PUBG may be Officially Launched in China but with Socialist Modifications


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
It looks like Tencent is going to launch a version of PUBG in China after all. Of course they have to make modifications that are in line with "socialist core values". I wonder what that means? Furthermore, the flood gates are going to open up for rampant cheating (not that it isn't rampant now) once the game goes final since most of the cheaters are from China anyway. I guess I'll take a pass on this one.

Gamers in China may be pleased to hear that they will officially be allowed to play the game, but users in the rest of the world may be less than satisfied with the news. Cheating in PUBG is still a large issue with thousands of players being banned daily for violations. Many of the accounts being banned happen to be from China.
Well once they have their own version of the game there should be no reason not to have region locks. The game has lost too much of what made ArmA III's Battle Royale mode good, however, and is only being driven by streamers and third-world popularity. Hopefully, it will die.
Well once they have their own version of the game there should be no reason not to have region locks. The game has lost too much of what made ArmA III's Battle Royale mode good, however, and is only being driven by streamers and third-world popularity. Hopefully, it will die.

What don't you like about it? I find it to be a ton of fun - particularly if you are playing with friends.
It was a lot of fun when me and my friends jumped on the battlewagon, but bugs and poor performance (plus time spent in-game) gradually stopped us from playing it anymore. For $40, i got 120 hours out of it, so im pretty pleased with the outcome. People are reporting progress on the performance and cheating front apparently, and while its popularity has peaked, and is steady, that population basically outnumbers most multiplayer games in my opinion (so no chance of empty lobbies)

Unless your a lone-wolf type of guy, or quick to make friends, I would suggest getting a group to join you if you decide to buy it for max fun and value.
What don't you like about it? I find it to be a ton of fun - particularly if you are playing with friends.
Well I miss the obsessive-compulsive nature of ArmA III's ballistics modeling, the overall mien and composition of its playerbase, and basic, functional anti-cheat measures. Realistically that was never going to be replicated at the scale Bluehole was looking to achieve.
It's mainly from the chinese hackers the reason this game has taken a nosedive in quality and fun. Nothing like getting a squad of friends together and getting fucked over for 1+ hour time after time due to some chinese shitbag hacker.
Id bet it will be 99.9% the same. China just wants them to pay attention to some small details.
Obvious jokes about socialism (which I abhor) aside, it will be interesting to see just what "socialist core values" within a game entails.
Your reply to me certainly doesn't make any sense, assuming you were employing sarcasm. Any noun can be hated, a system of government most of all.
It's like saying I hate lamps when you just hate the one lamp you saw.

I will pose a question I guess. Do you think when people in a socialist country say they hate capitalism that they have an accurate view of it?
You think the capitalists benefit at all because you hate socialism in the same way the socialists benefit from their hating capitalism?

You hate people, that's who fucks up everything, the systems are relatively inert. And to point out, our capitalist awesomeness largely depends on us exploiting poor people somewhere hidden from view on the planet, socialism just tends to exploit locals more. Makes people feel icky. The "social democracies" of scandavia are also built on the exploitation of people in africa and elsewhere.
None of it is really that different when you get down to it. where the coercion comes from doesn't really change it being coercion.
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Maybe they will land on the Senkaku Islands that china told japan belongs to them, and they will have to defend it from
"those who would take what is rightfully theirs, and aliens like in contra"? :p
If the Chinese have their own version, wouldn't that prevent them from being able to play online with other builds due to mismatching assets?
My guess is someone needed to get paid off and Tencent was the right person to handle the transaction for Bluehole.

It sucks, but business in China is tough to get done without a little bribe now and then.
I've seen it posted elsewhere that the modification are basically signs and lettering on the parachute that say "military exercise." People don't spurt blood rather a blue paintball marker shows up on them when they are hit. The Chinese government has an objection to the fight to the death idea...