Portal 2


Mar 8, 2007
How is this game running? Can I expect 1080P with 4xaa on a GTX275 and Corei7 920? Does it push the hardware harder than HL2: Episode 2?
You should be fine. I'm running 1680 with 16xAA/AF nice and smooth. After all it is a Source Engine game. :p
Buggy as hell. The cross-hair vanishes at certain resolutions, making it extremely difficult to play :mad:
The pop-up tips also have the same problem that appeared in Left4Dead 1 and 2; they're three times too large, obscuring the screen.

HD 5850 running it fine, though. 5040x1050 + 8x AA + 16x AF + all settings maximum.
It's still a source game, so it should run great on a lot of older hardware.
I love the way that half of the levels in chapter 1 were just remakes of the original puzzles, but basically with decayed surroundings.
I played the whole game without crosshairs @ 6300x1920. I actually enjoyed the game more without the crosshair to be honest.
runs great on my 2010 13in macbook pro with 320m at 1280x800. Looks decent and plays well.
I had to disable in-game vsync then enable vsync and Triple Buffering in the nvidia Control Panel Portal 2 profile and set pre-rendered frames to 0 to get it to run good. I run vsync/triple buffering on all Source games and they run fine but Portal 2 gets laggy. When I disabled vsync in-game, the screen would tear so I obviously needed to use vsync. Either something is screwy with Portal 2 or the 270.61 drivers aren't playing nice with it.

Running on system in sig, 1680×1050.

Is this game crossplatform compatible for coop play?
I think you're supposed to be able to play with PS3 players.
I tested local splitscreen using L4D guides and it seems to work good. Biggest down is you have to load levels manually. So I'll have to figure out proper order.

Even tried out 2 screens+ eyefinity and I was able to get propper ratios.

But still same limit on controllers (I'll be limited to 1 person kbm, and 1 person x360 controller)
I had to disable in-game vsync then enable vsync and Triple Buffering in the nvidia Control Panel Portal 2 profile and set pre-rendered frames to 0 to get it to run good. I run vsync/triple buffering on all Source games and they run fine but Portal 2 gets laggy. When I disabled vsync in-game, the screen would tear so I obviously needed to use vsync. Either something is screwy with Portal 2 or the 270.61 drivers aren't playing nice with it.

Running on system in sig, 1680×1050.

I think you're supposed to be able to play with PS3 players.

Yes the game gets some bad input lag with the in-game vsync turned on. Even tested it with a 360 controller and it would also suffer just as bad with input lag. Just turned it off, never bothered trying through the control panel (I'm still on 260.99 I believe.)
So I bit, this is the first game I've bought since Homefront (pile of shit) and I never played the original Portal so it was a shot in the dark. I have to say though - It's pretty fun so far, works find with my eyefinity setup as well.

Edit: here's some eyefinity shots, makes it easier to figure out patterns I think. http://steamcommunity.com/id/seafoam/screenshots/
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