PSP 2.0 Delayed.... Again

Yeah I have also been running the japanese version on my USA PSP since it came out, it works perfectly. Nothing better than surfing the Hard Forums while taking a dump heheh
ascully said:
Yeah I have also been running the japanese version on my USA PSP since it came out, it works perfectly. Nothing better than surfing the Hard Forums while taking a dump heheh
TMI :rolleyes:
ascully said:
Yeah I have also been running the japanese version on my USA PSP since it came out, it works perfectly. Nothing better than surfing the Hard Forums while taking a dump heheh

You are living a good life then :D
ascully said:
Yeah I have also been running the japanese version on my USA PSP since it came out, it works perfectly. Nothing better than surfing the Hard Forums while taking a dump heheh

That was my plan, but Sony is being gay about it.

I would install the jpn version, but I won't.
Instead, i'll stop buying Sony products. Seriously, I have a CDrom, Minidisk, a Clie, a Vaio, Headphones, Speakers, Car Stereo, all Sony.
Now that they've shown their lack of appreciation to their customers, I'll stop buying their products.

Dont forget to wash your hands and wipe your PSP when you're done.
SacLANd said:
That was my plan, but Sony is being gay about it.

I would install the jpn version, but I won't.
Instead, i'll stop buying Sony products. Seriously, I have a CDrom, Minidisk, a Clie, a Vaio, Headphones, Speakers, Car Stereo, all Sony.
Now that they've shown their lack of appreciation to their customers, I'll stop buying their products.

Dont forget to wash your hands and wipe your PSP when you're done.
Why stop, you have already given them thousands of your dollars :rolleyes:
It is clear that Sony has their priorities set...

Japan > USA > Europe

In this age where companies are trying to globalize Sony still has the Japan first, everybody else when we feel like getting to it mentality. They dont care about the US Market for their customer relations, they just look at us as a bunch of stupid saps that are willing to spend money on the Playstation brand name that they have built up. They could care less about us as customers, they only care about our wallets.

Just be thankful for microsoft getting into the console business and giving some real competition so hopefully we can expect a little bit better from Sony on the PS3 than we see from them on the PSP.
Erasmus354 said:
It is clear that Sony has their priorities set...

Japan > USA > Europe

In this age where companies are trying to globalize Sony still has the Japan first, everybody else when we feel like getting to it mentality. They dont care about the US Market for their customer relations, they just look at us as a bunch of stupid saps that are willing to spend money on the Playstation brand name that they have built up. They could care less about us as customers, they only care about our wallets.

Just be thankful for microsoft getting into the console business and giving some real competition so hopefully we can expect a little bit better from Sony on the PS3 than we see from them on the PSP.


Sony marketing everyone to Jap first is becuase the Japs willing accept buying new eletronics every other effing day.
Prim3 said:

Sony marketing everyone to Jap first is becuase the Japs willing accept buying new eletronics every other effing day.

And americans dont always go buy the newest and coolest toys on the market? The difference between the US and Japanese market is that the Japanese are much more tech savvy than the majority of the US market, hence why Sony could care less about releasing a US PSP firmware update, because they see us as a bunch of cavemen (relatively speaking) who couldn't care less. Which for the broader majority is probably true.
Erasmus354 said:
And americans dont always go buy the newest and coolest toys on the market? The difference between the US and Japanese market is that the Japanese are much more tech savvy than the majority of the US market, hence why Sony could care less about releasing a US PSP firmware update, because they see us as a bunch of cavemen (relatively speaking) who couldn't care less. Which for the broader majority is probably true.
That makes me feel all warm and tosty on the inside.
Erasmus354 said:
It is clear that Sony has their priorities set...

Japan > USA > Europe
In this age where companies are trying to globalize Sony still has the Japan first, everybody else when we feel like getting to it mentality. They dont care about the US Market for their customer relations, they just look at us as a bunch of stupid saps that are willing to spend money on the Playstation brand name that they have built up. They could care less about us as customers, they only care about our wallets.

Or, more likely, they are just trying to iron out some bugs before releasing it.
PikachuMan said:
Or, more likely, they are just trying to iron out some bugs before releasing it.

The bugs with the identical hardware right :rolleyes:

I think it is probably them getting their act together with the US portal for the PSP. But if they really cared as much about the US market as they did the Japan market there was nothing stopping them from simultaneously developing both web pages and releasing the updates at the same time for both regions.
you have to remember the jap ver 1.0 firmware would run homebrew without any hacks which include loaders.. it would be my guess they rushed to a japanese 2.0 release to get people to upgrade from their mistake
Erasmus354 said:
And americans dont always go buy the newest and coolest toys on the market? The difference between the US and Japanese market is that the Japanese are much more tech savvy than the majority of the US market, hence why Sony could care less about releasing a US PSP firmware update, because they see us as a bunch of cavemen (relatively speaking) who couldn't care less. Which for the broader majority is probably true.

actually, for the most part, this is true. Japan has a more tightly knit culture. that makes it the target audience for companies like Sony.
Many companies make a number of products that they believe just wont do well in America. The companies have done the research, and product testing to realize exactly what we will buy as Americans.
Unfortunatly, because of the, we, the minority lose out on a LOT of cool gadgets and electronics.
well, im taking a dump and posting with my psp. dont worry, ill wash my hands. 2.0 in USA!
ascully said:
Yeah I have also been running the japanese version on my USA PSP since it came out, it works perfectly. Nothing better than surfing the Hard Forums while taking a dump heheh

I might just buy a PSP just so i can do that.


Is the PSP waterproof :D
ascully said:
Yeah I have also been running the japanese version on my USA PSP since it came out, it works perfectly. Nothing better than surfing the Hard Forums while taking a dump heheh

Now I want a PSP. lol
US version is out! Japan got a "secret update" tonight too. The july update was different from this one, but the secret one tonight is identical for both US and JPN versions, unlike the July update. Sony trying to sneak something in here?