Problem with TV Tuner on AiW 9800 Pro


[H]F Junkie
Sep 25, 2003
I just got my new 9800 AiW Pro and it works great, except when I watch TV, it is OK for about 5 min, then my monitor says 'no signal' and turns off. I know the comp is still running, cause I can hear the sound, but there is no picture and I have to power down. When I turn it back on, everything is fine.

Antec True 480
Intel D875PBZ
1GB Crucial

Cat 4.2
My friend has the same card and had the same probelm. I had him reinstall all the drivers and get the newest multimedia software and it seemed to fix the problem for him.

The card has 3 different input signals to choose from (composite, svideo, and tv), which I believe you can switch to by pressing alt + 1, alt + 2 , or alt + 3, (or it might be alt + F1, F2, etc). Make sure you're on the one that enables tv playback.

See if this helps..
I'm gonna try a fresh install tomorrow and see if that does anything?
Had the same problem seems like their are two things which can cause this problem. First is with the fast write option. When I unchecked that option the problem corrected itself for me. Second if you are using a hyper-threading cpu, dx9b, and a TV-Turner you may run into this problem. There is a patch out from MS that supposedly corrects this as well. Check out the following thread for more information.
I know it is wierd. I had to go back and check too make sure that it was a different person that had posted on that thread.