Powerbook 12" - Is it just me?


Aug 8, 2003

Got a question. On your Powerbook 12", when you write mail in Yahoo, how come the text is super small. It is soooo small that it is not black font anymore, it turns grey. Anyone having this similar problem with the 12"?
Using Safari, and I tried making the fonts bigger but no luck. Which browser is recommended for OSX?

Safari would be the best...and that is a wierd one....haven't heard of it yet...I would try in a new user and see if the issue shows up there too...if it does then you know it is a system wide issue and not just a user issue
It has to do with the font being used in OS-X when composing an email in yahoo. If you right-click in the textbox and select FONT -> SHOW FONTS, select a font other than Courier New. It's not a very friendly font at small sizes.
Originally posted by versello
It has to do with the font being used in OS-X when composing an email in yahoo. If you right-click in the textbox and select FONT -> SHOW FONTS, select a font other than Courier New. It's not a very friendly font at small sizes.

Fixed!! Thanks alot Versello!! Now I do not have to go blind when writing a letter, LOL.
Np. Hey I have a question, Chelica. Your powerbook specs say Sharkskin. Wussat? :confused:
Originally posted by versello
Np. Hey I have a question, Chelica. Your powerbook specs say Sharkskin. Wussat? :confused:

I was wondering the same. I just blindly assumed it was some set of visuals for the skin in OS X that I hadn't heard of.
LOL, nah, it is a sleeve bag thing for the Powerbook. Keeps it protected when I place it inside my backpack.

But question regarding the font thing for Yahoo Mail. Is there a way that I can keep it on a different font other than the one Yahoo uses? Right now, I would have to right click it everytime, any way to set the settings and keep it that way?
Here is a quick pic of it.


I think it is called a Sharkskin because the material is tough like a Sharkskin?? LOL, not sure, but yeah, it works pretty good for the 12", highly recommended for PB users. O yeah, and for all PB, you guys need to purchase one of those screen protectors thing. The one that you place on your keypad when you close the lid. That one is prolly the best investment for your PB.

I've never had any problems with my powerbook closing and needing to use a screen protector. There seems to be a bit of space in-between. My other laptop is a different story...

Unfortunately I don't think there's any way around the font issue. I looked at the HTML source for Yahoo and they specifically use Courier New for that textbox. At best you could try contacting them and explaining the issue (it's a world-wide problem obviously because mine does the same).

Nice case btw ;)
Does the same problem occur with internet explorer? Or Mozilla (netscape)?

I've never noticed it myself. I suspect that if you used another browser it might not happen, but I'm not sure. Many sites are coded with IE in mind, sadly.

As far as a screen protector goes, it seems to vary from laptop to laptop. Some have more bowed keyboards or some just don't have enough space to begin with. With the case of the powerbook, because the monitor lid is so flimsy to begin with, carrying the thing around presses the screen against the keyboard pretty much constantly. But that's far worse for the screen than just having a few raised letters that bump it.

/i need to get a screen protector... oops
Haha, that would be something tho, Emailing Yahoo and complaining about their janky font, lol. Is ahrite, I will use my Comcast, looks better anyway, and I can always copy and paste. But I was just worried that there was something wrong, but thanks for the tip.

The case is a life saver. The material is really tough, so that is always a plus.

As for the screen protector thing, is not about the keyboard closing. I just use it because before I had the screen protector, I would have these smudges every single time I view my screen. I was told that it is from the oil or whatnot coming from the keyboard. With the screen protector, my screen is good as new, and it closes much easier. I think I got it for like 15 bucks shipped or something like that from ShaggyMac. Comes with that iKlear, which is a great cleaning wipe for your screen.

But yeah, the problem is only under Safari. But I fixed the problem by just zooming everything by 1. So everything is A ok!!