Program to draw circuits


Limp Gawd
Aug 10, 2008
Its been a long time since I used software to draw out my electronic circuits, always took the easy way and drew by hand. But its time for me to get back into this stuff and I was wondering what programs you guys use to draw out circuits.
OrCAD = PSpice

I think PSpice is the standard at most schools for EE.
Yup.. PSpice. It works quite well once you get around all the quirks of the software.
You might also consider Eagle. PSpice/OrCAD includes circuit simulation, Eagle is great for laying out circuit boards (for manufacture).
thanks guys, I'm ot sure if we used PSpice in college
it been a long time so memories are vauge
"spice" is whatever they use to simulate circuits (the algorithms or something), alot of people have programs to lay them out then run the spice simulation on it.

Linear offers LTSpice for free and constantly updates its parts:

i used orcad in college, but we moved to ltspice when it came out and it's an awesome little program.
KiCad is free and not bad at all. Altium Designer is the 'industry standard'. EAGLE is the 'hobbyist standard'.

If you just want to knock together a quick diagram for sharing on the web or something, Klunky is handy.