Quantum computer makers like their odds for big progress


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005

"Honeywell sees using quantum computing for its own businesses, like chemical design, warehouse automation and aerospace. "Honeywell expects to be our own biggest and best customer," said Tony Uttley, president of Honeywell Quantum Solutions.

One of the most bullish voices is Eric Schmidt, who in his former job as Google's chief executive and executive chairman approved that company's long-term quantum computing program. That work produced last year's "quantum supremacy" experiment that showed quantum computers could surpass classical computers for at least one narrow (though not practical) computing chore.

"We know this stuff is going to happen six to eight years from now," Schmidt said. "It's going to be incredible when it happens.""

They don't know shit. 6-8 years from now yeah ok. That gets said every day
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One day it’s got to be true. You’re just looking at it wrong
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Yeah, the downside is thier business will suffer quantum entanglement with another company's business, so the net result of all that work will be zero.
Shouldn't the Quantum Computer be able to calculate the likelihood of their success, being a Quantum Computer...which to me is a lot like being a Magic 8 Ball at this point......"Signs point to Yes"....etc...."If only we had more cubits to work with, we'd know for sure!"
It all has to start somewhere and it appears that Honeywell is on it's way.

Is there a future for this? It certainly looks like it.

Will it's application expand beyond any current niche? Quite possibly, perhaps even likely.

Who was that statement addressing? Investors, so it's going to be positioned as bullish with some fluff added.

We'll all find out where Quantum computing and Honeywell goes within a decade or so. Put your patience hats on because all bets are still on the table.