Post your cs:source screenshots


that was from today
Source is a funny game, if you're a skilled 1.6 player you can walk all over anyone on anyone server, I dunno if they've made it easier or it's just everyones baught HL2 and never played CS before.

I play Source sometimes late at night and you can rack up 50+ kills to under 5 deaths pretty fast, that's with 40 fps too. Be interesting to try it with my new PC later this month.
finalgt said:
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, or what...

But yeah, it's a lose-lose situation with hackers. Pretty much the only way to get them to even think about not doing it any more is to just ignore them entirely, since it's clearly just a lameass cry for of the more effective ploys too. Before Counter-Strike, cocks like this had to call in a bomb threat somewhere, but now they can get all that precious attention they crave with all the anonymity of the internet. Of course, if one person doesn't say something about it, somebody else always does (and rightfully so, since cheaters ruin the game) and the cheater somehow feels loved again, or at least noticed.

Thank you for attending my psychology of a fuckwit seminar.

Real Nice. Couldn't have said it better myself. I had a speed hacker on our server today. He thought he was gonna get to ruin it for everyone, but he came to the wrong server. Most CS:S servers have no admins or admins that can't admin. Things will change when the admin plugins get around.
i was playing with a hacker last night and he was obviously hacking. he was telling everyone he wasent of course and how he was cal-p.....then he obviously turned them off and started to die and was like "SEE IM NOT FUCKIN HACKING, IM BETTER THEN YOU DEAL WITH IT" god it was great.... :D
God I miss all you kiddies whinin and moanin about hax. It was the funniest thing i've ever experienced in my life.

Most of all I miss headshotting t3h server owner. Twice :D With my scout :D
Then he turns his hax on and trys to pay me back but my hax were l33ter and I HS him again, and again until he k/b me, ROFLMAO.

I shall miss old CS.


Gibzilla said:
God I miss all you kiddies whinin and moanin about hax. It was the funniest thing i've ever experienced in my life.

Most of all I miss headshotting t3h server owner. Twice :D With my scout :D
Then he turns his hax on and trys to pay me back but my hax were l33ter and I HS him again, and again until he k/b me, ROFLMAO.

I shall miss old CS.

lol "kiddies". And you're a man for using hacks in a 6 yr old game right? :rolleyes:

I'm sorry that you suck at life. Just don't take it out on others kthxbye
ShaitoLainen said:
Oh my stars.. is that DE_DUST2? :confused:
Man... they changed a lot in the CS:S
yeah but i like the changes to be honest with you
gregr said:

that was from today

i would congrajulate you... IF the teams are Alot more even... in Nunber and Skills haha


crap.. one of those days when i forget how to spell. hehe
LOLOL!!!!! That guys hax and isn't afraid to show it...I remember back in the day when I got pissed off at CS and the hax0rz and lame flamers who whined and bitched about the balance of the game just cause they were gay and couldn't shoot worth a dick that I decided to JOIN the hax0rz cause obviously they were having more fun at ruining the game for other legit players...I play the game to have fun...the bad guys were having more fun than the good guys to I joined the bad guys...BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

I remember OGC hax...and I almost was a myg0t member too...that spec hak was fun to use on n00bz...I stopped hax0ring cause I found a new mod to play...CS was the only mod I hax'd on tho...looks like there's hax for CS:S guys better hope that I am entertained enuff from playing new games and that I don't get bored with the multiplayer games that are around right now cause I just might come back to the CS scene and wreak hav00c on all ur asses!!! I HATE CS and that's why I do it...USED to love it to death but too many whiners from the legit players and too many hax0rz to enjoy it the real way and Valve doesn't give a shit and create a fool proof system...their anti-cheat system always was cracked...

Don't worry fellow CS [H]'ers...IF I run out of PC games and multiplayer games to play then my next choice is to go back and finish FF:IX and FF:X...never did finish those and I gotta start all over since it's been so long and I'm the kind of person that has to max out EVERYTHING and EVERYONE...spent a whole year working on FFVII so you guys might not have to worry bout me wreaking hav0c on ur asses...;) ...doubt myg0t is still around anyways...and I wanna go back to playing TFC and SvenCoop someday too so I have quite a ways to go to sink back down to the evil CS hax0rz level once again...LOL...

Shrunk since it is a pointless post...
eh not the greatest, but considering I used exclusivley the scout and deagle not bad either. I also have only been playing CS a little over a month, so it's not that bad. Some guys go like 10000-3.

I have a question; what exactly is CAL and how do the leagues work? I had someone from the YGS clan ask me if i had any experience and if I was CAL, and I wasn't real clear about what exactly it is. I guess its a rule set or something?

computerpro3 said:
eh not the greatest, but considering I used exclusivley the scout and deagle not bad either.

lmao, does know one else see that. He said EXCLUSIVLEY the scout and the deagle....but wait what is that in his hand. Bah if you are going to lie at least pull out the deagle to take screen shot of your half ass score.


ps this was all in a joking manor so dont take it seriously.
JEEVES/whohasmyname? said:
lmao, does know one else see that. He said EXCLUSIVLEY the scout and the deagle....but wait what is that in his hand. Bah if you are going to lie at least pull out the deagle to take screen shot of your half ass score.


ps this was all in a joking manor so dont take it seriously.

I am computerpro3, I'm dead in that shot, as you can see, that guy is DSP.
computerpro3 said:
eh not the greatest, but considering I used exclusivley the scout and deagle not bad either. I also have only been playing CS a little over a month, so it's not that bad. Some guys go like 10000-3.

I have a question; what exactly is CAL and how do the leagues work? I had someone from the YGS clan ask me if i had any experience and if I was CAL, and I wasn't real clear about what exactly it is. I guess its a rule set or something?


anotehr one.. hehe how come you guys always stack the teams.... ur teams by the record showing... owns the other noob team.. hehe.... only post if you are on evened out teams and have a good rec!!! anyone can go on a pro team against noobs and get good rec... unless your a noob urself..
computerpro3 said:
I am computerpro3, I'm dead in that shot, as you can see, that guy is DSP.

lol that is what I get for reading while taking calls. :rolleyes: I guess i should pay more attention to either the customer or the reading but not both at the same time.
