Possible problem with new ATI card


Dec 24, 2006
Okay, I bought a new ATI card (specs in my sig) and I have 2 issues with it. When booting up, the initial Gigabyte screen is tinged in shades of Blue. When going to websites that have streaming video, they are in shades of blue. The computer itself is a new build.

I can play mpgs and DVDs fine, games work fine, etc... But the blue corruption for the POST screen and the streaming video is very annoying. Does anyone have any ideas (besides downloading new drivers)? I am still new to all this, so I might be missing something basic (I hope). Thanks in advance.
update your mobo bios and hope for the best ;)
Does anyone have any ideas (besides downloading new drivers)

I hate to say it, but I'm 99.9% sure it's a driver problem... And, out of curiosity, why don't you want to update your drivers?

Download DriverCleaner, un-install your old drivers, run DriverCleaner, and install new drivers.. and I bet you'll find your problems are gone...

p.s... Be sure to follow the instructions exactly when using DriverCleaner....
I hate to say it, but I'm 99.9% sure it's a driver problem... And, out of curiosity, why don't you want to update your drivers?
Oh, I don't have a problem updating the drivers, I was just wondering if it could have been anything else. I'll give driver cleaner a shot. I'm also getting an ATI message that I need to update .NET framework to version 2.0 (which I did) - but I noticed that MS has 3.0 out - but I am wondering if 3.0 is Vista only from the way it was described on the MS download page.. I have no idea what .NET framework does!

Thanks for the help!
Well, I managed to get rid of the NET error messages - I had to uninstall the ATI software, and then reinstall the latest version with drivers. However, I am still getting the initial gigabyte logo screen when the computer is turned on in the washed out blue colors, along with some streaming video. I was searching on this and another thread mentioned it may be a codec problem - but I am wondering why the initial Gigabyte bios screen would be washed out. Everything else (games, saved video, etc) appears fine. I'll try this again, this time using Driver Cleaner - but if anyone has any other ideas please chime in. I am just hoping it is not some wierd hardware problem.:(
If it happens in the POST screen, drivers and Windows updates won't help at all.
>>"If it happens in the POST screen, drivers and Windows updates won't help at all."

Could it be a hardware problem? I just tried uninstalling with Driver Cleaner, and re-installing, and same deal. I hate to return this for an exchange if nothing is wrong. My prior card was a Nvidea - I also made sure I hit the Nvidea drivers with driver cleaner as well. The post screen doesn't matter that much to me, but the streaming video is a problem. Odd that it looks fine when saved and played, however.

Lastly, are chipsets designed for a particulare ATI or Nvidea care, or does it not matter? I looked at the specs for my motherboard, and it does not say anything about that.

I'm wondering if there could be anything I've missed. I'm also going to submit this to ATI support to see if they have any ideas.

Anyway, thanks for the responses.
Well, it looks like it was the card - I took it back and got a X1650 exchange - post screen looks normal, no problems so far! :D