Problem in Games & Driver


Oct 25, 2003
hey everyone!
I have a problem at my new computer, and if someone will be able to help me, I will really thank him!

First, my vid card is Sapphire 9600XT (fireblade edition) on a NF7-S with Barton 2500+.
First, at every time that I am installing a driver for the vid card my computer gets slow, the "welcome" page of windows xp, appears slowly, like from the top to the bottom of the screen and not just appearing like it suppose to be. the menues are being opening slowly, everything is working slow. after a while I get a black screen (like when changing resolution) and after it comes back to desktop everything works fine, like it suppose.
This happens just at the first reboot after installing the vid card driver.

The other problem I have, but I donno if it have connection with the driver problem, is in games. In almost every game it works not smoothly and clearly. I tried NFSU, NFS 5, Call of Duty. those games don't work very well. In NFSU I most see the stucky things when turning.

I thought that it is maby a problem with the card, so I called my friend that have 9600pro (FIC) and I still had the problem, so I said it is maby the computer, so I tried my card at my other computer (P4 1.5), and I still had the problem. So it has to be the software I think.

I tried changing the driver, and I did driver cleaning every time I installed a new one, I tried those:
Catalyst: 3.10 (softmodded), 3.10, 3.7, 3.6, 3.2, and Omega driver.
I installed latest chipset driver, and did all windows XP(pro) updates (including SP1), have DirectX9.0b, and tried v18 and 21 for the BIOS.
I tried rasing the voltage of the card to 1.7.
I tried rasing/lower/disable the AA and AF.
Tried enable/disable Fastwrite.
Tried turning on Vsync.
Tried disabling/enabling VPU recover.
The last thing I tried to do is to format my computer and install everything from the beginning propely.
and none of those helped me.
If someone have another idea, plz tell me!
Make sure you have the newest version of the MB drivers installed.

While the 9600XT is a great mid-range card, it is not going to be able to play the newer games with all the goodies turned on.

If you turn off a few options in the game, does the problem go away?

Also, manually set the agp slot in the BIOS to 8x instead of autodetect. Doing that fixed my friends computer...

Good luck
yea I have the newest version of the MB driver.
and I tried lowering the graphics things in the game and no change. and it is wierd that NFS5 that is a really old game doesn't work very well. (but maby it's the game).
And the agp is set to x8 in the BIOS.
Originally posted by asafsarid
hey everyone!
First, at every time that I am installing a driver for the vid card my computer gets slow, the "welcome" page of windows xp, appears slowly, like from the top to the bottom of the screen and not just appearing like it suppose to be. the menues are being opening slowly, everything is working slow. after a while I get a black screen (like when changing resolution) and after it comes back to desktop everything works fine, like it suppose.
This happens just at the first reboot after installing the vid card driver.

This has happened to me at every driver update, it does it the first time the new drivers are installed, and occasionally the second, however after that, reboot wise, it doesn't exist.
Originally posted by The Donut
This has happened to me at every driver update, it does it the first time the new drivers are installed, and occasionally the second, however after that, reboot wise, it doesn't exist.

ok, so that is regullary but what about the games!?

yea must be a software problem but what? cant think of anything else that u already tried. :confused: :(

EDIT: Call of Duty is a new game that is probably too challenging for the card with all the eye candy turned on. However NFS* should be working fine....