Proof That U.S. Broadband Speeds Are SUPERFANTASTIC!

His point isn't so much the percentage of the population urban vs rural, he was saying other countries have fewer urban areas compared to the US which has lots of urban areas, and what is classified as urban in the US is a little handwavy as suburban is tied in with urban as far as those population values you mentioned. Then there's different types of urban, there's high density urban, vs low density urban, think NYC vs LA. NYC is high density vs LA which in comparison is much lower density, and then compare that to someplace like Seoul and NYC (as a whole) looks almost rural (although some places definitely are higher density than others)

I see, but there are still enough resources in most all urban areas of the states for this not to be a problem. The way fiber optics are fed through urban and suburban areas is pretty ingenious. The main reason why most urban locations, despite density, aren't receiving higher bandwidth probably has less to do with build out at this point and more to do with how much ISP's are delivering. I think we can all agree the ISP's are just greedy. With monopolies in cities like they have what incentive do they have to provide?
Next up in Comcast's crosshairs, digital game downloads. If they can discriminate against the traffic of companies like Netflix, delivery vehicles like STEAM are next. Especially in a world with 50gb games.

Don't think Steam is bigger than it is. 90%+ of the households I visit with internet use Netflix, I barely see one or two machines with Steam a month.
My guess is that states that have cities with gigabit connections are the ones that are pulling up the average. 1000 is so much more than 10 that a single gigabit user can pull an square mile of farm country DSL subscribers past 50 mb. The problem is those subscribers whom were updated to 1000, probably were already at or exceeding 50 prior to that. I would rather see the median as a real representation of what we are working with in this country and sadly based on what they say the US median will be below 10 mb.