power supply that runs off a 12V power source


Limp Gawd
Jun 4, 2003
Hi y'all, im starting a project i have the question outlined here http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=988217 if you could please posts anything there. What im hoping to find it a psu that will run nativly off a car battery instead of having to go dc to ac to dc. If anyone knows of such a power supply please chime in, any other details are in the other thread, planning either via epia or one of those matx boards w/athlon64 and a gig of ram 3 cf things as hard drives and a dvdburner
so far everything i've seen has been sub 160 watts, idealy i'd like to run a matx board with an athlon64, gig of ram, 3 compact flash drives and a dvd rom, will they handle that ?