned off. The rest of the video settings are at medium.
hey Firewolf, what do the xTremeG 91.92 drivers do? will it give me a huge improvement? and I went to into the Download section, cant find the driver ur speaking of?

how much can i overclock it to? i dont want this thing messing up the comp.