problem with Wester Digital HD


[H]F Junkie
Apr 10, 2002
Well I sent off for $80 in rebates in december and I just started to get them back...I have had the drive sitting around...

Now I always make copies of my rebate reciepts but this time I was in a real hurry and mailed off the origional reciept :(

I went to install the drive today and As I was plugging in the power connector it jsut would not go in...

I look colser at the pins and notice one of them is broken off! It was just laying there stoping the plug form going in..

What the hell do I do now?

I need this HD NOW so I can finish my programing HW and graduate this semester..

I can't believe this is happening I have never EVER had a problem like this before. WTF!
damn that sucks, so much for programing with java docs etc and passing my midterm...

Shit always goes down at the wrong times..
where do you live, if your close to me, ill lend you a 40 gig WD untill the end of the semester, or till you get your hd back from WD when you do RMA it

(just trying to help, PM if you realy need it)
wd has an express service
do an rma you can have a replacement very quick if you are willing to pay.