Problem with memory slots


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2004
A few months ago I tinkered with my RAM and as a result I'm only running half the amount of RAM I was. I have an MSI K8N Neo Platinum with two sticks of Crucial DDR400 512 MB, and three RAM slots on the motherboard. After tinkering I turned on my computer and the mobo beeped with no other response, and after some experimentation I discovered that the only RAM combination that allowed my computer to boot into Windows was one stick of RAM (either one) in the first slot. Only one other combination brought me close, and that was one stick in the first slot and another in the third. This allowed my computer to POST, and when looking in the BIOS it verified that I had a gigabyte of memory installed. However, it hangs whenever I get to the Windows loading screen (the loading bar). I don't know how to run memtest but im guessing that I'm going to be asked to. Any other suggestions?
I tested each stick one at a time in the first slot, both passed with no errors. When I tried a stick in the first and third at the same time I got through POST and then showed the memtest GUI with only some words and it hanged. I'm thinking something happened to the RAM slots on my motherboard but I find it strange that I'm able to boot through POST (and BIOS recognizes all the RAM) when I try the first and third slots, although it hangs at Windows loading.
I have tried every conceivable combination between the three slots and the two sticks of RAM. A few months ago I cleared the CMOS, flashed my BIOS, and reformatted in an effort to get it working again. Yesterday I took a can of compressed air to the computer and completely cleaned it out. I'm pretty sure it's a problem with the motherboard, is it too late to RMA it? If I've had it for close to two years?
never hurts to email msi and ask :p

have you swapped cpu's lately? does the ram work at 2T?
I haven't done any major hardware changes since I put it together close to two years ago, and you'll have to forgive me for not knowing what 2T is. I've let my knowledge of technology kind of slip from me.
I did a quick google search and then went ahead and changed to 2T, tried booting with the first and third slot combo and got as far as the Windows loading screen, the bar got halfway across the load meter and then froze. No further success. I'm going to e-mail MSI right now and probably call them tomorrow. RIght now I'm considering just biting the bullet and shelling out $100 for a stick of 1GB PC3200.
if msi's rma doesn't pan out, send me a pm. i've got a k8n neo that i've been trying to get rid of, and i know all 3 slots work :cool:
I'm trying to e-mail MSI right now and I've got everything filled out but the serial number, how am I supposed to read a number off of the bottom of the motherboard when it's in my computer? I tried taking the other side of the case off but I forgot that it was screwed into a motherboard tray.
haha, yeah. that's a serious pita.. only real option is to take the mobo out :(