Power Factor Correction Capacitors


Oct 11, 2000
So, I happened across 6 7200V 200Kvac PFC capacitors.
Any ideas on what to do with them?

The panel on the side states they contain discharge resistors

How well would these hold/discharge a DC voltage?

Would these be good for capacitive balasting?

Well I think the most useful application you be to charge them up then walk around poking people with them...

and as an answer to your question... I don't know. :p
The discharge resistors won't slow down the discharge on them; they're in parallel with the cap, not in series.

Normally PFC capacitors aren't designed to handle a lot of current, since the current that goes through them is more or less constant (line voltage / Xc). So if you try to build a can crusher, penny shrinker or something of the sort, chances are the caps won't last that long. You really need pulse caps for that kind of stuff.

200 kvar? 7200v? these must be massive.
The case isn't too large about 20x12x4 inches, the insulators are about 6 in tall.

Becuase of them not being pulse rated their size is dimensionally small. Calculated out their capacitance is 10uF at 7200V yields 250J per capacitor.

I think I just may use them to balast a pole-pig or similar