Possible to hook up Xbox 360 to Viewsonic VX2025wm?


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2004
I'm planning on getting an Xbox 360 (or a PS3) sometime during the next year while I'm off at college. VGA boxes usually produce subpar image quality and I've seen the 360 really shine on an HDTV. Is there anyway to reproduce this quality on my monitor?
You can purchase the Official Microsoft VGA adapter to hook it up to that screen.
yeah the 360 supports vga output, you just have to buy the cable, and vga is enough for 720p.
darkhorse said:
yeah the 360 supports vga output, you just have to buy the cable, and vga is enough for 720p.

The monitor's res. is 1680 x 1050, if you change it won't the image look awful?
Nah, trust me, it looks amazing. My recommendation (originally from ign.com's review of the 360 through a similar monitor) is to set the 360 to 1280x1024 and widescreen. True, it isn't as clear as if it were straight 1680x1050, but it still looks danged good, and certainly better than many HDTVs. DVI to PC, and VGA to the 360, and you'll be a happy camper. ;)
1280x1024 and widescreen? How exactly does that look . . . anyone have any pictures?
The 360 is smart enough to add letterboxing to the image and display it proportionately on a 4:3 screen:

"On the CRT monitor, a Samsung SyncMaster 753DF, the chosen resolution was 1280x1024 being that is the maximum resolution the monitor supports. Although this 17” monitor can’t compete with the other displays used in the test in terms of size and resolution, the image quality was simply superb..."
My monitor IS widescreen though, aspect ratio is 16:10. Does that mean it will stretch 1280x1024?
I don't know why anyone would use 1024x1280 for their Xbox 360 output if they're using a 16:10 display. It can output to 1280x768 (16:10) and 1360x768 (16:9 but slightly higher total pixel quantity) instead, seems more logical.
placebo said:
I don't know why anyone would use 1024x1280 for their Xbox 360 output if they're using a 16:10 display. It can output to 1280x768 (16:10) and 1360x768 (16:9 but slightly higher total pixel quantity) instead, seems more logical.

That's what I was thinking . . .

I'll probably just hold out for a PS3 anyway, and I'm sure by then Sony will have more of a conventional solution to this sort of problem.