Possible to add someone using AIM to Yahoo Messenger?


Jan 17, 2003
As the title states, I need to know if it is possible either inherently or through a third party solution to add someone using an AIM name to my Yahoo Messenger and talk to them through the client.

Any advice relevent to this query is welcome. Thanks in advance.

It is not possible. They do not use the same protocol.

Try GAIM, trillian (hi-mem), easymessage (low mem).. search with google.

tommo said:
trillian (hi-mem)

Trillian is not a memory-intensive program. The task manager reports that Trillian 3 basic is using 4,900K on my system. That's NOTHING.
3rd GAIM ;)

I always dump that on clients boxes and encourage them to use it
Ive also used Miranda
thanks guys for the replies. I need a client that is capable of keeping a running log as this will be my primary work communication tool. I'll look into GAIM and others.

Terpfen said:
Trillian is not a memory-intensive program. The task manager reports that Trillian 3 basic is using 4,900K on my system. That's NOTHING.

mine hovers around 8,300K with no windows open and quickly rises as chat windows are opened (11,500 with one just OPEN, not even chatting)

still, for any sort of semi-modern system, you shouldn't have any problems... but it's still quite a bit more memory intensive than some of the alternatives


Trillian has a very ncie integrated logging feature with a couple of options. The Pro version is best and worth the money imo as it allows you to not only have logs saved to a .txt file, but also shows the last 100 (or whatever you select) lines of text in the chat window... so if you send a message, you can close the window and come back a few hours later and you can know see EXACTLY what you wrote that led to a reply... without having to open up the log to check. It might sound inconsequential but I find it quite it quite useful, especially when managing a large contact list where I communicate with individuals on a wide-range of topics (sometimes with large time gaps between conversations)
Are you using 2 or 3? 2 took up around 6500K, which is still nothing on a system with even 256MB of RAM. 256 - 6 = 250. That's hardly memory-intensive or bloated, considering it's more fully-featured than GAIM (which can't even get file transfers working properly.)
norky said:
trillian 3 supports jabber.

as does 2 pro with a plugin

and I'm still using 2... talking to 2 people and it's up 14,000... may not seem like a lot compared to some other programs, but compared to other chat clients, that is high-mem