Possible problem installing ICC profile


Limp Gawd
Nov 5, 2012
Hey guys,

Received my PG278Q today and am trying to load the ICC profile i have gotten from TFT.

For reference i am following the guide at the bottom of this page:


EDIT . : Well from my own mucking around with my old pc, i have come to what i think is the answer.

You cannot install and have working an ICC profile for onboard video(HD4000 drivers not installed), and i suspect this is the same reason i cannot adjust gamma via the windows calibration.

Now, bear in mind i have not installed the HD4000 drivers either, so in DXDIAG my system shows "standard VGA graphics Adapter", i dont think i will bother installing the HD4000 drivers as i will be getting gpu's soon, so then i will load the ICC profile after i install them.

If someone could please confirm this that would be much appreciated, and set my mind at ease that once i install the gpu's the ICC profile will install no problem.

Thank You
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I use Argyll CMS to load my profiles. I have a batch file that runs AsAdmin via task scheduler at login. I can also run it via Girder+remote in case something resets it, like a game or whatever.

dispwin -d 1 -c "<path to profile>\<profile>"

Though I did just try with the W7 instructions from that link and it worked. I've never gotten it working via Windows color management before, wonder why it works now.
sorry posted here thought i was in the OP edit, my bad
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There is no reason for profiles not to work with an iGPU, but I'm not sure if missing drivers are the problem. You should install the drivers and make sure igfxpers.exe is disabled from starting in msconfig.

Windows 7 icc loading works fine.
There is no reason for profiles not to work with an iGPU, but I'm not sure if missing drivers are the problem. You should install the drivers and make sure igfxpers.exe is disabled from starting in msconfig.

Windows 7 icc loading works fine.

yeah i was going to try that, though i think i might just wait to get my new gpu's and do it then, save having to uninstall the hd4000 drivers then and having the slight chance of that causing an issue.