QNIX 2710 driver


Jan 17, 2005
So, I see on Overclock.net that there is a driver for theses monitors but u have to be in a club to download it???

I tried every combo I can think of to find it on the net and the guy that sold it to me has no idea so... can anyone help a brother out?

It is the single dvi input model.
I have two zip files i could upload for you. I have no idea what they are, i downloaded them a year or more ago (maybe from overclock.net)

I think you just have to register to their site to download their files.

my files are named qnix.zip that has qnix.inf in it and a zip file that says QNIXmonitordriver that also has qnix.inf and FAQ.rtf that says something about overclocking, let me know if you need those...
Register, login and you can download..... Pretty much like every other site with attachments/pictures.
Register, login and you can download..... Pretty much like every other site with attachments/pictures.


They make it sound like you have to be part of a special user group in their FAQ.

Is that site really the only place, I guess English speaking place, that a driver for these monitors can be downloaded?
I know it sounds trivial to sign up but I really don't want to sign up for a site I will literally never visit. Unless I can't get this driver another way.
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send me your email in PM ill email it to you.
Just register to overclock.net. When it comes to Qnix 2710 that forum thread has the most information you will find regarding that monitor.
so how do I get around that Windows 10 wont let me install it because it isn't digitally signed?


I think I found it..

Boy, they don't make it easy.


But I got it.

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96 Hz right from the Nvidia control panel.
Couldn't have been easier.


Thanks to doz and DF-1 for the info.
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