Project "Oh So Clean"


Aug 5, 2004
I've finally got up enough courage to paint the inside of my case after talking about it for months. Since all my case fans are white LED i decided to paint the inside white to go with it. Here are some pics for starters.
Here are the mother board and hard drive trays primered ( cant remember which coat of primer this was lol)

And here they are on there second coat of white

Heres a little sample to give you an ideo of how its gonna look



I did the 3rd coat of white paint on the mobo and hd trays today and also did the first and second coat of primer on the case the 2nd coat is drying now but here are some pictures of it



and since everything is going to be white i couldnt leave out the case leds and fan controller leds ( it would look real messed up to have everything white and fanbus and case leds blue so i changed em)


hope you like it, i should have the case priming finished today and start on the first caot of paint tomorrow and start on clear coating the trays tomorrow also.

and once ALL this is done i will then start on painting the outside white also hopefully this will be done by next weekend ( doubt it) because my new Neo2 Platinum and 3500 Winchester are coming in this weekend. and if the paint isnt that good its because im only 17 and just got into computers 6 months ago and this is my first ever paint job hope you like it tho
ya it is different is what i most like about it, ive never seen an ALL WHITE case before. and it is glossy and the clear coat is gonna make it even higher gloss. and thanks
looks really promissing. HAHA i had an idea for the window, have Mr.Clean (that bald guy) as a cutout and have it super polished white inside haha maybe some tiled floor. just throwing out some ideas
Morphes said:
looks really promissing. HAHA i had an idea for the window, have Mr.Clean (that bald guy) as a cutout and have it super polished white inside haha maybe some tiled floor. just throwing out some ideas

that was a good idea up until the floor tile part. :p

case is looking really nice!! its been a while since ive seen an all-white case before.
Hmmmm...tiles flooring on the inside of the case. That would be intersting for sure.
thanks for the good comments and tomorrow i will have more pics, a few pics of the clear coat on the mobo and hd trays and the cases first white coat.

oh ya and...
White is the New Beige, I mean black.
what was meant by that?
i just got the idea of painting my chrome fan grills...i dont really like them anyway so i was thinkin about paintin them white..what do you guys think?
JR_Rider said:
i just got the idea of painting my chrome fan grills...i dont really like them anyway so i was thinkin about paintin them white..what do you guys think?

IMHO a little chrome wouldn't look bad against the white..... but if you must change it then I say go for white! :)

Can't wait to see how this turns out....
you stole my idea!!! j/p actually, a few weeks ago i was thinking about painting the inside of my case, and i discovered the awesome beauty of white primer...instead of going tiwht the crazy orange thing, i'm thinking about just leaving the inside with that flat primer (few coats, and maybe doing the outside in a gloss white...or maybe someother color...maybe grey with orange highlights (kinda like those jackets i see sometimes)..but i'm still not sure
im proud to call this guy my cousin ;)
6-7 months ago he didnt know the difference between a cpu and a gpu, look at him now, hes moddin with the rest of em :p

keep up the good work.
yea keep up the good work jr. it looks good.

LOL bad boy, we are still teaching him how to do stuff.
i did the first coat of white yesterday and the 2nd coat today on the case, everything else is done and clear coated, i would post pics but after the first coat of white it all looks the same so i will post again with pictures when its complete
aluminum heatsinks make flakums cry
what does that have to do w/ my case

anyway i did the 3rd coat of white today and its really starting to look good. On the first coat it didnt look that good , i started to think i made a mistake choosing white lol but on this 3rd coat its really starting to get bright and really white and glossy its lookin real good. Ill post some pics probably next week when its done.
Here is a picture of the new motherboard i got yesterday on the painted motherboard tray, its not screwed in its just sitting on top.
The black motherboard on the white tray looks pretty dang snazzy. Maybe you could incorporate some black highlights (or lowlights? :rolleyes: :D ) on the inside of the case? For the outside, I'd say white with chrome accents, like the chrome fan grills. That would look super clean...
Im already ahead of you on the black accents on the inside of the case. My homeboy (flat4) sent me some black thumb screws for the pci slots and i painted my other thumb screws black fo the mobo tray and there will be a few other small black things in the case. Im not exactly sure when im going to paint the outside of the case but i will more than likely, like an 85% chance i will paint it sometime after maybey next month some time but it will be hot hopefully. The white paint is already bling blingin like a bright day so i just cant wait to see how it looks w/ all the clear coats and its all done.

-NJ's Ridaman-
sweet action, thats gunna look amazing. So clean, and shiny! Will definitley need chrome accents outside. How do you plan on doing the wiring inside? White sleeving would complement the case well, plus it wouldn't be as obvious. That and I've never seen a PSU sleeved all white, so that would be awesome.
That would've been cool if you could've found a white mobo..... don't think something like that's being made, though (someone correct me if I'm wrong.... :)
white mobo would be awsome, i know intel make/made a all black and white one, its pretty sweet looking
that would be hot but..contrast guys contrast, was thinkin about paintin the drives and stuff white but idk about that
oh you could make a motherboard plexi cover, OOOOH another great idea, have that silver window tint on your window so you can only see in when you got lights on :-p just an idea
What about doing the drives in black? That would provide some good contrast, though it may be too much black... And as far as sleeving goes, I think you should sleeve it white, AND try to hide as much as possible. By sleeving it anyways, any wires that were exposed would blend in much better. For example, the inside of my case will be black, so all of the cables are going to be sleeved in black to help when I hide them.
I was going to wait until it was done to show you guys any more but i had the camera on this desk and the case in sight so i took a quick one for you.

2 more white coats and then as many clear coats as needed
and i think black drives would be too much black.
ya thats a good idea but that one is like a dull white this case is really bright clean white.
I just check SVC. You can get the white sleeving but they are not in a kit. They have different size. So you might have to order them separately for your PSU needs.

White sleeving 1/4"

You can check them out at SVC
ya i saw those on that svc website i might get it im not sure or i might just order as much as i need from frozencpu in pices cause i dont need to sleeve every wire when most are hidden. and i start clear coating my case tomorrow if it doesnt rain or isnt mad windy like today. it should be complete and put together next weekend.
Jawsome, keep us updated. As far as the sleeving, you could just order 1 piece, they come in 5 foot sections for about $1.80, depending on diameter. That should be enough for any wires that may be exposed.
I knew I saw one before... ABIT made a white mobo a couple years ago... I dont know if it even made it to this side of the Pacific tho... Im pretty sure Soltek made a white PCB for a P4 a while back also.

Either way, clear coat that bad boy then buff it out and you wont be able to look directly @ yer case on a bright day... hehe Lookin great dude =)