Power Supply Recommendations


Jan 29, 2004
Looking at getting a new case and will need a new power supply to go along with it. I am not to familiar with power supplies and was hoping to get some question answered.

First question I have is how big of a power supply should I get? The machine that will be using the new power supply has the following components. Abit BH7 w 2.4 Ghz P4, ATI All in Wonder 9800 Pro, Audigy, 3 80mm case fans, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, and 2 hard drives. I am thinking I am going to need something in the 350 to 400 watt range.

Second question looking over some power supplies I noticed some that had some SATA power connectors. Do the newer Serial ATA hard drives use a different power connector than the standard type connection? Is this something I need to worry about or are their converters that would let me use a standard power connector.

Last thing since I will be getting my case from new egg any was wondering if I could get a recommendation of a good power supply that would meet my needs. Was thinking of going with an Antec SL400 or a ENERMAX EG375P.

Thanks for the help.
you should go to newegg.com and check out their 400W Fortron PSU, its good and its well priced
Antec case/psu combos are hard to beat for quality and value. Newegg carries a great selection.

This will work and is the best psu for the money.

This is also a very nice choice.
The first psu being the "atx" series isn't as good as the one in your second link which is the "fsp" series. In other words, when buying a fortron/sparkle psu make sure to go with their "FSP" line for a higher quality unit.

You can save yourself a boatload of dough by buying a generic case + a fortron/sparkle "fsp" psu.

Edit: I'd recommend a 300w minimum, 350w is ideal, 400w would allow for some future proofing
Popular choice around these parts is the Antec Truepower 430. It's pricier, but generally agreed to be one of the best.
pssst... pc power and cooling is the best, bar none... pssstt....

Thanks for the information that Fortron looks pretty good probably go with it.
Originally posted by pHatalbOom

the pc power and cooling 510 Deluxe.

$239 there but on their main website ( http://www.pcpowercooling.com/products/power_supplies/highperformance/index.htm ) its $197 + free fedex shipping

yup. have one myself.. best damn PSU i've ever owned, and probably will own for awhile (until I need another standard that's not ATX 1.3)

but, it's not for everyone... For some reason, ppl can't rationalize buying a PSU that costs 200, but they'll buy a $500 vid card that sucks up power like a mofo on their p4 2.4 OC'ed to 3.4, with 2x WD Raptors in RAID 0, and shit loads of lights, fans, optical drives, etc, and expect a $75 PSU to float the bill... LOL

Originally posted by NightRaven
Popular choice around these parts is the Antec Truepower 430. It's pricier, but generally agreed to be one of the best.

Go with this, lot cheaper than the PC Power and Cooling.
blah.. that didn't take long... DON'T SACRIFICE QUALITY OVER A $100!!! go shovel some driveways to get the xtra money...
My Antec 430 True Power has been running over a year on my overclocked P4. I'm happy with it. If you want to over spend on a power supply, it's your right.
it's not a question about overspending.. it's a question of getting a PSU that's doing it's job correctly.. sure, you can get a cheap PSU that will work, but it's not putting out the same quality power that it should be.. and this will stress your components in your system, and can shorten their life span... here check out this roundup


If you can't afford the PC Power and Cooling, I'd go with the Antec TruPower 550, or the Zalman Noisless 400... those are pretty decent, and cost a lot less...
Go with the Fortron 400. Forget the PCP&C unless you have money to throw away, because the fortron WILL do the job. Jeez.
Question to PCP&C owners: What about those power supplies justifies the increased, often $100 increase in cost, besides *perceived* value and quality? What difference in components do they use, and how will that effect the *average* user? I do not doubt the Pc Power and Cooling makes very nice power supplies, and is a great choice especially if you want to do a custom job. I agree that you shouldn't sacrifice quality to save money, but don't pay way more than you need for a little more quality.
Originally posted by Vertigo Acid
Question to PCP&C owners: What about those power supplies justifies the increased, often $100 increase in cost, besides *perceived* value and quality? What difference in components do they use, and how will that effect the *average* user? I do not doubt the Pc Power and Cooling makes very nice power supplies, and is a great choice especially if you want to do a custom job. I agree that you shouldn't sacrifice quality to save money, but don't pay way more than you need for a little more quality.

It's not percieved quality, it's very easily benchmarked, just read that article I linked above.. You will see that it has the tightest voltages, the lowest noise on the lines, the best regulation.. There is simply no comparison.. But beyond that, you have to open one up to appreciate it, all the components are top notch, everything is sheilded, put together correctly.. Pretty much, there was no skimping to make these things... And this is further justifed by the 5 year warranty you will get on them, compared to everyone else's 1 year warranty... Put simply, these things are fucking beasts, that are of the highest quality...

If you want the best, you will need to pay.. And is $200 really that much of an investment that will satisfy your power needs until they get rid of the ATX power supplies all together? Do you ever see a thread where someone said their PCP&C blew up? Any PCP&C owner on here will attest to their quality and value.. Compared to every other brand, where it's definately a mixed bag as to their quality... depending on the week, you could see 10 threads saying how antec's suck, or how enermax rails are 2 damn low, etc... shit, go over to newegg and read the user reviews for the antech trublue 480 and see how many ppl had their PSU blow a cap and die...
I just ordered a super flower 450w from directron for $49.99. It is the same maker as Fortron source I believe. It has the same fan and design.

Will report in when I get it.
Originally posted by CSx-2011
I just ordered a super flower 450w from directron for $49.99. It is the same maker as Fortron source I believe. It has the same fan and design.

Will report in when I get it.
SF is made in the same factory as enermax, fortron does oem for a lot of others though.
THe way I see it is this: I'll get a PCP&C when I get a Athlon64 FX51. But see, I would never get a FX because even though you will get the best performance around, it's just not worth the price.

Unless you have money to burn, that is.

It's one thing to say PCP&C is the best (true), but it's another thing to say that everyone should buy one for this reason (false).

To get to the point, it's just ignorant. I'll kick myself in the head with my own foot before I buy a PCP&C for one simple reason: It's just not worth the hard earned dough when a $54 400w power supply WILL float the bill. If you (barnaby) say it won't, I happen to know otherwise (it will.) :rolleyes:
sure, a lesser PSU (and by lesser I do not mean a $54 one.. I'd have to say a $75-100 one) will float the bill.... but If your going to be building a system that is made up of high quality components that depend on an equally high quality psu, wouldn't you want the best there is?

maybe I'm too much of an elitist when it comes to buying things... guess that's why my home theater costs as much as car!! (and I don't mean a cheap ford focus... ;) )
Originally posted by Barnaby
guess that's why my home theater costs as much as car!! (and I don't mean a cheap ford focus... ;) )
Do tell (pics,links?) cough,
hehe yea really... PICS :cool:

my home theater costs as much as a car too... but not even a focus, more like a '92 buick :p

I just had this monster write up with links to everything written, and the shit time out on me before I could submit it.. so I hit back, and it still wanted me to log on, and killed my fucking post... damnit

Oh man, I was just on my way to these forums to get some info on a good PSU and here this is as the first post ;p.
anywho, I do not have pics currently, as I don't get out of work till 9.. I'll take some on monday..

Here's the specs....

Sony KDP-65XBR (65" rear projection HDTV)
Marantz SR-19EX Ultra THX receiver (130 watts RMS per channel)
B&W CDM 9NT's for the mains
B&W CDM 1NT's for the rears
B&W Nautilus HTM2 for the Center
Velodyne HGS-10 (1250 watts RMS 10" sub)
Sony DVP-9000ES Progressive Scan DVD and SACD player
Sony SLV-N81 VCR
Technics SL-1200MK2 Direct Drive Turntable (Audio Technica needle)
NAD PP1 Phono Pre-Amp
XBOX connected via Monster Component/Optical cable kit
Monster Cable M-Series Component cable
Better Cables Silver Serpent Component Cables
Monster Cable Optical Interconnect cable
Monster cable 1/2" sheilded, solid copper core speaker cable. The mains and the center are bi-wired..
Monster cable audio cables for VHS and TV

grand total for all that is listed = $19750.5 US give or take a 100 or 2.. probably more of a give.. :)
If you buy an Antec, Fortron, Sparkle, or Enermax PSU you will be set. Theres no need to fork out the big bucks on a PCP&C PSU unless you have the money to spare and want the abosolute best.

You want the PSU with the highest efficiency rating and lowest level of noise output. The Antec True Power 430w PSU's are amonth the best.

As long as you get a name brand 350w-400w PSU you'll be set.

Very few people fork out the big bucks on a PCP&C PSU cause they really aren't worth all the extra money even though they are the best. Their usually the loudest also.
Originally posted by Barnaby

I just had this monster write up with links to everything written, and the shit time out on me before I could submit it.. so I hit back, and it still wanted me to log on, and killed my fucking post... damnit

Haha you should start your own thread on it somewhere when you get pics, I think we'd all like to see it :)
Originally posted by Barnaby
grand total for all that is listed = $19750.5 US give or take a 100 or 2.. probably more of a give.. :)
Phuck... Just out of curiosity, how much was the VCR? :rolleyes:
VCR was $125 I believe... ehhe.. those monster cable m-series component cables cost more.. LOL
Yea in all honesty, even if I was filthy well off, I wouldn't buy monster cable. Not that I think they are bad, i'm sure they're very good, but overpriced nonetheless. What do you think?

Damn we hijacked this thread like a mofo... Sorry threadstarter :(
Originally posted by Benny Blanco
Yea in all honesty, even if I was filthy well off, I wouldn't buy monster cable. Not that I think they are bad, i'm sure they're very good, but overpriced nonetheless. What do you think?

Damn we hijacked this thread like a mofo... Sorry threadstarter :(

they can be.. depends on how much you need... Most of the high end cable is priced the same for 1 meter lengths, but take off at larger sizes..

to be honest, you probably could get cable that's half the cost and almost as good... but when you're hooking up 19 g's worth of equipment, you don't really want to skimp on the cabling... besides, what's 1 g worth of cable when you already dropped 19 on the hardware.. ;)


Back on Topic,

go get a PC Power and Cooling if you have the money!!! ;) If not, go get a zalman noisless 400... they have alot of good features and will only set you back $100...