Preordering games from


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 24, 2004
I just preordered Halo 2 on with one day air shipping. I live an hour away from the nearest game store, so this is my only option (I hate being lazy :p)

Anyways, It says on the site that the game will ship November 8 (it is due out the 9th). Will I get this game on the 9th? or the 10th?

I know, not a big deal, but I just want to know :)

Thank you!
half-life 2 has caused me to generally stop beliving ANY game's release date for quite some time, so id take it with a grain of salt. i know halo 2 isnt half-life 2, but still
halo 2 is gold so no reason to believe it will be delayed

you will probably get it on the 9th if they ship it on the 8th and it is one-day shipping. although sometimes there are delays, but since you preordered it, i think you will be okay.
thanks guys! I have a good feeling that it won't be backordered or anything...

This is my first time buying a game online, if you can believe that... lol :p