Quality, budget IPS monitor to replace HP 2310m?


Aug 5, 2013
I currently have an HP 2310m that i'm mostly happy with. I like the glossy panel, the black level, the size, and the response time (haven't noticed any ghosting in the years I've had it), but I don't like how much the colors wash out from off axis, both horizontally and vertically. I believe it's a TN panel.

What I'd like is an IPS panel to replace it to take care of the off-axis viewing issue. I don't mind giving up a little in black level to gain a lot in color accuracy either, so I think IPS is probably the way to go. However, being a fan of glossy panels (because I have control over my viewing environment), I've noticed there aren't many glossy IPS screens on offer. Are there any light AG screens out there that might be worth a look (or glossy ones I've missed, for that matter)? Full-on matte doesn't interest me at all, dat sparkle... ugh (flame all you want it won't make me love matte or hard AG any more). Controls don't matter to me in the slightest. I'm gonna set it once in a great while so I don't care if I have to do a rain dance to move the contrast/brightness or fumble around with touch controls, etc. PQ, color accuracy, off-axis viewing, decent to good black level, response time are everything to me. And 23" is the sweet spot as far as I can tell. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of my assumptions or ideas.

As far as usage, primarily I play a lot of games, mostly shooters and RTS, watch the occasional movie, write code, and do some photo editing. I've looked at the following panels online but don't know which would suit me best. Wanna keep the price under ~$200.

Panels I currently am looking at:
Dell S2340M (or L)
ViewSonic VX2370SMH-LED

Not sure how they stack up to one another as far as glossyness(?) of screen goes. S2340M is supposedly prone to ghosting, not sure if it's any worse than the other monitors listed or not, but I've seen people talking about it on here and haven't seen any mention of it on the others so I'd say it probably is worse.

Recommendations or ideas, anybody? I've been leaning towards the Dell but if the ghosting is bad, it isn't really an option. Happy to hear anything about it or quality alternatives.
I believe the Dell S series suffers from overshoot, but it doesn't necessarily bother everyone. They do sell the S2340 locally at a lot of places (Best Buy, Costco), so you probably could try one out and return if you don't like it. It'll be glossy. I suggest going for the dvi model if you can find it, just to avoid the hdmi/limited black driver issue.

For gaming, the Eizo 2333 probably is the best IPS at 23". But it'll be around double what you wish to spend. Eizo may still have the previous model, 2332, as a refurb for around $180 shipped, direct. It'd be more the light coated variety rather than full on glossy.
I'd read good things about the Eizo 2333 but the price is a dealbreaker for me. I'll have to take a trip to the local Best Buy and look at the Dell in person like you suggested, Namelessme.

I found the VG23AH had a lot of positive feedback on here as well, but am not sure about the gray line issue some are reporting. Does anybody have any experience with any of the Asus or Viewsonic monitors? They're not available in stores in my area so I'd have to order one basically sight unseen.
You can read about the VG23AH's gray lines in my review thread:


Aside from the passive 3D filter lines & use of PWM it is still the best 23" under 300$

All of the Dell S series models have the same overshoot ghosting issues and the VS239H uses a grainy matte coating.

The LG 23EA63V is the best 23" of all the newer AH-IPS panels in your price range according to =DEAD= & he has reviewed almost all of the 23" IPS panels

Use google or chrome to translate:

I appreciate the info, NCX. You and =DEAD= wrote up really informative reviews on both those monitors. I may be able to get a look at the LG in a store, and I could probably order the VG23AH from Amazon to take a look at it and swap it out for something else if I find the gray lines distracting.

Thanks much for the input!
One last question: would these monitors be an up-, side-, or downgrade for me from the HP 2310m I'm currently on?
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That could be an option too. Are there any closeup pics of the pixels/AG coating for this model? Curious if it's a light, sparkly-free coating, or just a bit lighter than older IPS models.

The price is very tempting, even with the bad stand.

Well I ordered one yesterday so I'm hoping for the best! If any one hears anything about the VS24AH-P I would like to check it out. Thanks.