Post your pc screen shots!

sanj101 said:
same nice image very sleek link?

I figured you all meant the wallpaper... I looked all over and could not find where I got it, so here's an upload of the wallpaper itself. I've got to say there's some amazing creativity in this forum. Keep it up everybody!

If people want it, I will try to clean up the html and host this setup for people. It might take me a couple of days.

It is a modified version of tsDesk (GVX provided the original setup to me)->

Simple and works, was modding the LS theme last sat, just a few small changes the theme, like how the uptime now shows the ip when i hover over it, thinking of doing another info show over the cpu/ram/page file bar, using some old school wp :)
Hamateer, I think that wallpaper is cool ^_^

Somebody did a good job with that one for sure!
Hupo said:


Nice sick and twisted wallpaper

Dear sir, can I have a link to that wall paper...please.

also do you have any other sick and twisted wallpapers like that that you may want to share?
Here is my desktop. I've posted it before, but I changed it up a little. I had gotten into the whole dark thing for a while but it made me sad so I decided to brighten it up a lil with the beautiful DogmaX4 theme for WB5 and a wallpaper of the new camaro.

Here's Mine. Spent a few hours with Samurize yesterday, this is what I came up with on a dual monitor setup.

Theme is a bit too much for me, probably going to change it. If anyone can find a really hi-definition windows vista theme (I've found a few but they look horrible..) Please pm me =D
Some of these are awesome. Sorry for the dumb Q, but, after searching around for themes etc., for months actually, I've come up do I go about completely customizing my desktop, so it behaves the way I want, like some of these screenshots do? Is it software based, as in, are there apps out that give you an environment to build the functionality you want, or is this a lot of coding in or something? I don't mean the pretty pics and changing icons to different icons or anything like that, but the core stuff, like displaying certain info on the desktop in your own way visually, or doing something completely different with the Start button, taskbars, etc...?

I'd like to do something so extreme that I can start with a Photoshop file as reference for the graphic, and take it from there...any chances?

Thanks for any help,
There are a lot of different options out there for customizing your desktop and displaying information and the likes, and really, its all dependant on how much work you're willing to put into customizing it. As far as showing info like cpu/memory/hard drive space, etc, look into samurize or yahoo widget engine. Samurize has more options, lower overhead and is easier to really customize. Yahoo widget engine is an easy way to get some cool stuff on your desktop if you can settle on the preset widgets that you download off their web site... I don't know how difficult it is to actually make your own widgets, but I'm sure samurize is easier if you want truly custom stuff.

As far as changing the interface, theres lots of different options ranging from visual styles and dock type programs, to completely replacing the windows shell with something like Litestep or Blackbox, or an Object Desktop setup. There's no real way to tell you what will work best for you, since everyone has different tastes and system configurations, so my best advice is to just try different programs and find what works best for you.
I ran into a load of problems when using samurize but after a while did it and added a magniifer by by self well with the help of the plugin magnifer lol, widgets are more easier in my opion as there are so many theres not really much you need to customise on, however widgets are rather big and tend to take more RAM then samurize I think :rolleyes:
Thanks a lot for your help, guys. I'll take a look at what you've suggested so far. Definitely want the ability to do all the visual design myself, so the yahoo thing might serve to get me into it, but ultimately I'll probably get more advanced than it's capable. Gonna start searching/reading this stuff now. Thanks a lot...


edit: downloaded Samurize. Took about 20 seconds to figure out how to add a perfmon on the screen...and from what I can tell, I can basically make a mockup in Photoshop, and totally go to town. Thanks a LOT...this rocks! Will kill my system performance till I get the new computer, but who cares!